Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 158 10s of millions of mechanical legions, the storm flow mode is activated, and the horizon

When the gate of space appeared, the people of the whole world trembled and panicked.

Because no human being has ever seen such a scene.

Most of human fears come from the unknown, and the more the unknown, the more fearful.

One can imagine the shock that such a door of space that no human being has ever seen before can bring them.

This is no different from seeing a ghost suddenly!

Especially when they saw a group of unknown creatures passing through the door of space like locusts.

That kind of panic was amplified to the limit state, and the timid person immediately fainted.

"Omayga, what the hell is this?

"Demon, it's a demon!!"

"They're attacking people!"

"Escape, escape!! 35

A group of people in New York City were still looking up at the sky in amazement.

What they saw had completely shattered their cognition of the world.

At this moment, those Qitarians who filed in, suddenly launched an attack on them.

The energy cannon fire poured down like raindrops, destroying the buildings below,

Suddenly, screams, cries, and wailing gathered together, and a sad and sad song was played!

In an instant, New York City, which was still very lively, has become a purgatory on earth.

"What the hell are they and why are they attacking us?

"Monsters, they are alien monsters!

"We human beings are deeply sinful, and God has finally begun to punish us, and a new world is coming!"

A man in a godfather's uniform stood in the center of the street with a frantic look.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, an energy beam directly penetrated his body, causing him to fall straight to the ground.

Such a scene shocked the surrounding people, the screams became more and more shrill, and everyone fell into despair.

But at this moment, I don't know who said it.

"Look, what is that in the sky?!"

Hearing this voice, the people around couldn't help looking up at the sky.

Immediately, shock and incredible expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Because what they saw was the harem army and the auxiliary robot army led by Locke!

"A lot of mechanical flight machines, whose are they? 35

"There is also a group of women who have mechanical wings behind their backs, are they Angels?

"The wings of two of the women looked real, there were halos above their heads, she...they were real Angel!!

"There is also a woman who seems to be wearing a suit of iron armor? Is that the female Iron Man?

"In front of them, there seems to be a man sitting, who is that?"

One question after another appeared in their minds, making them extremely curious.

In addition to being full of curiosity, an unprecedented sense of security appeared in their hearts.

Because they knew that this group of female Angels and mechanical legions who suddenly appeared, as well as the mysterious man whose face was temporarily invisible, were on their side of humanity.

This is their human power!

"Look, Iron Man is here too!!"

At this moment, Iron Man galloped from afar and appeared beside Locke.

"It's saved, we're saved, the female Angel, the Mechanical Legion, and the Iron Man are all here to save us!

A group of people who were still full of panic, when they saw Iron Man also appear, their excitement was beyond words, and they began to cheer for Roar.

I have to say, Tony. Stark, as the most famous playboy in the beautiful country, his influence is really not covered.

That's the beauty of being famous!

At critical moments, it can play an unexpected role.

Locke didn't care about Iron Man stealing his limelight.

But it's just a fake name, it doesn't matter!

"Is this the so-called Star Army?"

Tony's face was full of solemnity as he watched Chitauri start to wreak havoc, it wasn't the first time he had seen aliens.

Isn't that Asgard also an alien?

But it was the first time he saw such a huge alien army at the same time!

This shock is self-evident, but unlike the panic of ordinary people, as a superhero, the first thing that comes to his mind is fighting.

No matter where the other party came from, no matter what kind of identity the other party is, as long as the comers are not good, then he will naturally not let them go.

Without further ado, he attacked the Chitauri star in front of him!

One after another, the palm cannons were continuously fired, and one Chitauri soldier was hit and fell down.

But how could a few palm cannons wipe out hundreds of thousands of Chitauri soldiers!

In the blink of an eye, Tony Stark was surrounded by the Zeta Swiss Corps, and finally had to be forced to retreat!

But at this moment, the auxiliary robot army suspended behind Locke began to move.

As early as a few months ago, Locke's auxiliary robot army had reached the level of one million.

Now after several months of accumulation, it has grown from one million to a terrifying 20 million.

Definitely, Locke, who has always kept a hand in his work, will naturally not play all his trump cards.

There is only a Chitauri army of hundreds of thousands, and it is not necessary for him to call out all the auxiliary robots.

This time Locke only used 5 million aircraft, but even 5 million aircraft is enough to cover the sky and make the scalp tingle!

Such a terrifying number of robot armies can completely allow him to launch a horizontal push fighting method of violent troops!

Thinking like this, Locke's consciousness moved, and five million anti-gravity auxiliary robots opened fire in unison.

Bullets, laser beams, and clusters of hot flames burst out, just like colorful splashing ink paintings, colorful and dazzling, illuminating the entire sky!

In just an instant, all the Chitauri that entered the earth were covered with terrifying firepower, and their bodies were pierced, burned, cut, torn, and finally vanished into ashes, turning into dust and dissipating in the air.

Silence, deathly silence!

The shocking battle scene stunned everyone, as if they couldn't even speak.

At this moment, they couldn't find any words to describe the battle in front of them.

After a long time, everyone seemed to wake up from the unparalleled shock.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers and shouts resounding throughout the world erupted from the entire New York City!

66 `Fuck!!"

"Gante, it's so cool!"

At this moment, only loud shouts full of foul language Huan Roar can express their excitement for getting out of danger!

According to the attitude of the group of aliens just now, their entire city will be easily destroyed.

But at this moment, with the attack of the overwhelming robot army, the battle situation was reversed in just an instant.

It was no longer their city that was destroyed, but the bunch of damn alien invaders.

This kind of refreshing feeling from being a prey to being a hunter makes them want to stop!

Excited to cry frantically, it is all too normal.

And at this moment, it is not only a group of ordinary people who are shocked and stunned, but another person is also horrified.

This person is Loki hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D's aerospace carrier.

Loki, who was staring at the screen, swallowed, and an emotion called fear began to rise in his heart.

Although not strong enough, it has already made him very uncomfortable.

"What the hell is this monster?! When did he prepare such a huge army of robots?! Loki muttered, his face full of disbelief.

This scene, even if he was beaten to death, he never thought of it!

I thought that his female subordinates were already perverted enough, but now it seems that it is simply a piece of cake!

The millions of robots in front of you are the most perverted. With such combat power, they should not appear on this planet at all. This is unscientific!

"It's alright, this is just Chitauri's cavalry, it's the vanguard, and more powerful teams are behind.

Although this kid has many mechanical flight devices, their power is limited, and they absolutely cannot shake the whale spaceship behind!""

Loki comforted himself in his heart, he was still quite confident about the strength of the Chitauri army.

He believes that Locke's power is only temporary, and his current actions will surely anger the chief of Chitauri.

At that time, the opponent will definitely send out a more powerful team.

So, he doesn't need to worry now.

But just as he thought so, an even more incredible picture appeared!

Please ask for some data, please!

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