Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 179 Jin and Rebirth? Crazy multi universe! (Subscribe!)

S.H.I.E.L.D, Fort Johnson Secret Base, Nick Fury also received intelligence information from his subordinates.

"A new and unknown energy fluctuation caused a large-scale power outage in the New York City area. Has the source been investigated? 35

Nick Fury looked at the Hill agent in front of him with a solemn expression and asked.

Shaking his head, Hill agent's face was also full of solemnity.

"Not yet, this energy is too strange, the source of this energy can be detected at present, it is estimated that only Locke can do it!

"Loke, do you think he will share such information?"

Nick Fury's opinion of Locke has changed a lot since the New York War.

At least now in his heart, Locke is not considered a threat.

However, for Locke, he still has a shadow in his heart, and this young man still has a big prejudice against him.

In addition, he said before that he would take the blame and resign, but now for various reasons, he cannot leave for the time being.

Now he is still the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, and if Locke finds out about such a thing, it will be back.

The last time he was directly swept away by Locke, the ghost knew how the other party would deal with him after seeing him this time, and he couldn't help but cowardly.

"If you go, there's a high probability that you won't!" At this moment, Tony. Stark's 057 hologram appeared in front of Nick Fury, and said with a mocking expression.

Hill also smiled, because Tony. Stark was right, his boss and Locke were in conflict, and they would tear up when they met.

"Tony, did you find anything there?" Nick Fury ignored Tony. Stark's ridicule and asked very seriously.

"Not yet, so I have the same idea as you, I'm going to ask Locke.

But I'm also a little nervous about that kid's attitude, after all, he doesn't like us Avengers very much! Luo Tony Stark said with a wry smile.

Until now he didn't know why Locke was so disgusted with them Avengers.

In fact, he was wrong. It was not the Avengers that Locke resented, but their self-righteousness.

Just when a group of people were still curious and surprised by this sudden energy fluctuation.

Jinbing Building, with the explosion of the particle collider, a tall and sturdy fat man appeared in a puff of smoke.

"Who are you?" Fatty walked out slowly, revealing a face that everyone was familiar with.


"Success, Doctor, we succeeded!" A group of Jin Bing's subordinates said excitedly.

Because the man who appeared in front of them at this moment was none other than their dead old (bacc) Dai-Kimian.

Looking at Jin Ning in front of him, Doctor Octopus showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Because the scene in front of her was completely different from what she expected.

In her calculations, her particle collider is more like a time machine.

It can only carry out the transmission of non-living matter, and transmit the things at this point in time to another point in time.

Then use this to try to change the past, so as to tamper with the future.

So in this experiment, she just wrote a note about what happened to Jin Bing before, and sent it to Jin a few days before he was killed.

In this way, Jin can detect the danger in advance, so as to avoid it, so as to avoid being killed.

And once Jinbian is saved from being killed, they will change at a future point in time.

But this is not the case now, his eyes looked at the huge Jining Building, and there was no change.

The dead colleagues have not been resurrected, and the dilapidated Jinnong Building has not been restored.

Only there was a gold union where the collider exploded, which is very abnormal!

"Start the particle analyzer and examine the boss's body." Doctor Octopus said with a solemn expression.


A group of subordinates nodded excitedly, and immediately turned on another instrument to aim at the sudden appearance of Jinping.

Immediately, all the genetic information about Jin Bing's body appeared in front of Doctor Octopus.

Looking at the displayed information, the faces of Doctor Octopus and all the researchers showed surprise.

"What's the matter with the fluctuation of material that is completely different from our time and space?"

"Isn't this guy who looks like our boss in front of us our boss? 35

"Impossible! Did our collider bring the boss of the past time directly?"

A group of researchers looked at each other, their faces full of doubts, obviously everything in front of them was completely beyond their expectations.

"No, it's not a point in time in the past, it's a Jinbian from another world!"

Doctor Octopus seemed to suddenly want to understand, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

She herself did not expect such an accident to happen to her particle collider.

The multi-universe has always been controversial in the scientific community, and as an excellent physicist, she believes that the multi-universe exists.

It's just that she has not found corresponding evidence to prove this, and the universe level involved in her building this particle collider is time and space.

And according to his original expectations, the range of Ability that this machine can achieve at present should only be able to affect time.

But I don't know if it's because of the use of the energy cube left by Chitauri.

As a result, the energy load of the collider is too high, and eventually the connection between parallel universes is unintentionally opened!

Definitely, this is only her guess at the moment, and there is no evidence to prove whether this is the case.

But now that the particle collider has been destroyed, it is impossible for her to reproduce this function.

But with the gold in front of her, she could confirm that the other party did indeed come from another parallel world.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Jin Bing's face in the laboratory was full of anger.

I saw him roaring angrily, and an extremely terrifying sound wave burst out from his mouth.

The powerful sound wave immediately shattered the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of Doctor Octopus.

The powerful Shockwave caused by the sound wave even knocked a group of people to the ground.

"How is it possible!!" Looking at such a scene, everyone's faces were full of horror.

You must know that the floor-to-ceiling window in front of them is a thick bulletproof glass!

Although the strange energy wave just now did not destroy the glass, this may be due to different energy properties.

But this also shows how strong this bulletproof glass is, but at this moment, such a strong bulletproof glass was shattered by Jin Ning's roar.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

As far as they know, gold doesn't have super ability!

Rather than just being surprised, Kim didn't seem to have imagined that he could have such an impact.

"What's wrong with me, my body is filled with an unparalleled surging power!" Jinbian murmured to himself.

With a jump, he jumped out a distance of dozens of meters and came to Doctor Octopus.

"Who are you? Why are you in my Kimpong Building?"

"Boss, we..."

Seeing this Jin Bing, whose personality and look are exactly the same as their boss, a group of subordinates fell to their knees.

And tell everything about the cause and effect of the incident.

Harry. Osborn's door, a man suddenly appeared.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar villa, the man's face showed a look of surprise.

"Where the hell is this place, it's the same as my world, but not the same!! And my body seems even more different!"

the other side.

Ancient One opened the door of space and appeared in front of Locke again, followed by Tony. Stark.

A big storm is really coming.

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