Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 144 Blacken's Spider man, we can be stronger together! (Subscribe!)

half an hour ago.

In the dark alley, there was a sound of Roar's help, and a young woman was surrounded by several strong men.

One after another dirty words came out of the men's mouths, and their hands and feet began to feel restless.

"Woman, even if you break your throat, no one will come here, this is a paradise for our brothers! 35

"Hey, as long as everyone who enters here, none of them can go out well, they have to leave something behind!"

"Money, I have money, I will give you all my bags, please don't hurt me!" The woman said in horror when she heard the words of several men.

"Jie Jie Jie, big beautiful girl, what you said is wrong, how can we hurt you! We are giving you a big gift!

"That's right, I'll send you to Elysium! Hehehe!" One after another wretched voice came out of the mouths of several men, making the atmosphere even more terrifying.

The woman's face was pale and her heart was full of despair. According to this posture, it was impossible for her to escape.

But just as she was in panic and despair, a black figure descended from the sky.

It landed on the wall of the alley in a posture that was completely impossible for ordinary people to appear.

There was clearly nothing on the wall, but the figure could stand sideways on it, looking extremely strange.

But looking at this strange figure, the woman was not only not afraid, but full of excitement.

Because this black figure is none other than the superhero, Spider-man, who was famous throughout New York during this time!

Although the Spider-man in front of her had changed into a black uniform for some reason, she recognized it at a glance.

Women are born with the genes of admiring the strong. For such a powerful existence as Spider-man, she naturally yearns for it and is full of fascination with it!

Even though she had never seen Spider-man before, Si 010 didn't affect her secretly.

Just like those fans who chase movie stars, it doesn't matter if you don't know their idols, as long as you can see them on the TV screen.

Seeing Spider-man is like seeing her own savior, after all Spider-man is one of their most powerful superheroes in New York!

"Help help!" The woman screamed in shock and kept asking Spider-man for help.

"Beautiful lady, I saw your misery and heard your cry for help, so you don't have to cry. I will help you! 99

Spider-man jumped directly from the wall, shook his head and said, his body movements were a little exaggerated, looking like an erotic.

However, the woman seemed to have not heard what Spider-man said, and continued to save Roar.

That kind of feeling is like a nympho fan seeing his idol, and it seems that he is sorry for the idol if he doesn't talk twice.

It's just that Spider-man is not an idol star at the moment, and he is not in the mood to listen to the screams of women.

His face was gloomy, and a look of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone said don't save Roar anymore, shut up for me!!"

The black Spider-man suddenly looked annoyed, raised his hand towards the woman, which was a cobweb, and sealed her mouth.

Watching Spider-man's operation, the woman and the men who were the perpetrators were dumbfounded.

Isn't Spider-man a good neighbor to people, why is it now that when it comes, it takes action to those who need help?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

And the woman looked at Spider-man in disbelief. The Spider-man in front of him seemed very different from the Spider-man in his impression.

"Woooooo!!" The woman looked at the black Spider-man in horror, trying to tear the spider web on her face, but she couldn't tear it at all, so she could only keep making a terrified voice.

"Hey, what an annoying woman, I suddenly don't really want to save her, or you guys continue?" the black Spider-man sneered.


Several men looked at each other, their faces were full of disbelief, and then they showed ecstasy.

"Really...Really?" One of the men asked excitedly.

But just as he said these words, a black spider bullet hit the man's thigh heavily.

Although it is not a real bullet, the power of the spider bullet is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

The man who was hit by the spider bullet immediately knelt on the ground in pain and wailed.

But before he could cry for a long time, the black Spider-man was like a big sandbag, and the spider bullets fell on the man like raindrops one after another.

In an instant, the man was beaten and vomited blood and fell to the ground. He didn't know if he was alive or dead, but it looked bloody anyway.

"It doesn't matter, I'm a superhero, and I'm inseparable with sin, how could it be possible for you to do that?"" The black Spider-man said full of sarcasm.

Seeing the black Spider-man's methods being so violent, the remaining men turned pale with fright.

In their minds, the real Spider-man never looked like this.

Even when fighting criminals, he only bound them up and handed them over to the police, rarely using lynching.

But the black Spider-man at the moment looked more like a bully, with a quirky temper and a ruthless approach.

This does not seem to be punishing evil and promoting good at all, but suppressing violence with violence!

"Speak! What do you want, I can make it for you!" The black Spider-man sneered.

