Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 128 An abnormal Gwen appears, and the multi universe strikes?

Blue sky, cloudless.

A hint of autumn came, accompanied by falling leaves, bringing a little coolness.

This was Locke's first autumn in this world, and he enjoyed it very much.

My life has gotten better and better since I came here.

The not too thick cloak was gently covered from behind, and then a pair of soft and skillful hands hugged Locke, who was standing by the window watching the battle between 2b and the Destroyer Mecha, from behind.

Feeling the calm breath coming from behind and a little soft squeeze, a soft smile appeared on Locke's face.

Turning around, he gently hugged Miss A2's boneless waist, and scratched on the tip of her pretty straight pen.

Unlike 2b's activity, a2 seems to have continued the character of the original world, which is taciturn.

However, it is precisely because of her reticence that she has a sense of coolness that other young ladies and sisters do not have.

Being taciturn doesn't mean she doesn't care about people, it's just that her way of caring about people is not words, but actions.

"Master, it's cold, don't catch a cold! a2 looked at Locke quietly and said with a red face.

His young master seemed to like to scratch her nose very much, and he would shave lightly every time he saw her.

After a long time, she has become accustomed to this way of greeting Roar, and has also liked it.

Every time Locke scratched the tip of her nose lightly, a feeling of joy that he had never had before appeared in his heart, making her blush inexplicably.

"With your warm embrace, I can't be cold!" Locke said with a smile.

"There is no formality!" a2 smiled, cold and beautiful.

"Why don't you go and play with them?" Locke's eyes moved to the lawn, on a group of robot wives who were competing with the Destroyer Mecha.

It has been two days since the Destroyer Mecha was brought back by Miss 2b.

In the past two days, his good manor lawn has become a fighting arena for a group of robot wives.

And the object of their fight is naturally the destroyer mecha from Asgard.

The powerful destroyer mecha has successfully become the sparring partner of Asgardian of Locke Manor and a group of robot wives.

After all, their strength is really too strong, and no one on earth can make them exert their full fighting power.

In addition to the creator of Locke, the battle with Locke is often not a serious battle.

After all, Locke is a peace-loving and learning-loving teenager. He would try not to do things like fighting and killing.

Isn't it good to study more, take more classes, and do more homework?

For example, to verify the inclination angle between the human body and the wall, at what degree will it be the most comfortable?

This is a very worthwhile question. After many experiments and verification by Locke and several teachers, the answer varies from person to person!

However, most people prefer an angle greater than or equal to 90 degrees.

Definitely, there are some people who like less than 90 degrees, but this kind of person is an outlier in Locke's view, too perverted!

The peace-loving Locke doesn't like to play real fighting games with his wives, and if the wives fight each other, it will affect the internal unity.

Therefore, the appearance of the Destroyer Mecha immediately filled this vacancy, so as not to let his robot wife have nowhere to send it.

Otherwise, all the extra energy would have to be spent on him, which is quite hard to think about.

"I've played enough of this kind of battle in the past two days, it's not interesting anymore".!" Miss a2 said with a smile.

"So that's the case, then let's play something else?" Locke looked at Miss A2's pretty face and raised his eyebrows.

He looked around, and then looked at 2b who was still fighting outside the window, and a group of other sisters who were cheering and cheering around.

a2 nodded his head with a hot face, and said, "That's what I mean!

After all, she spared Locke, slowly closed the curtains, and then silently locked the door.

Looking at her cautiously like a thief, Locke couldn't help but think she was very cute.

Under the glamorous appearance, there is a slightly shy Miss A2. This sense of contrast is very charming.

"Is it alright?" Locke looked at his wife a2 with a gentle face and asked.

Every young lady has her own personality, and because of their different personalities, they have completely different behavior patterns.

For different behavior patterns, what Locke needs to do is very simple, that is, respect.

Mutual respect can be exchanged for each other's love.

He nodded silently, and hummed softly.

Then there was another stab.

It was the sound of the zipper of the black leather jacket being unzipped.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Locke was shocked.

It turned out to be a whole set of nets.

Immediately with a smirk on his face, it seems that he doesn't know much about a2's wife!

But she never thought that under her cool appearance, there is a wild heart hidden!

The so-called cold outside and hot inside should be what it means!

A few days later, it was still in the study.

But this time, there is no Miss A2 in the study room, nor any other young lady.

Some are just old and unruly old Mo.

Don't get me wrong, Locke is normal.

Although Lao Mo is a little abnormal, he certainly dare not dare to Locke!

"Is there something urgent that needs you to knock on my door at night?" Locke said with a yawn.

The precious quartz clock in the study has already pointed to 12 o'clock in the evening.

