Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 113 Good archery, but less powerful! Terrible woman, also take Mjolnir?

With Thor's intrusion, the siren of the blocked land immediately rang.

"Find the intruder, find the intruder!!"

The sudden voice immediately attracted the attention of all the guards, and everyone's eyes showed a vigilant light.

"What's going on?" Phil Coulson asked curiously, coming to Hawkeye's side.

"An interesting guy!" Hawkeye winked downwards.

Immediately Phil Coulson saw a tall man break in from outside and came to Mjolnir's side.

"Who is this guy?" Phil Coulson asked, looking at Hawkeye curiously.

"I don't know, but I think this guy has something to do with this weird hammer! 35

"This hammer came from outside the domain, do you think this man is also from outside the domain?"

"I can feel a special breath from him, which I have never felt in other people, so it is very possible!"

Hearing Hawkeye's words, Phil Coulson's face couldn't help but show interest.

"Don't touch him first, let's see the situation!"

Phil Coulson spoke to the communicator pinned to his shoulder.

With his order, a group of agents who had originally surrounded Thor stopped moving and hid in the dark to observe.

Without outsiders to stop him, Thor quickly came to Mjolnir's side.

"Finally we meet again, old man!" Thor muttered, his face full of excitement.

Now that his divine power has been deprived, he is no different from a normal human being.

But as long as he can regain the Mjolnir in front of him, he can regain the power of Thor.

When communicating with Heimdall, it will surely be able to return to Asgard.

Until now, he has always felt that there is nothing wrong with his approach.

Jotonheim infiltrated Asgard, intending to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters, the purpose of which is self-evident, is to revive the war and destroy the stability of the Nine Realms.

As the future Lord of the Nine, he was justifiably obligated to put down Heimdall's rebels.

This is what he should do as a king, and it is also what a king should behave.

So he couldn't understand what his father did, why he was demoted to the mortal world and deprived of his divine power.

It seemed inconceivable to him, inexplicable.

You are right!

How could he be wrong!

Indignant in his heart, as long as he takes back Mjolnir and regains his divine power, he must go back to Asgard and tell his father about it!

With such a radical idea, Thor took Mjolnir's hand without the slightest hesitation.

In the past, he was able to pick up Mjolnir with ease, then toss it into the air and catch it with ease.

In his imagination, it should be the same now, and he can still easily pick up his own Mjolnir.

But the moment he clenched Mjolnir's hand, his complexion suddenly changed.

With just a little effort at first, Mjolnir remained silent.

As if he couldn't believe it, his strength gradually increased.

However, Mjolnir still has no movement!

"No no, this is impossible".!" Thor muttered, his eyes full of disbelief.

In the end, as if he didn't believe in evil, he went into battle with both hands, holding Mjolnir's handle tightly.

The whole figure was like a tug of war, trying to shake the Mjolnir in front of him with all his strength.

But the result is still the same!

Suddenly, Thor seemed to be in disbelief.

Such a scene was something that neither Hawkeye nor Phil Coulson thought of.

"Looks like you're feeling wrong!" Phil Coulson said, shaking his head.

Hearing this, Hawkeye's eyes flashed a strange color, and he smiled.


"Get him!" Phil Coulson said into the communicator.

Suddenly, a group of agents appeared, trapping Thor in the middle.

But at the moment Thor seemed to have lost his mind, and he stood there dumbfounded, ignoring the group of agents around him.

He only wants to know why this is happening now, and whether he will be caught or not is not within his scope of consideration at all.

Mjolnir is his most handy weapon, and now he can't even pick up his own best weapon.

What kind of Thor are you?

"Am I really wrong?" Thor stood quietly, muttering to himself, his eyes full of disappointment.

A group of agents had already come to his side, handcuffed his hands, and were about to take him for interrogation.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, directly smashing the roof of the building they were in.

The broken pieces fell, and immediately knocked out several agents.

Before everyone could react, a cold female voice sounded.

"It's so lively here, and it looks interesting!

As the voice fell, a very beautiful woman appeared in front of everyone.

The woman was wearing a gothic black dress and her slender legs were wrapped in a pair of black leather pants.

Although the woman in front of her wrapped her body very tightly.

But the bumps of the figure are so uneven, it is still difficult to cover it with clothes!

Anyone can guess what a beautiful body is hidden under this dress.

However, seeing this beautiful woman, a group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents did not have the slightest idea.