Hearing his words, a few men ran away in fright, not worrying about their partners.

But, of course, the black Spider-man will not give them this chance.

The black cobweb stuck to one of the men with a squeak, and then with a violent pull, the powerful force directly pulled the man up.


A heavy muffled sound rang out, accompanied by the sound of bones shattering, and the man fell into a pool of blood. With such a powerful attack, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

Seeing the black Spider-man being so ruthless, the last remaining man fell to his knees in fright and begged for mercy.

"Wrong, we were wrong, we dare not, please forgive us!

Hearing the man begging for mercy, the black Spider-man smiled, mockingly.

"Wrong? Hehe, what's wrong?" the black Spider-man said, and shot (bacc) a spider bullet at the man.

Huge amounts of spider bullets hit the man's leg, causing a large bruise. The man fell to the ground in pain and kept begging.

But instead of stopping, the black Spider-man began to deliberately tease the man, and the spider web blocked the man's mouth.

Then he glued it to the wall and started to play a shooting game, but he deliberately missed the shot and deliberately frightened the man.

It feels a lot like a cat's playfulness before it eats the mouse.

That's right, at this moment the black Spider-man is a cat, and the man who keeps begging for mercy is naturally a mouse.

The black Spider-man in front of you is indeed completely different from the previous Spider-man!

He's more like a Blacken Spider-man.

Played by the black Spider-man for a long time, the man was frightened and collapsed.

As the saying goes, a man can be killed but not humiliated. If the black Spider-man kills him directly, that's all.

But instead of doing that, he constantly humiliated him, intimidated him, and took a devastating blow to his self-esteem.

The man who finally couldn't bear it, his eyes were red like a fierce beast, and he roared.

"You're not a Spider-man, you're a demon, you're a demon, kill me, kill me!

The man roared wildly, hysterically, and it was already a look of decisiveness.

But just after his roar, the black Spider-man's body couldn't help shaking, as if he had sobered up after being drunk.

Seeing the two men around him who had been beaten by him completely lost their mobility and fell in a pool of blood, Spider-man hugged his head as if he couldn't believe it.

"What am I doing, what am I doing? Fake, get away from me!!" Spider-man said angrily while holding his head.

"No!! 99

At this moment, Spider-man seemed to have changed his face again, roaring into the air, as if answering what he had just said.

Seeing Spider-man like this, the rest of the man and the woman were stunned, and their faces were full of disbelief.

One person and two corners?

Is this schizophrenia?

The Spider-man at the moment really looks like a schizophrenic.

But only Pete Parker himself knew what happened to him.

Since the last time he was parasitized by that peculiar black symbiote, he felt that all the primitive wildness in his body had been released.

I can't lock myself up if I want to, my temperament becomes moody, my temper becomes abnormally hot, and even a little murderous!

While this situation made him Locke more powerful, it also tortured him because it was less and less like himself.

Sacrifice yourself for greater power?

He doesn't want this, he wants to strip the symbiote out.

But after several attempts, he has not been successful. In his mind, there is always another voice that makes him suffer!

"We are one, Pete Parker accept my existence! I can make you stronger!" A hoarse voice sounded in Pete Parker's mind.

"No! Get out of my body!" Pete Parker protested in pain.

And just when Pete Parker muttered to himself, like a schizophrenic.

A flashing light suddenly lit up, and then an excited voice sounded.

"Hey, Spider-man, my name is Eddie Bullock, and I'm a good reporter.

My camera skills are a hundred times better than Pete Parker, how about it, let's work together!

Let me take all your exclusive photos from now on, how about that?

Wow, is this your new battle suit, it's really cool, come on, put on a nice pose, I'll take a headline photo for you!!

The reporter who appeared suddenly chatted and took a picture of Spider-man while picking up the camera in his hand.

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, a look of disgust appeared on Pierre Parker's face.

Because he remembered that this guy named Eddie was their new New York Times reporter, his direct competitor.

Competitors were already blushing when they met, and at the moment, Pete Parker was being affected by the symbiote, and he was very grumpy.

Seeing Eddie holding the camera at him, he was very upset and shot a cobweb, directly grabbing the camera in Eddie's hand.

Then, without saying a word, he smashed it heavily on the ground and smashed it into pieces!

"What are you doing! This is the camera I just bought on loan. 35

Eddie was full of heartache, and looked at Spider-man with an unbelievable expression and said angrily.

But what responded to him was an even more angry roar.


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