Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 137 At this moment, incarnate as the sun, burn everything, and everything is g1! (Subscribe!

Above the sky, two F22 fighter jets affiliated to the Ministry of National Defense were slicing through the sky at supersonic speed, and the low-altitude Flight erupted with thunderous roars.

"Eagle 1 found a special situation, the ground below collapsed in a large area, and the infrared thermal vision instrument detected abnormal energy fluctuations, over! 35

The pilot on one of the fighter jets glanced down, then looked at the infrared thermal vision device for a while, and said in surprise.

Just ten minutes ago, a sudden terrorist explosion stunned their entire military area.

Everyone thought that another country had committed the crime, and the siren instantly rang through their entire military district.

Then there were fighter jets in deep space, and they began to search all around.

Then they saw a scene that they would never be able to forget in this life. They saw a huge amount of meteor crater appear out of thin air in the vast mountain range.

Looking at it from the air, it was as if someone had drawn a cut on a pretty face, which was shocking.

After discovering such anomalies, the military attaches great importance to it, and began to carry out a carpet search with a radius of hundreds of kilometers around the crater.

They didn't expect that it was really rewarding, and they actually discovered an abnormal situation!!

"Eagle 2 also found an abnormal situation, the situation is confirmed to be true, over!

In the military department, a black colonel listened to the news with a solemn expression.

At this moment, if Tony Stark was here, he could see at a glance who this man was.

He was Colonel Rhodes, the guy who put on Tony. Stark's steel battle suit and became the War Machine not long ago.

It was his 10 participation that together with Tony. Stark severely injured Ivan Vanke.

"Lock the location of the abnormal energy and see what it is?" Colonel Rhodes said in a deep voice.

He had never heard of a guy who could easily cause such a terrifying explosion.

Intense curiosity made him eager to see the truth and see what kind of monster it was.

"The target location has been locked, the target is found, is that one, person?"

The flight attendant seemed to be in disbelief, looking at the man who came out of an exit in a hurry below, his eyes were dazed!

Because under the display of his infrared thermometer, the man turned out to be the high-heat body he detected.

But how is it possible?

Is it possible that the human body emits such terrifying heat, or the body will spontaneously ignite.

But such a strange scene appeared in front of his eyes so abruptly, he was naturally stunned.


Hearing the news that came back, Colonel Rhodes thought he had heard it wrong.

"Eagle 1, please repeat your answer, what is it?" Rhodes said to the communicator.

"Man, it's a person!! His eyes are looking at us, Oh damn, he can fly!" A slightly frightened voice came from the mouth of the flight officer, making all the military personnel stunned.

HYDRA's secret base, Locke unhurriedly walked out of the underground base and came to the ground.

The strange robot Dr. Zola followed him very carefully, like a loyal servant.

Speaking of which, he, who has promised to join Locke's forces, is now Locke's subordinate.

When he came outside, the first thing Locke saw was the two F22 fighter jets passing over him at a low altitude.

He did not expect that even the military was alarmed when he came out to clean up the HYDRA organization.

He even sent F22 fighter jets to investigate. It seems that the group of guys in the military are very interested in him who made all this!

If it was put on hold before, he would still think about hiding it, but now he finds that he hides his own strength too much, which brings the coveting of others.

Everyone thought that his deterrent power came only from the wives of his Yoba unit.

So this can't help but make them have an illusion, it seems that as long as they avoid the Yoba army, they can directly attack him as a young master.

It can easily kill him, and it can disintegrate the current system model of Rockefeller.

He didn't want them to have such a dangerous idea, after all, it would trouble his life.

He usually just hopes to have a good relationship with Gwen, flirt with his robot wives, and do what he likes. It's just such a small wish.

I don't want to be interrupted by people suddenly!

But to do this, after thinking about it, there is only one way, and that is to completely cut off the fluke ideas from various hostile forces.

How to stop fluke?

Quite simply, let their visceral fear be on their own.

Just like Dr. Zola in front of him.

Fear is awe-inspiring, knowing what can and cannot be done.

Just like the raging flames, if you touch it, you will die, and naturally no one dares to touch it.

Therefore, the strength no longer needs to be hidden.

Not only do you not have to hide, but you must also make a big move for everyone to see, he, Locke, is now that untouchable flame!

