Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 166 Research on gene mutation technology? A gift from Ancient 1! (Subscribe!)

When she came here, she noticed the bunch of twin sisters behind Locke.

According to the original plan, she planned to win Locke to become her disciple, and then teach him to learn her own magic.

After all, Locke was able to raise his own strength to this level in such a short period of time, and a strong personal ability was indispensable.

And their magic practice, most relied on ability, ability can directly determine the upper limit of a magician.

In other words, the better the ability, the more powerful magician it can become.

This is completely irreparable with acquired efforts, and it is precisely because of this that she has been waiting for the appearance of the Son of Destiny.

Because in her prying eyes, the Son of Destiny has the magical ability that surpasses her Sorcerer Supreme, and can fully inherit her mantle and even surpass her.

But the time node of the other party's appearance was really too late, and now she has no time to wait.

So she turned her eyes to Locke, who she couldn't even spy on. "Zero Four Zero" just made her not expect that even if she came to Locke.

She couldn't even see through Locke, there was always an invisible force shrouded in Locke's body, blocking her exploration.

In this way, in her eyes, Locke was like an unknown question mark, and she couldn't see anything.

The opponent's ability, the opponent's true strength, etc., are all a mystery!

In addition to being shocked, she is also very helpless. The vigilance of this little guy in front of her is really strong and abnormal, which is too stable!

But if you think about it, you can understand Locke's mentality. After all, the world is indeed full of crises. If he is not stable, he is afraid that he will not live now!

Although she couldn't see Locke's magical ability and couldn't make Locke her own magical disciple, this trip did not disappoint her.

Because, she actually discovered two magical abilities here that are not weaker than that of the Son of Destiny, and even surpassed the existence of that Son of Destiny.

It's unbelievable, incredible!

At first, she thought she was wrong, but with the serious investigation at the moment, she was able to confirm 100%.

The twin women standing behind Locke really have an incredibly powerful magical physique.


Unable to look away from the two Popola sisters, Ancient One slowly got up, stepped forward, and disappeared.

When she reappeared, she was already in front of the two sisters, and her speed was unbelievable.

Only Locke knows that this is not a matter of speed at all, it is space magic, similar to the ability of the door of space.

It's just that the use of it is so skilled that the naked eye can't tell that the Ancient One has traveled through space.

Such an ability can only be achieved by the powerhouse of the Level God Father.

With a look of envy on his face, although he now has the strength of Level Sub-God Father's peak, he is still unable to do the ability to travel through space.

When will I be able to have this heaven-defying Ability?

Locke thought silently in his heart, and then he seemed to think of something, and his brows frowned slightly.

Now that he has the ability to control heat, it is a product of genetic mutation, and it is a super ability.

Since genetic mutation can allow him to control the high temperature, if the direction of mutation is changed, can it be possible to travel through space?

After all, in the original Marvel world, the Celestials came up with the x gene, and the Kree developed the aliens.

It's just that the mutations of these two are random and uncontrollable, and the ability to mutate depends on luck.

What Locke wants to study is the targeted mutation of genes, and he wants to fully grasp this change.

Once this technology can really be realized, and then use this technology on himself, or his wives, is it still in the sky?

Although just thinking about it, he knew how terrifying the difficulty of this technology was.

But what if it does happen?

Maybe you can really consider researching it yourself.

Suddenly, a brand new plan slowly took shape in his mind.

While he was still silent in his own thoughts.

The faces of the two Popola sisters were horrified.

Looking at Ancient One who suddenly appeared in front of them, the two of them had solemn expressions on their faces. Without saying a word, they raised their hands and pushed them towards Ancient One.

Immediately, a pure white magic shield appeared in front of the two of them, trying to block the Ancient One who was constantly approaching them.

Looking at the magic shield in front of him, Ancient One's face was full of surprise, but he was full of excitement after the surprise.

A magic shield of this level is condensed and formed at such a fast speed.

In their Kamar-Taj, senior disciples who have practiced for at least 3 years can do it.

But the two women in front of them were able to display it easily, and it has only been less than a year since Locke appeared.

Even if the two women in front of them have practiced magic from the very beginning, it has only been a year.

As for why she didn't think that they had practiced magic for many years, it was because she also felt the aura of aliens from the pair of sisters in front of her.

They are human beings but not human beings, all of which should be related to the mysterious technology mastered by the young man in front of them.

Although magic and technology are two completely different routes, once mastered to a profound level.

Both technology and magic can work miracles.

And at this moment, these two twin women are the miracles in Ancient One's eyes.0

"It's pure white magic, it's incredible!!

Your physique and your magical abilities are the strongest I have ever seen.

Ancient One raised his palm in amazement, and then lightly pressed it on the magic shield in front of the two Popola sisters.

Immediately, the magic shield turned into a calm lake, and Ancient One easily stretched out his hand and touched Bobola's body.

At the moment of touching, Ancient One's complexion became very strange.

Because she found that the magic she released was quickly swallowed by the body of the woman in front of her.

"Ulu Metal?! The source of magic, so it is, it seems that Odin has given you a great gift!

That being the case, I'll give you a welcome gift too!" Ancient One smiled, then raised his hand and pressed it on the foreheads of the two Popola sisters.

Suddenly, Sister Popola was pulled into the spiritual world she built by Ancient One.

Looking at Ancient One and the Popola sisters who suddenly stopped moving, the surrounding Yoba troop members and Icarus all looked worried.

"Master, do you want to take the opportunity to kill this bald man?" Miss 2b said solemnly, holding a long sword in her hand.

"Don't make trouble, this is the creation of Popola and the others. This bald man in your mouth, but the strength can completely abuse your existence!" Locke could not laugh or cry.

"Who is she! It seems that you are also very afraid of her, young master?" The commander's elder sister Liu Mei frowned, her face not very good.

She doesn't like this feeling very much now, this feeling of being ignored by others, 2.2 being suppressed to the point of being unable to protect the young master, is really uncomfortable.

In the hearts of all of them, it is their mission to protect Locke from any threat, and it is the norm that they need to abide by!

And the sudden appearance of Ancient One. Let their mission be shaken, so that they can not keep the code, so they are naturally very uncomfortable.

Not only the commander, but everyone else's faces were cold and ugly, and the look in Ancient One's eyes seemed to eat her.

Seeing this, Locke smiled. He was very moved by the performance of his group of wives, but he couldn't let them do it.

After all, the current Ancient One not only has no malice towards him, but is even helping him improve the strength of the two Popola sisters.

Yes, as Ancient One herself said, she is giving herself a great gift!

As for how big this gift is.

I believe it won't take long to know.

I want some data, mainly monthly passes, thank you in advance!

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