Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 310: blockade

Then the old man said with horror: "On that day, many monsters suddenly fell in the city, and they began to attack us when they landed. Simply, I was not in the city at that time, so I saw a life. ,"

After listening to the old man's remarks, Jiang Yuan is finally aware of the reasons for the death in this city.

Then Jiang Yuan said to the old man: "Sorry, let you think of sadness again." The old man looked at Jiangyuan and smiled: "It doesn't matter, I live in this city every day, I will recall every day." Then the old man laughed Road: "When I came back, the city has become like this. I thought about getting out of here, but when I was out of town, I found that I could not get out of here."

After hearing this, Jiang Yuanyi then looked at the old man and asked: "According to what you said, then we came in, and we can't go out from time to time?"

The old man shook his head and said: "I don't know. It's safe in the city. After years of my exploration, I found out that there is a ghost-like beast in the mist outside the city. So when it’s okay, still don’t try to go out.”

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan nodded, and then the door of the room where the little girl was living was opened.

Looking down the sound, I found that the little girl had woke up. After Jiang Yuan and the old man smiled together, Jiang Yuan looked at the little girl and asked: "Get up? How do you feel your body?"

The little girl who came out of her face was a little pale, and some people looked at her heart and love.

"I...when is this?" Hearing the question from the little girl, Jiangyuan frowned, and then asked him: "This is the nearest city to Shengpingcheng."

The old man then looked at the little girl and smiled: "Since I woke up, come over and drink some water." After the little girl heard it, she nodded and walked over.

After drinking water from Xiaotoutou, Jiangyuan remembered that he still didn't know the life of this girl.

Then Jiang Yuan looked at Xiaotoutou and asked: "What is your name? After I have been with me for so long, I still don't know?" After thinking about it, Xiaotoutou said with a cup of water: "Yu Ling."

After Zhai Ling introduced himself, the old man also liked this gimmick, and then kept the scorpion to let him sit on his big lame, and then looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "I don't know why you are here?"

Jiang Yuan said: "It’s just a matter of getting along here. It’s just that what I didn’t think is that there is still such a sensation here."

The old man’s colleague, the voice of the embarrassing voice came out of the house, and the old man and the spirit were shocked.

When he heard this voice, Jiang Yuan frowned, then got up and said to the two people: "You don't go out here, I will go see what happened."

The old man looked at Jiangyuan with care and said: "That is safe." After Jiang Yuan nodded, he turned and disappeared in the house.

At this time, the black air enveloped the hills in the eaves. Seeing here, Jiang Yuan, who appeared out, is also a cycle-like brow. "This is like the black gas that makes Qi Ling out of control!" Quoted a little, and a screen barrier that formed it was shrouded in the house where the old man and the spirit were located. on.

After the completion of the process, Jiang Yuan directly showed the sword in front of him, holding the sword, Jiang Yuan directly recorded a storm of black air.

The spiritual sword formed by the aura gathers the black gas into two halves, but because it is not a spirit or an entity, Jiang Yuan’s attack can’t work. Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan took back the sword, and then reached out and made a move, closing his eyes and awakening the blood of the dragon in the body.

After a long time, after the silvery light in the city, Jiangyuan seemed to have swallowed silver armor, and the skin was red and transparent. Between the waves, the black gas was swallowed up by the silver light.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuanzui smiled. Then the black gas of the rest will be eliminated. After watching the black gas disappear, Jiang Yuan dispersed his body and then turned and entered the house.

After seeing Jiang Yuan returning, the old man and the spirits were relieved a lot. Then the old man looked at Jiang Yuan and looked at God with awe. "I didn't think you were so powerful!"

Jiang Yuanyi, then asked: "You have seen it?" The old man shook his head, then pointed out the door and said: "I will naturally know when I see the strong atmosphere outside."

Jiang Yuan smiled, and then Ling Ling looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "What is the big brother going to do next?" Hearing here, Jiang Yuan’s glance, his heart is also a bit blank, after all, there is nothing to make himself The way to improve the strength, Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at the two said: "This is really not the place I am looking for, although there is no place to go, but will definitely find it."

Hearing here, Qi Ling and the old man nodded.

Looking at the old man, Jiang Yuan asked: "I don't know if you are willing to go out?" The old man stunned and then smiled: "If you can go out, it is natural, I don't know if it will hinder you."

When Jiang Yuan shook his head, he said: "The obstacles are not allowed, but they are not familiar with the terrain here. They just don't know if they can go out."

The old man smiled and said: "If I am an old man, I may not be able to go out in this life, but by you, the result will be different."

After hearing this, Jiangyuan smiled and said to the two people: "If that's the case, let's take a break and then set off. After all, 390 莜 丫 this gimmick has not recovered."

With the three agreed, the three started a break in the house. Because there is a lot of dry food inside the house, although it is wet, it can be kept for a while.

During this time, Jiang Yuan also started to squat around the city, and found that the old man said that he could not go out.

After a glimpse of the investigation, Jiang Yuan discovered that it was overwhelmed by the East, otherwise it would be impossible to be trapped in such a place by the strength of Jiangyuan.

With the guidance of the old man, Jiang Yuan is also familiar with the nearby terrain in this neighborhood, but the only thing that makes Jiangyuan headache is that it can't be touched, even the perception is not felt, but Jiang Yuan feels the plug. If you have a hint of meaning, you can leave here.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan is also somewhat guilty.

Looking at the misty environment in front of me, it was dead. Between the frowning, Jiang Yuan sighed in his heart, then turned and left here, returning to the place where the old man was.

I saw Jiang Yuan coming back. The old man came directly to Jiangyuan.

"How is the observation?" Jiang Yuan shook his head and saw that the old man was very helpless. .

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