Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 166: attack

In the middle of the night, the woman did not know why she couldn’t sleep and went to Jiangyuan’s side to find Jiangyuan’s chat. But she would think that she would like to talk to herself when she was talking, but she did not take care of it. It was somewhat embarrassing, and then she did not go to Jiangyuan. . Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

However, all of this was perceived by Jiang Yuan. With a slap in the mouth, Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and said to the woman: "Since it is boring, why not talk to me? I just sit idle and have nothing to blame."

Seeing that Jiangyuan took the initiative to find himself, the woman was not so embarrassed, and then looked at Jiangyuan. The woman asked: "Why do you help me during the day?" Hearing this question, Jiangyuan also suspected that he had What is the idea of ​​misconduct? Then I looked at the woman and said, "Don't think too much, just look at people who are bullying women."

When I heard this, the woman didn’t ask much more. Then the two talked about it, and then they both knew the other’s name. The woman named Qingyue, because the family forced her marriage, she escaped, but she was unfortunately The family has found it.


After I got to know the woman's information, when the woman asked Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan was only vague and didn't say anything more. This caused the woman's curiosity.

The following night, the woman can be described as a question, so that Jiang Yuan feels a head more than two.

When the dawn came, and saw a glimmer of light on the horizon, Jiang Yuan simply got up and said: "Let's move on." Seeing that Jiangyuan did not loosen the night, Qingyue wrinkled the eyebrows, thinking that the girl would let the girl You said it.

Then the Qingyue followed up. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

The place of blood velvet, as the name suggests, has a certain relationship with blood. When the two came to the edge of the **** land, they suddenly found red light in the **** land. I thought it was a vision. When the two entered the **** land, they found that it was just blood velvet. The land naturally emits the light that comes out.

Entering the **** land, Jiangyuan saw the red color on the ground, and even the branches and leaves were bloody. The most important thing is that this **** place has a **** fluff from the middle of the air, but it is spectacular, but the **** smell has increased a lot.

"How many souls can this death be formed in this **** place?" Hearing the question of the Qing Dynasty, Jiang Yuan also shook his head and said that he did not know.

Just as the two walked on the edge of the **** land, the two found that the road ahead began to surge and smashed. At this time, the sound of the 9252 was picked up: "Hey! The system prompts the host to appear ten meters ahead. The alienated beasts of the Middle Ages have no extractables.” Hearing here, with the loud noise of Peng, the ground blew a big hole. A three-footed animal beggar.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan has locked his brows. After all, whenever the creatures are close to themselves, there will be extracts. What I didn’t think is that this strange monster can’t extract any of the East and West. There is nothing outside of the West.

After a snoring in the heart, Jiang Yuan said to the Qingyue after his death: "You can't deal with it, I am coming!"

"Attention!" When the Qing Yue dialect fell, Jiang Yuan had already rushed out, accompanied by one of the screaming swords, Jiang Yuan directly cut a sword to the neck of the neck.

When the sound of a snoring, Jiang Yuan turned back in a backspace, and at this time, the hand of Jian Jian, at this time, smashed up and looked at him. Jiang Yuan’s heart was also shocked. After all, his own casual sword was not a medieval waste. The beast has been so easily blocked, but this dead thing has been so easily blocked, and there is no slight damage, this is to let Jiang Yuan a glimpse.

The Qingyue, watching the battle on the side, was the first time that Jiang Yuan frowned. He knew that this monster was not as good as the two.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly saw a fluff with a thick blood fluttering over the top of the monster. As it disappeared, the smoldering inside the monster's eyelid changed from cyan to purple. With a snoring roar, Jiang Yuan did not think that a fluff would make it mad.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan knows that he does not come up with something, it is not alright.

After running the two instruments, Jiang Yuan directly called the silver dragon gun and took back the sword. Then Jiang Yuan shot a gun. Seeing the breath of the silver dragon gun, whether it is a blame or a clear moon, it is amazement. Then the eye of the moon is calm, thinking that since you dare to travel alone, you must have something extraordinary. Or it is a treasure that is unknown. Jiang Yuan is the one who will occupy both types.

Seeing that Jiangyuan attacked, although the blame blame the immortality in his handcuffs, but the fire of the soul at this time was completely controlled by the fluff. The body has also rushed up.

I feel the same thing about this thing. Although Jiangyuan has some doubts, but now I have to deal with this guy before I can move on, and now the **** fluff begins to get more and more, although I don’t know if this fluff will be right. People have the same effect, but they can't make fun of themselves and the life of Qingyue, so they think about it and say it first.

Then the silver dragon gun temporarily stimulated its original strength.

However, it also cost most of Jiangyuan's spiritual power. This is a surprise to Jiang Yuan, and then relieved. After all, it is a fairy 297. Even the most of the nine-day Xuanxian uses the fairy, so there is nothing good. Surprised.

Then with the bang of the giant bang, the monster was shot by Jiang Yuan, and after the big hand took the silver dragon gun back, Jiang Yuan stepped forward to the direction of the monster landing.

At this moment, in the area where the dust ignited, suddenly a lightning-like flight of East West.

Jiang Yuan was also fortunate to respond in time, and one of them shook away from the attack. Unfortunately, the subsequent snoring sound made Jiang Yuan’s body squat, looking back and discovering the Qing Dynasty.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan is not taking care of that blame, and then quickly came to the side of Qing Yue, and quickly cares: "Nothing?"

But the face was still ruddy and the ruddy moon, the next moment was pale, and after saying that it was poisonous, it fainted in Jiangyuan’s arms.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan is also a bitter smile. After all, if you block this attack, the grievances will not be so tricky now, because Jiangyuan did not bring the detoxifying drug when he came out, but now he is In the **** place, this has to be said to be a bit worse.

Then Jiang Yuan was also ignorant of the use of the two instruments to help the Qing Dynasty suppress the toxins in the body. .

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