Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 135: terror

Jiang Yuan then waved his hand, and the ridicule between the two was full. Look at 'Mao. Line, Zhong. Wen, Net and the konjac seeing Jiang Yuan so provocative, it is also intolerable. After a screaming scream, the giant body suddenly smashed over, and Jiang Yuan’s body was five or six. The fists of the size screamed with the whistling wind.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan’s eyes were filled with a cold light. Not long after, the screams of the konjac spread throughout the mountain.

When everything returns to calm. At this time, the konjac is lying on the ground, and the nose and face are very funny. The grievances in the eyes are also a pity. But these are not useful for Jiangyuan.

Seeing that the konjac has been cleaned up by himself, Jiang Yuan knows that today's characters are also successfully completed. If you follow the "two-ninth" of a medieval wild animal one day...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan silently calculated it in his heart, and finally he was also bright. He thought that even the ancient broken cloud tigers sold 3,000 gold. If this is the case, then this konjac is not worth the price. What?

Jiang Yuan is somewhat proud of his thoughts about the money he can't spend in the future. Then I looked at the konjac and said coldly: "Get up with me!" But when Jiangyuan finished, the konjac was also half-pointed and seemed to be the same as Jiangyuan.

However, Jiangyuan can be as steady as a stone-like turtle, and pull out the sword. On the forehead, Jiangyuan directly expresses his sword, and then he said: "I will give you another chance, get up!! ”

If you see that you can't get up again, you may actually be killed by the human being. When you think of it, the konjac is also a surprisingly pleasing life, and then quickly climbed up from the ground. Look. Mao. Line. Zhong. Wen. Net saw that the konjac finally obeyed, Jiang Yuan recovered the sword and returned to the Dragon City.

And when Jiang Yuan left, the konjac knew that he had to follow this human to survive, and he simply followed.

In this way, one big and one small figure shuttles through the mountains.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Yuan finally saw the Dragon City with the konjac, but the sky is already dark, thinking that the gate has already been closed, or wait until tomorrow dawn.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan turned and said to the konjac: "Honestly carry it here." Then he walked under a huge old tree, and then sat down.

Seeing that Jiang came from Gu’s plate and squatting down, the konjac also found a place to sit down and planned to close his eyes and rest.

When everything calmed down, Jiang Yuan practiced the moon silk work, and the nearby aura began to gather slowly here. I don't know why, the space ring on the Jiangyuan handcuffs suddenly lit up.

Jiang Yuan opened his eyes and looked at it. He felt that the space ring seemed to have changed, but he could not say clearly. Then Jiang Yuan used the mental power to detect it into the ring.

With the exploration of spiritual power, Jiang Yuan found that he was not so vague in the ring before, but now it is very clear, and it also found that there is a very large space in the ring, predicting, most At least a lot of space can be added to the konjac.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan suddenly thought that he could take the konjac into the space ring?

With the recovery of mental energy, Jiang Yuan looked at the konjac not far away, and then used the ring for a year, but I don’t know why, when he wanted to put the konjac into the ring, Jiang Yuan suddenly had a sharp headache. .

This sudden situation allowed Jiang Yuan to give up this idea immediately. When he no longer thought about getting into the ring, Jiang Yuan’s head didn’t hurt.

Closed his eyes, Jiang Yuan took a three-fourth time to adjust the interest rate, then looked at the ring, Jiang Yuan is also thoughtfully thinking about the huge space in the ring is what to use.

And this thinking is a night. When the sun shone through the shade of the river, Jiang Yuan only quit thinking, then looked at the konjac and found that this big guy seemed to be able to sleep, then wake it up and bring it Go back to the Dragon City.

Seeing that Jiangyuan brought back a big horror, these city soldiers did not dare to block. With the opening of the 100-meter-high gate, the konjac also easily entered the Dragon City, but the konjac’s giants made all The eyes were attracted, and the big guy actually went into the city, and it was also a heart-wrenching. At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Jiangyuan and the konjac and stopped one person and one beast....

Looking closely, Jiang Yuan found that the person who came is Long Luotian, and Long Luotian did not think that Jiang Yuan actually brought such a big guy into the city, although it has no good impression on Jiangyuan, but at this time, if this is the big guy Suddenly going crazy, it is not a joke.

So for a time, Long Luotian had to look at Jiang Yuan with a smile and said: "Small brother-in-law, can you take this guy out of the city?"

"Why?" Long Luotian saw the civilians around him pointing at him, thinking that if the matter was not resolved, his future majesty in the dragon city would cease to exist, and who would still be there? Listen to this city owner?

Thinking of this, Long Luotian smiled and said: "You look at the younger brother, this is the place where humans live. It should have survived in the mountains, you bring it back, to it, to us. For these civilians, there is no benefit except for the disadvantages."

I saw Long Luotian’s fake saying to myself, but Jiang Yuan also knows how his mind thinks. Then he looks at Long Luotian and says, “Take it out, but this is my pet. I need a foreign one. For independent occasions, let them live, I think the city owner should have no problem?"

When I heard Jiangyuan talking about conditions with myself, Long Luotian’s heart burst into anger. But then I thought that I can't be out of sight in front of these people. After all, I am the master of one city. Then I closed my eyes and meditated for a long time. Finally, I said, "Oh! I promise you, but you are not 4.2, should you bring them out first?"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan said nothing, turned and took the konjac and left it. The most funny thing is that when the konjac turned around, he looked at Long Luotian’s eyes and the gods were full of contempt, which made a mysterious late How is the face of the master placed?

After that, Jiangyuan took the konjac out of the Dragon City, and Long Luotian also established a small town with enough tens of thousands of konjac in the ten miles outside the city. The project also cost a whole lot. The month is completed.

During this period, Jiangyuan, in addition to cultivation, arranged for the next person to arrange the auction of the wild animals, and after more than a month, the location was also selected and it was in the newly built small city.

Seeing the satisfaction of the production in front of him, Jiang Yuan also showed a smile. .

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