Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 172: adventure

Hearing the stern eye of Jiang Yuan, the man also left to be honest. After all, he was still very afraid of death, but he did not want others to hang his emotions on his face. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

Seeing that this person did not speak, Jiang Yuan was no longer taking care of this person, and then he was busy with Qing Yue. When everything was done, Jiang Yuan began to sit and adjust his interest. After all, he just woke up, and there were still some injuries left in the body, so with this time, Jiang Yuan also began to repair.

After four days of adjustment, Jiangyuan was also restored. Although there were still residual injuries in the body, it did not matter.

Seeing that Jiangyuan has been cultivated, the person who was **** is comforting himself and can be released immediately, but this is not what Jiangyuan thinks.

When I opened my eyes, Jiangyuan saw that it was already at noon. At this time, several people also ate Dongxixi, and Jiangyuan said to Qingyue: "There is a matter of understanding." How do people deal with seeing you." Then Jiangyuan got up and walked out.

Grateful to see the back of Jiang Yuan, the Qing Yue is slowly coming to the front of this person, only the cold in the eyes. Although I don’t know what I did to myself when I was in a coma, my body is the most clear. Since this person has not done too much sensation, she is not too good at doing anything, but the death can be Freedom from living can not escape.

Just under the horror of this person, Qing Yue directly took out the dagger and abolished the life of this person. A snoring screamed directly out of the hole, but it didn't last long.

Just after everything returned to calm, the Qingyue walked out of the cave.

Seeing that the grievances of the Qing dynasty have been completed, Jiang Yuan turned and looked at the Qingyue: "Thank you, take care of me during this time. In fact, I already know that you have something sensational. is not much Say, because of my grievances during this time, I have delayed you. Since I have nothing to do, you can also be busy with yours. ̈ ̈."

Hearing here, Qingyue said to Jiang Yuan: "Do you want to drive me away?"

Seeing the Qingyue saying this, Jiangyuan has no way to justify it, because the more he argues, the worse he will defend. Jiang Yuan said: "You can think so, after all, I can't delay you because of an outsider. Everything is sensational." Hearing Jiang Yuan said, Qingyue is also looking down and wondering what is being thought of.

After a long time, the Qing Yue slowly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "If you say anything out of grievances, will you come back to help me?"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan is also a bit guilty, and there are some speculations in his heart, but after all, this is a private matter of others. Then Jiangyuan smiled and said: "This is nature. As long as I can do what I can, I must do it. Even if it is not possible, I will do it for your friend."

Hearing here, the Qingyue also showed a smile in the city, and Jiang Yuan’s heart shook. When the Qingyue said thank you, he turned and went down the mountain.

Seeing that the Qing Dynasty left, Jiangyuan did not think too much, and then looked at the cave behind his eyes, and it was not long before he went down the mountain road.

After the **** velvet land is unclear, Jiang Yuan is also somewhat spiritually fearful about the **** land, because the place where he can play the group is not the **** place.

And it’s hard to come out. Jiang Yuan doesn’t want to venture into it once. After all, his strength is still not enough. If it is strong enough, he will not be helpless in the face of such a place.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan was very thirsty for the strength. Then Jiangyuan began to look for the next destination after going down the mountain. Because he just came out of Longcheng, his own news channel was very narrow.

I can't give myself more reliable and rich news, but Jiangyuan doesn't plan to go down like this. After all, the news is the root of everything, so the next goal that Jiang Yuansu is looking for is a crowd and logistics. A wide range of places.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan took out the map and began to look for it.

Finally, Jiangyuan finally found a place called Panxing Town on the map. Although the name is a town, when Jiangyuan saw the location of Panxing Town, it was a well-connected place. If you want to come to this place, there should be no Less laughter news.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan’s eagerly retracting the map is on the way to Panxing Town.

Just when Jiangyuan left, the sound of 9252 was turned up: "Hey! The system prompts that there are people of the immortal level within the kilometer range of the host."

When I heard this, Jiang Yuan thought about a person, and then stopped thinking about it.

However, after a few steps, Jiangyuan suddenly thought of the Qingyue from the word "Xinxian", because the Qingyue is the level of the human being.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan smiled and continued to hurry.

Without Jiang Yuan’s expectation, a shadow appeared in the place shortly after he left the place.

Perceive the flow of Jiangyuan's breath is this direction, this Qian Ying directly smiled: ". Sakamoto girl does not intend to go back this time anyway, just keep up and see what you have to do." It disappeared in the same place, apparently tracking Jiangyuan.

I don’t know how long it took. When Jiangyuan walked out of this mountain forest, he found that the breath still didn’t give up tracking his own meaning. When he saw it here, Jiangyuan was also helpless, but he thought that he still had something to blame. No more stops, the diameter is ahead.

And with Jiangyuan for so long, I found that Jiangyuan is still doing this, and the number of people who follow Jiangyuan is somewhat doubtful. After all, Jiangyuan’s strength is far better than itself. There is no reason to follow it for so long. Did not find myself.

Thinking of this, this person slammed his mouth and did not intend to hide it, and then quickly rushed away.

(Good Zhao) It didn't take long for this person to keep up with Jiangyuan. However, when this person came to the back of Jiangyuan, Jiang Yuan also loved to answer it, and finally finally angered him.


Hearing himself, Jiang Yuan calmly turned and looked at the person behind him and smiled: "I don't know, what is the girl calling me?"

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s false positives, this person was also blinded, and then he said to Jiang Yuan: “You know that I am following you, why are you not paying attention to me?”

It is said that Jiang Yuan said innocently: "Hey, big day, I really don't know if someone is following the body... ah~~~~ You follow me? Any attempt? Say!"

Jiang Yuan asked, this time is also a blush, after all, a girl tracking a man, said that it is not good to go out, and then looked at Jiang Yuanwei: "I, I feel bored."

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