Instead, Qi Qi's scalp was numb, his body felt cold, and his legs couldn't help shaking.

Because the woman who appeared in front of them at the moment was none other than the female slayer from the Rockefeller family, the devil, and Miss 2b.

"Why is she here!" Phil Coulson's face became very solemn when he saw Miss 2b suddenly appear.

Regarding the horror of Miss 2b, he, the eighth-level agent, is naturally clearer.

"Why can't I come?" His eyes moved, falling on Phil Coulson.

Although what Phil Coulson just said was very light and light, it was still clearly heard by Miss 2b's terrifying hearing system.

Seeing 2b's cold gaze, Phil Coulson was nervous, secretly saying that he shouldn't talk too much.

However, 2b's gaze did not stay on him for too long, but moved his gaze to Hawkeye beside him.

Immediately, his whole body felt as if he was wet with an ice bucket, and his body could not help but tremble.

Because he saw that Hawkeye raised the bow and arrow in his hand and aimed at Miss 2b, looking like he was ready to go.

"What are you doing, Hawkeye, put it down!!" Phil Coulson said in horror.

Hawkeye has been on a mission in the island country for a while and just returned yesterday.

So he didn't know anything about what happened in the beautiful country during this time.

In this way, there is a scene in front of you!

"I feel a terrible threat from this woman, she is very dangerous! Hawkeye said with a solemn face.

66” Phil Coulson

This woman is very dangerous, I need you to say it!

All of them in S.H.I.E.L.D know this shit.

If he could, he really wanted to knock out Hawkeye in front of him with a stick right now.

He was so busy these days that he forgot to tell him about the Rockefeller family.

I thought it wasn't a big deal, and it didn't matter if I told him later.

After all, Hawkeye is a very stable person, and it should be impossible to provoke the Rockefeller family.

But he never imagined that at this time, the female devil who belonged to the Rockefeller family would suddenly come to them.

What's worse, because he didn't know the woman in front of him, Hawkeye even pointed his weapon at her at this moment.

Isn't this inappropriate to find death!!

`Miss 2b, this is a misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding, Hawkeye just came back and doesn't know you.

We had no ill intentions, Hawkeye dropped his arms immediately, it's not something we can offend!"

Phil Coulson was yelling haha, while forcing down Hawkeye's bow and arrow aimed at 2b with his hands.

But the result was obviously too late, looking at Hawkeye with cold eyes.

There is a terrifying aura looming over Miss 2b's body.

"You're right, I'm really in danger!" The voice fell, and Miss 2b disappeared.

When she appeared again, she was already in front of Hawkeye.

Looking at 2b who suddenly appeared in front of him, Hawkeye looked horrified, and instinctively shot a blasting arrow at the terrifying woman in front of him.

But in the face of his attack, Miss 2b just raised her hand and grabbed the arrow easily.

"Boom!!" 9

Hearing a loud bang, the blasting arrow exploded in Miss 2b's palm.

The explosion, which could shatter rocks easily, was like a small firecracker in the palm of Miss 2b's Vibranium.

She was actually compressed into her palm by Miss 2b without causing any harm to her.

"It's a good arrow, but the power is a little too small, remember to improve it next time!" 2b sneered, raised his hand and hit the back of Hawkeye's neck.

Just like that, Hawkeye rolled his eyes and fell straight down, falling into a deep sleep.

(Qian Li Hao)

"I'll spare your life since it's your first offense!" After that, 2b returned to Thor again.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and the speed was incredible.

"Thank you, Miss 2b!" Phil Coulson breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hawkeye who was knocked out.

Fortunately, this woman showed mercy, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Once this woman goes mad, everyone here is afraid that they will not be able to live!

Ignoring Phil Coulson, 2b's gaze stopped on Thor.

"Are you Thor Thor?"

"you know me??"

Hearing Miss 2b's words, Thor's face was bewildered, he just came here today.

But the woman in front of him seemed to have known him.

"I don't know, just to confirm my identity!" 2b shook his head.

Immediately, he threw a knife at Thor, and before Thor could react, he rolled his eyes, and then fell straight down, even fainting.


"??" Phil Coulson

Phil Coulson was dumbfounded.

What is this woman doing?

As soon as he came in here, he stunned the two of them without saying a word.

And just when he was stunned, he saw an even more shocking scene.

I saw that terrifying Miss 2b was walking towards that strange hammer.

Judging from her appearance, she even went to get a hammer!!.

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