Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 306: Terrible

When I heard this, the two of them glanced at each other. Then one of them looked at their young master and said, "What do you do with the young master?" Hearing this type, the man said with a gloomy face: "Is it so weak? Go." Hearing here, the two men had no choice but to leave to observe the situation.

At this time, in the backyard of the auction, a large number of cold bodies had piled up on the ground, and people looked cold and sweat behind them.

Seeing here, the auctioneer is eye-catching and looking at the source of Jiangyuan, who is screaming at the corner of his mouth. The body of the body squatting on the ground constantly thinks about the decline of the former park.

"Oh, where did the tone go?" Hearing here, the eyes of the shopkeeper turned and looked at Jiangyuan and smiled: "Hey, just, just, just a little joke. This Big brother, uncle, don't go to the heart!"

Jiang Yuan took back the sword and went directly to the side of the shopkeeper. Then he smiled and said: "I am not interested in you, but it will belong to my Dongxi West, and I will meet again."

Just when Jiangyuan had just got up, the sound of 9:27 was ringing: "Hey! The system prompts that two people in the late nine days will appear within two hundred meters."

Hearing here, Jiangyuan mouth turned a corner, and then went to Liji's body.

"I didn't see it! Your kid is a good man!" Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at Li Ji. "You don't want to talk to me with a big population. It's awkward!"

Li Ji is no longer talking about anything more. At this moment, the two figures appeared directly in front of Jiang Yuan and Li Ji.

Looking at the dead bodies and the panicked shopkeepers, the two were also a glimpse. Then Jiang Yuan and Li Ji were found to be in the pub with their young masters.

"I didn't expect to meet you both here. If so, ask the young master to get rid of you, then go back with that little girl!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan looked at the two men and smiled: "If you said this before, I will be afraid of it, but now, it is not enough for you~.!"

After the words fell, the sword smashed out of thin air, hitting the wind and chaos directly to the two. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Because everything came too fast, even the two were a glimpse, but in the end they avoided the sudden attack of Jiang Yuan.

After avoiding the Jiangyuan attack, the two talents discovered that Jiangyuan had such strength, and then they rushed together after looking at each other.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan knows that he can't waste time here. Colleagues whose handcuffs disappeared from the sword, the silver dragon gun accompanied by a scream of the sound of the sky, followed by three people.

A huge shock wave directly shocked the three people.

After a few steps back, Jiang Yuan faced with danger and reached out to call the silver dragon gun back.

And seeing Jiang Yuan’s handcuffs is actually a fairy, the two eyes are also dignified. The two men also evoked the leading knife. Although they were slightly less than the weapons of the two weapons, they also improved some strength.

Along the place where Jiangyuan is located, the two of them slashed their colleague, as if they had opened the sky and waved directly to Jiangyuan.

Looking at it without hesitation, Li Ji, who is not far behind, is also looking worried. He is worried that if he can have such strength, then this person will not be a general.

Just as Lieji thought about this, with the bang of the bang, the vibration of the giant cockroach almost picked up the nearby place, and the weak body of Li Ji was also shaken by the ground.

After all, there is not much strength, but in the face of these sudden embarrassing situations, it can still cope with some.

Then Liji’s body became a black fog and disappeared into the air.

I didn’t even think about where to avoid it. The figure flashed, Jiangyuan directly broke through the smoke, and the aura was attached to the silver dragon gun. With the dance, the aura and space of Zhoutian was also in a position to fight.

"Broken a shot!"

As Jiangyuan screamed, the sky seemed to be dim.

The silver dragon gun was instantly silvery, and when the two men reacted, the gun was already out of Jiangyuan’s hand. The earth is shattered, the sky is stirred, and the redness of the gun body is showing how terrible the power it is.

The two people who wanted to avoid this attack suddenly found that the body was half solidified, and it was no longer possible to break free. It turned out that the white light on the body was working.

Jiang Yuanzuo’s horns are awkward, and the forehead is also beginning to show the silk sweat. After all, a shot and a smoke mist are simultaneously launched, which is also something that makes Jiangyuan’s body suffocate, but the two must solve the problem. In Jiang Yuan’s heart, the only thing he thought about at this time was the sensation.

When the gun hit two people, Jiang Yuan withdrew the white light.

Under the devastating power of the giants, the bodies of the two are gradually being eaten.

Only they feel that they can't get it. Because of the moment when they were hit by the gun body, the two had already ended their lives.

The sound of the 925th in the mind is also ringing at the same time: ". Hey! The system prompts that the host kills two people in the late nine days and gets 20,000 bio-energy."

As the sound of 9/27 was gone, everything around it fell into silence, and the bleak sky had already returned to normal, and the bright sunshine also directly hit the ground.

Looking at the land boundary of the wreckage at this time, there is no trace of mood swing in Jiang Yuan’s heart.

With a big hand, Jiang Yuan will call back the silver dragon gun.

At the moment of holding the gun body, the hot temperature made Jiangyuan frown.

"Good guy, I didn't expect this one-shot strike to let the silver dragon gun carry such a big burden! It seems that more powerful weapons are needed in the future."

When Jiang Yuan thought about these things, Li Ji didn't know where to go.

Looking at the unsatisfactory auction that had been swayed by Jiang Yuan, it was very helpless to say: "The affair has been done. We should have gone from time to time (good Li)?"

Jiang Yuan took back the silver dragon gun and then smiled: "Now, let's go."

Hold the Liji little pickpocket and leave it leisurely.

As the sensation of the auction came to an end, Shengping City was also boiling. After all, the strength of the auction was obvious to all. Now, the source of the destruction is not terrible.

Even two people in the late nine days lost their money.

I have to say that this incident is also amazed by the nearby cities. Even Yuanfengzhai, which is closer to Shengpingcheng, was informed of this.

"I didn't really think about it! This small place is back even like this person. Hehe." Sitting in the main position, wearing a Ziyun robe, the two scorpions have very symmetrical two Liu Baifa people in the Zhengtang A few people sitting down smiled and said.

And if one of these people is Jiang Yuan again, he might recognize this person. .

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