Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 126 The anti sky biological invasion program, be obedient, and sleep well! (Please subscribe

"what is this?"

"Mechanical armor? Can the Rockefeller family even build something like this?"

"Such a huge amount of mechanical armor, even Tony. Stark, a technological genius, has never seen him make it. I didn't expect that the Rockefeller family already owns it."

"What's so strange about this, even so many suspended robots have been built by the Rockefeller family, and there's nothing strange about one more giant mecha!

"That's true!"

Looking at the scene that suddenly appeared in front of them, a group of S.H.I.E.L.D's super agents were full of surprises.

But when they thought that the woman in front of them came from the Rockefeller family, this kind of surprise became a matter of course.

After all, that was a Rockefeller!

After all, that 14-year-old super genius boy can crush the existence of Tony. Stark!

Not only a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D agents were surprised, but Loki in Asgard was incredible.

For Locke, for the woman in front of him, he thought he had investigated enough details.

But at this moment, when he saw that 2b could still perform the so-called transformation, he was really surprised!

"Fake, what the hell is this, that damn boy, damn woman, how many messes are there?"

Loki's face was not as gloomy as "eight six seven", and he couldn't help but curse when he was depressed.

"No matter what means you have, I will never let you go. I will take back my revenge by taking my weapon and humiliating me that day!" Loki said through gritted teeth.

As an existence who wants to become the Lord of the Nine Realms, Locke's previous actions are his black history.

The things that happened to him were absolutely unforgivable and absolutely not made known to others.

And the only way is to pacify the Rockefeller family, to pacify the bastard who is more cunning and treacherous than him.

"Destroy her!" Locke controlled the destroyer mecha and punched 2b, who turned into a humanoid mecha.

Miss 2b who drives the humanoid mech is now taller than the destroyer mech.

After all, her humanoid mecha is almost five meters, and the destroyer mecha is just over three meters, which is almost twice the difference.

Looking at the fierce fist, 2b smiled disdainfully, raised his hand to grab it, and easily grabbed the fist of the Destroyer Mecha in the palm of his hand.

I was looking at huge amounts of fists just now, and now in front of the Type 2b humanoid mecha, it is like a child's fist, very miniature!

Easily catch the punch of the Destroyer Mecha, and directly connect the 2b of the Humanoid Mecha with neurons without the slightest pause and delay.

Controlling his steel body, he grabbed the Destroyer Mecha's hand and slammed it to the ground.

Three meters high, the destroyer mecha like a hill immediately came into close contact with the hard ground.


The terrifying sound of impact suddenly sounded, and the entire ground was knocked out of a huge deep crater.

It wasn't over yet, after such a blow, the tall steel body quickly clenched the fist made of Adamantium.

Then, he slammed into the Destroyer Mecha that fell to the ground, and the powerful force immediately shook the Destroyer Mecha's body.

The Destroyer mech is made by Odin using uru metal, while the humanoid mech made by Roc is a combination of Adamantium and Vibranium.

In terms of materials, it is impossible to say who is stronger and who is weaker, and the difference between the two should not be too big.

After all, these three metals are all existences that can be ranked in the Marvel world.

It is precisely because of this that the giant fist created by Adamantium can shake the body of the Destroyer Mecha.

Change it to other metals, no matter what kind of attack, I am afraid that it will not be able to cause any damage to the destroyer mecha.

This is enough to explain the power of the humanoid mecha created by Locke.

"Be good, be obedient, and go to sleep!" Miss 2b said while constantly throwing her fist at the Destroyer mecha.

Because of Locke's new plan, what she has to do now is not only to stop the actions of the Destroyer Mecha, but also to bring it back to Master Locke's manor and use it for housekeeping.

This Destroyer Mech was originally meant to guard Odin's vault.

Now Locke just wants to replace the place guarded by the destroyer mecha with his own manor.

Shouldn't that be too much?

After all, he is the man who will help Thor fight the terrible disaster of Ragnarök.

Is there a problem with taking a little benefit now?

Absolutely no problem!

Although Odin said that the reward that belongs to him will be handed over to him after it is done.

But the ghost knows how long it will be until Ragnarök's prophecy will take place.

Although Locke, who is a traveler, can roughly calculate that the day when Asgard encounters disaster will be two years later.

But according to his research, this world is different from the Marvel movie world he imagined.

Even he did not know whether the major events in the later period would develop in the direction he expected.

What if not?

Wouldn't it be a big loss then?

He didn't want to base his happiness on something unknown two years later.

No matter how many, first get the benefits that can be seen in front of you, this is the kingly way!

Loki, who was controlling the Destroyer mecha, listened to what Miss 2b said, and the whole person was stunned.

Constantly punching yourself while constantly telling yourself to be good?

How can these two behaviors appear so contradictory and ridiculous together!