As if the body had no weight, it easily lifted off the ground and slowly flew into the air.

Looking straight at the galloping, and already locked on his F22 fighter, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On the F22 fighter jet, the pilot was already stunned. He never imagined that the man could actually fly!

The joystick was pulled up quickly, and the fighter jet shot up. Before receiving the order to fire, he must not fire in advance.

And for a while, he didn't dare to fire, a man who can fly, the ghost knows what terrifying operations he will make.

S.H.I.E.L.D, on the sky carrier.

Nick Fury stared at the screen in horror, although he had long suspected that the Rockefeller family was responsible for all this.

But when he saw from the screen that the guy who came out was actually Locke himself, he was still shocked.

This is completely beyond his imagination, even in his impression, Locke is just a technological genius.

He can create a floating throne, can create a large number of auxiliary robots, and can create a few terrifying women like killing gods.

But he himself should have been just an ordinary person originally, even if it was his technological means to strengthen his body.

That should be the same level as those women, in his opinion, it is already scary enough.

But the current scene is undoubtedly telling him that their thoughts are still a little too naive.

In front of this young man, their understanding is still too little, too little.

Heaven-defying technology is just one of his methods.

Under the disguise of technological means, it turned out that his own strength was even more terrifying.

Flight out of thin air, the body releases high-energy heat and creates terrorist explosions, is this still human?

It's a humanoid monster!

As for the humanoid creature who can do all this, the figure of the powerful woman called Captain Marvel can't help but appear in his mind.

Damn, what is the relationship between this young man and Carol, and why does the ability between them seem to be similar?

Question after question popped up in Nick Fury's mind, but he couldn't find the answer at all.

And now is not the time to find the answer, the phone is immediately dialed to the military.

Don't do it at this time, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!!

I hope that the group of guys in the military can instantly recognize Locke's identity.

This guy is not something they can offend at all!

The call is connected.

"Colonel Rhodes, no matter which of you issued the lock order, immediately lift it, and immediately let your flight crew turn back, the other side is Locke, and repeat, you're locking on Rockefeller's eldest master, Locke! 35

Nick Fury spoke to Colonel Rhodes on the other end of the phone in an almost growling voice.

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Rhodes couldn't help but froze for a moment, and his back felt a little cold.

As a colonel in the Air Force, the movements made by the Rockefeller family during this period of time were extremely clear to him.

Not to mention other things, just say that his good friend Tony. Stark has lost his temper by that evil boy.

In addition to the original status of the Rockefeller family in the entire beautiful country, it made his scalp even more numb.

The Rockefeller family, to them, that is as stunning as a father!

Now that he has let his flight crew lock the opponent with firepower, is this the rhythm of killing his father?!

Fake, how could this happen, this 010 thing is causing trouble!

In addition to being frightened, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

You are a good prince, what are you doing in this wild country when you are not messing with your woman at home?

Suddenly making such a big noise, this ghost knows you are the eldest young master of Rockefeller!

While thinking like this, he urgently issued an order to retreat!!

But it's too late!!

At this moment, over the secret base, Locke smiled indifferently.

In the blink of an eye, his entire body turned into a dazzling point of light, and at this moment he turned into a sun!

A monstrous heat burst out from his body, forming a spherical Shockwave with his body as the center point, sweeping away in all directions, destroying the dead!

At this moment, everyone who looked at Locke raised their hands to cover their eyes, because the light was too terrifying.

But even so, the blink of an eye caused their eyes to burn, and screams of pain sounded.

Under the terrifying heat, all exposed objects within a radius of dozens of kilometers were melted and vaporized.

Naturally the same was true for the two F22 fighter jets, they disintegrated in mid-air without even screaming, and then disappeared into molten iron.

The heat release time is not long, only ten seconds.

But these dozen or so seconds seemed unusually slow for S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military.

By the time they could open their eyes again, Locke's figure had long since disappeared.

However, the traces he left in this world at this moment are indelible forever.

I saw a giant scar that was dozens of kilometers in size on the vast land!!

Just like a burning scar, it was printed on the huge land, and it was also printed in the hearts of everyone.

The scars on the ground will be automatically repaired by the earth after a period of time.

But the scars left in their hearts will not necessarily heal in this life!!

Because it's scary, so scary!

The humble request for some data, thank you very much!

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