Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 164 The terrifying teenager, the stunned Ancient 1, and the help from Kamar Taj! (Subscribe!

Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of the Kamar-Taj holy place, is the last and strongest guardian of the earth.

Among the magicians with the name of Sorcerer Supreme during these tens of thousands of years, the Ancient One is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding representatives.

The shape of the bald woman is impressive.

When Odin came, Locke had already guessed that Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, should have noticed him long ago.

After all, Ancient One is on Earth, so she should be more aware of what she has done.

It's just that this Sorcerer Supreme seems to be very calm, it's almost a year, she just didn't come to herself.

Is this because of believing him from the beginning to the end?

Or do you think his presence is irrelevant to Kamar-Taj?

The answer to this question may be known today.

"Who are you?!

At the moment when Ancient One appeared, all the women of Locke looked like they were facing a great enemy.

Because they felt an unprecedented threat from a bald woman in front of them, this woman was the most powerful existence they had ever seen.

This power has exceeded their imagination, and it is more likely to threaten the life of their young master!

This made them have to take a serious attitude and deal with it seriously!

Everyone clenched the weapons in their hands, and it seemed that as long as the woman in front of her made a dangerous movement, they would swarm up and kill the other party.

Seeing this, Locke smiled, but raised his hand to signal for them to put away the weapons in their hands.

The woman in front of her can't be defeated by numbers.

Gu 040 - But a veritable Level God Father Sorcerer Supreme, it is not easy for Dormammu, the dark lord, to get a good deal from her, not to mention a group of his harem beauties.

Their strength is indeed very strong, but if they are placed in front of the Level God Father, there is still a big gap.

Not to mention them, even he, the peak powerhouse of the Level Sub-God Father, is by no means a match for Ancient One.

Not to mention other powerful magics, the mere act of punching the soul out of the body is enough to restrain all the powerhouses.

In the Marvel movie, Hulk was slapped by the Ancient One, and he was beaten with no power to fight back.

So in the face of Ancient One, if you can't do it, it's best not to do it.

And he also believed that the most powerful Asgardian on this earth would never attack him without any reason.

The reason why it appeared in front of him in this way was to prevent someone from spying on them secretly.

After all, the dark forces have always been lurking in the corners of this world, but they haven't noticed it yet.

As the Ancient One of the Level God Father, it is completely normal to know some things that he does not know!

"The arrival of the Sorcerer Supreme really makes me radiant here, but what does magician mean?"

Locke looked at Ancient One calmly and said.

Seeing that Locke was able to say his name as soon as he opened his mouth, Ancient One's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

But thinking about Locke's performance during this period, she was relieved again.

It doesn't seem to be very unusual for a little guy who can cause the god-king Odin to come to him on his own initiative, knowing her identity.

With a warm smile on his face, Ancient One walked unhurriedly not far from Locke.

"Little guy, your performance is really getting more and more surprising. It seems that my self-introduction can be saved?"

Locke got up slowly, also smiled and treated each other with courtesy.

Now he is not qualified to sit in front of Ancient One. Like Odin before, Ancient One has been famous for a long time and is a senior.

In terms of emotion and reason, he can't sit and meet each other.

"Magician is polite, it's just that you act like this as soon as you meet, it's hard for me not to recognize you!

After all, the only person on this planet who can perform such miraculous means is you, the Sorcerer Supreme!"

Locke said very politely, not arrogant or impetuous, it is easy to make people feel good.

Hearing this, Ancient One smiled and nodded, and he really had a good impression of Locke in front of him.

Just as Locke had guessed, in fact, she had noticed the rising star of Locke a long time ago.

But at the beginning, her attitude towards Locke was mainly based on observation.

After all, Locke was not too strong at that time, and his influence on this planet was still extremely limited.

And what they mainly deal with in Kamar-Taj holy place are the dark forces from outside the earth.

Simply put, deal with Dormammu!

As for the development of forces within the earth, under normal circumstances, they would not intervene in holy place.

After all, in addition to their Kamar-Taj, there are other forces such as S.H.I.E.L.D, Tianjian Bureau, military and so on.

Each of them is independent of each other, but they maintain a special tacit understanding and have their own different divisions of labor.

This is also the main reason why Ancient One has not come to contact Locke before.

It's not that Locke completely believed him, nor did he feel that Locke's existence was not important to them.

It's just a simple division of labor.

(bacc) Coupled with the increasingly rampant dark forces, she, the Sorcerer Supreme, is too busy to duplication, so she really has no time to pay attention to Locke's affairs.

Until today, this unprecedented interstellar war made her have to pay special attention to Locke.

Out of curiosity about Locke's future, she cast forbidden magic in holy place in advance, trying to spy on Locke's future.

But what she never expected was that the young man in front of her had been protected by an unknown mysterious force.

Rao is that she, the Sorcerer Supreme, can't spy on her. It is such a rare situation that even her Sorcerer Supreme is the first time she sees it.

In this way, no matter how busy she was, she couldn't sit still.

His eyes moved to the group of women behind Locke, and the shock on Ancient One's face became stronger.

Although it has long been known that there is a group of powerful female warriors around Locke.

But it was all heard through external news, and I had never seen it with my own eyes.

Today is their first meeting.

And this first encounter gave her a great shock.

Because the life forms of these women in front of them are too incredible.

They look like human beings, but they are not real human beings.

What kind of aliens are they?

Even her Sorcerer Supreme couldn't understand it.

And from them, she felt an extremely powerful force.

These powers are not as strong as her Sorcerer Supreme, but compared to her group of disciples in Kamar-Taj.

They can be said to be victorious!

A group of female warriors whose strength far exceeds her disciples, plus a man who is enough to destroy the stars.

Such a combination is rare, but incredibly powerful!

No wonder even Odin took the initiative to come down from Asgard and befriend the boy in front of him.

This young man really has such qualifications!

"There are not many people in this world who know our Kamar-Taj!" Ancient One looked at Locke meaningfully and said.

With a smile, Locke gestured to the Ancient One magician to sit down.

Although this is an octagonal space, the background is still the hall of their manor, so the layout is the same.

There are tables, chairs, and sofas. The only difference is that there are eight times as many.

"Magician, you suddenly came to my poor house, presumably the main purpose is not to tell me this?

Let's open the sunroof to talk brightly between us! This can save a lot of time.

After all, magician, you have a lot of time to deal with, but there are still a lot of important things to deal with.

For example, blocking the invasion of the dark dimension? What do you think?" Locke sat gently opposite Ancient One, with his hands in front of him, and said with a serious face.

Hearing Locke's words, Ancient One's eyes narrowed, and his face became more and more shocked and solemn.

She really did not expect that the young man in front of her knew her so well.

This is unbelievable, he even knows the dark dimension, where the hell did this guy come from?

Fortunately, it has been certified by Odin before, plus the excellent performance of saving the planet today.

Let her know that the young man in front of her is not an evil force, or she must do it now!

Pressing the shock in his heart, Ancient One also slowly sat down.

Although Locke's performance at the moment exceeded her imagination, it also made her more and more determined that her decision to come to him was correct.

The boy in front of her might really be able to help her and help them Kamar-Taj get through this difficult time!

Yes, the sudden arrival of the Ancient One came to seek help for no other reason!

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