His face was extremely ugly, this was because he didn't take him, the future king of the Nine Realms, into his eyes at all!

"The purpose of constantly throwing punches at the Destroyer Mecha is to make the Destroyer Mecha fall asleep?

It's a naive idea, but as long as my consciousness doesn't fall into a deep sleep, the Destroyer Mecha will never fall into a deep sleep.

The Destroyer Mecha has almost infinite energy, it won't get tired, and today I am exhausted, and I can exhaust you to death!" Loki muttered to himself viciously, his eyes full of confidence.

While talking, he continued to use his consciousness to control the destroyer mecha to launch a counterattack towards Miss 2b.

At this moment, the face of the destroyer mecha immediately lit up with a fiery red energy light group.

Obviously, this is a sign that the Destroyer Mecha is about to emit energy rays again.

Seeing this, Miss 2b had a disdainful smile on her face.

"Use the same move on me twice, are you looking down on me, or are you overestimating yourself?" Miss 2b sneered.

Just as the Destroyer Mecha released the energy ray, the humanoid Mecha controlled by Miss 2b quickly raised her right hand and slammed her palm towards the Destroyer Mecha's face.

Suddenly, the energy ray collided with the palm of Miss 2b's humanoid mecha.

The energy ray that could smash houses and cars easily, but in Adamantium's palm could not cause a little bit of damage.

The air was scorched by the flames, the explosions and the hunting, but the palm of the humanoid mecha had no effect.

"It's useless, just such energy rays can't do any damage to the humanoid mecha meticulously crafted by my young master, you better sleep well! 55

Miss 2b smiled proudly, and the palm that easily blocked the energy ray pressed down violently, and even directly clasped the head of the destroyer mecha.0

Grab it, and then smash his head heavily on the ground, 2b tries to use this savage way to incapacitate the Destroyer Mech Ability.

In this way, he can bring the Destroyer Mecha back to the Rockefeller Manor as he wishes, and then he will receive the reward given to her by the young master.

But he obviously underestimated the strength of the Destroyer Mecha, as Loki said.

As long as Loki's consciousness is not disconnected, the Destroyer Mech will continue to fight and never fall asleep.

Unless 2b hits the ultimate move, like the scene in the Marvel movie, with the power of Mjolnir, a hammer smashes the Destroyer mech into pieces.

In this way, the destroyer mecha will fall into a deep sleep, and it will no longer be possible to move.

But obviously, this is not what Miss 2b wants, let alone what Locke wants.

After all, Locke also counted on the Destroyer Mecha to take care of his own home!

If it is broken into pieces, it will be a p!

And Locke seems to have discovered that it is impossible for Loki to lose control of the Destroyer mech using physical force alone.

And Locke's body is not on the earth, but in Asgard.

As such, it's unlikely that he even wants to take a shot at Loki!

Therefore, the only way is to cut off the connection between Loki and the Destroyer Mech, so that it can no longer control the Destroyer Mech, this is the best solution.

Just how to cut the connection between them?

This is a tricky question.

After thinking hard, there was a sudden flash of inspiration, and the technological means in the world of things from heaven could not help but appear in my mind.

Among them, Nimf, the all-powerful Angel for electronic warfare, has the anti-sky hacking technology that can invade any creature.

Although he has not yet created Nimf, he has completely mastered Nimf's hacking techniques through the blessing of the system.

Somewhere, he felt that the sky-defying hacking technology he had mastered might be able to play a key role.

Without the slightest hesitation, the artificial intelligence 9s was immediately awakened, and then lines of very mysterious codes were tapped on the operation panel at a speed of 2.1.

In just a moment, the electronic program for invading the organism is complete.

"9s, inject this biological invasion program into the system of the Type 2b humanoid mecha!" Locke said expectantly.

"Understood, the biological invasion program has been successfully injected and can be used!" The voice of artificial intelligence 9s sounded in Locke's ears, and it also sounded in the ears of Miss 2b.

"Biological invasion program? What is it?" Miss 2b looked stunned.

Although there are doubts on her face, since it is something the young master gave her, there must be nothing wrong.

Without the slightest hesitation, the biological invasion procedure of the humanoid mecha was started immediately.

[Invasion program starts, intrusion object: Destroyer Mecha. The intrusion is successful, and a mysterious spiritual link is found. The link is too far away and cannot be traced temporarily. Do I need to cut off the spiritual link? Re-establish a new spiritual link? 】

"Yes!" Hearing the electronic synthesis sound that kept ringing in his ears, 2b's face was full of surprise.

A ghostly messenger said yes, and the destroyer mecha in front of him immediately stopped moving.

At the same time, she was surprised to find that her consciousness seemed to have some mysterious connection with the destroyer mecha in front of her, and she was actually able to control the destroyer mecha in front of her!

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