According to his previous work and rest habits, he should still be doing his homework at this time, but today, unfortunately, he took a rest.

Otherwise, the good Yaxing would have to be wiped out by Lao Mo's somewhat hurried knock on the door.

"There is something abnormal in Miss Gwen!" Lao Mo said with a very solemn expression.

Hearing Lao Mo's words, Locke, who was still yawning, turned cold in vain.

An unusually terrifying aura erupted from his body, and immediately Lao Mo felt that the surrounding air seemed to have dropped to freezing point, terrifyingly cold.

It made him tremble uncontrollably, his back was cold, and his body was cold.

He had been following Locke for some years, and it was the first time he saw Locke look so terrifying.

At this moment, he only felt that the young master sitting in front of him was no longer the smiling boy from before, but a giant beast dormant in the abyss.

The gentle and elegant appearance before was just the tip of the iceberg that he revealed, and the terrifying appearance now is his true body.

"What's abnormal?" The icy voice seemed to freeze to death from Locke's mouth.

"Actually, the abnormal situation was discovered by me not long ago!" Lao Moqiang endured his fear and told the story one by one.

"That is to say, Gwen, who was almost hit by a car, suddenly burst out with an explosive force that ordinary people can't imagine, and avoided it unconsciously?" Locke murmured, but he didn't expect that the abnormality that Lao Mo said was this.

The terrifying breath slowly retracted, and a curious look appeared on his face.

As we all know, Marvel has a multi-universe argument.

In another parallel universe, Gwen replaced Pete Parker as the female Spider-man of the Marvel world.

At this moment, Gwen's abnormal performance made him have to wonder if someone had opened the multi-universe, thus allowing Gwen from another parallel universe to come to this world.

In fact, such doubts, Locke had already had it since he came to this world.

After all, the Marvel world he is now in is still a lot different from what he remembers.

Similar to the Catwoman Selena of the DC world, Maguire's version of Spider-man, and the timeline of the body together.

These should not have appeared in the same world, but now they have all appeared.

As such, he had no reason not to doubt.

But so far, he still has no concrete answer to this question.

On Selina's side, he has also investigated, and found nothing abnormal from her.

Regarding Gwen's abnormal performance, he subconsciously guessed in the direction of multi-universe.

However, after a while, he shook his head again, which should not be very likely.

After all, his time with Gwen was not short.

In his impression, she is an ordinary person.

Even a multi-universe invasion is long overdue, not waiting now.

He was curious, could it be another coincidence?

Or did someone with ulterior motives play tricks on Gwen?

Thinking of this, his face couldn't help but look more and more difficult.

"Yes, the person we sent to protect also discovered it by accident, or else we don't know!" Lao Mo nodded and said with a puzzled look.

Obviously, this matter is beyond his imagination, after all, this kind of thing is definitely not something that a normal human woman can do.

"Didn't you guys keep secretly protecting her? Why does this still happen?" He looked at Lao Mo and said with a questioning tone.

Hearing this, Lao Mo lowered his head in shame.

"A few days ago, Miss Gwen went to a cocktail party with her chief father. At that time, there were so many people, Miss Gwen went to the bathroom..."

With a sigh, this matter can't be blamed on Lao Mo's subordinates.

After all, Gwen is a big living person, and it is impossible to take care of him 24 hours a day.

If anyone with bad intentions really wants to get close to her, it's still very easy.

Not to mention other things, the effort to go to the toilet is enough.

(Qian Wang Zhao) Now his focus should not be on blaming people, but on Gwen.

Why does she behave so abnormally, and what kind of secret is hidden behind her.

Is it actively hiding, or passively ignorant?

These are two completely different situations, the former is extenuating, the latter is serious.

It means that someone is really bad.

"Looks like it's very necessary for me to meet Gwen!" Locke tapped his fingers on the desk with a different rhythm.

"Uncle Mo, you've worked so hard for you this time, you are so old, and you still run around for me every day, it's hard for you! Locke's eyes moved to Lao Mo and said.

"You're welcome, young master, it's my honor to be able to do things for the young master at such a young age.

And it's not hard at all. Now I can drive for two hours after get off work every day!

If I don't say it, who would know that I am an old man in his 80s!" Lao Mo said with a smug look on his face.


Uncle's, it was originally out of kindness to care about the loyal old servant.

I didn't expect this old servant to have a face-to-face match with him.

After a while, a figure flew out directly from the window of the study, accompanied by a screaming toilet.

At this time, the door was knocked gently, and the commander in black tulle pajamas walked in.

"Master, what was that voice just now?"

"Oh, it's alright, just a big black rat!"

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