Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 183 There is indeed a black hand behind the scenes, killing the electric man in 2s, all of t

"Electric Man? So, the evil six have crossed over?" Locke muttered to himself as he flew towards Delia's position at a high speed.

The Evil Six are quite powerful in the Marvel universe, and they are Spider-man's mortal enemies.

Just according to his understanding, no matter which of the evil six group, their fighting power should not be able to completely abuse his killer girl group.

Although his killer girl group only injected a short-term strengthening potion, their combat effectiveness is still quite strong.

Coupled with the tacit cooperation of the seven of them, even in the face of a superhero of the level of Spider-man, they still have the power to fight.

But at this moment, he was abused by an electric man, which is really weird.

Could it be that the Electro-optic man who came to this world through time is a completely different existence from the Electro-optic man in his impression? Or is there something else hidden behind this?

While Locke was still curious. Delia, the strongest of the seven remaining members of the killer girl group, is still struggling to support her!

"You are really tenacious, but it won't be long before you will fall to the ground just like your sisters, being powered by my powerful electric current!

Since I came to this world, I have realized what it means to be truly powerful, and the feeling of being full of energy all over my body is really great.

Since you are unwilling to surrender to me, all of you will die!" The electric light human figure was suspended in mid-air, and he said proudly.

He was originally in his own world, he absorbed most of the electricity in the city, and his strength has been raised to the limit of what he can improve, and he is about to kill that damn Spider-man.

But at that critical moment, a strange energy wave swept in, completely shrouding him in just an instant.

When he reacted, he had already come to the world in front of him, and his body seemed to be blessed by an inexplicable power, and it became even stronger.

You must know that in his own world, he has absorbed the electricity of most of the city, and his body has been able to achieve complete elementalization.

At this moment, as his body strengthens again, elementalization is completely paediatric to him, and he can do it with every gesture.

The electricity he can release is even more terrifying, comparable to the real thunder, and now he is like a god who masters thunder.

And the rapid growth of strength. It also made his ambitions start to expand rapidly.

Not long after he came to this world, he had already thought about what he wanted.

He wants to dominate the world, he wants to become the most watched and respected existence in the world!

He will never be a little electrician in the Osborn Group again, and he will never be bullied again.

So he wanted everyone to submit to his feet, but the seven damn women in front of him, not only were they unwilling to submit, they even called him a lunatic.

He can't stand it, kill, must kill!!

Electro-optic man thought extremely in his heart, a bloodthirsty killing intent and madness filled his heart, making him look like an inhuman Beast.

Listening to the insane words of the electric man, Delia's brows furrowed, and she constantly fired at the electric man with dual guns, trying to use the power of the bullets to knock him down.

But in the face of the bullet's attack, the black man's body in front of him turned into a whole electric current.

The bullet passed directly through his body, and under the action of a powerful electric current, the surface of the bullet was melted, and it turned black and fell to the ground.

Looking at such a scene, Delia's face became more and more ugly, such a monster can't be dealt with by her strength alone!

At this moment, a purple electric current Shockwave shot towards her.

With a terrified expression on his face, he rolled on the spot and avoided this electric current Shockwave dangerously and dangerously.

But when she just stabilized her figure, the electric light man flashed and came directly in front of her, and then raised his hand and punched Delia heavily.

The powerful force wrapped in the terrifying electric current immediately made Delia let out a painful scream, and flew out, fell to the ground, and lost her fighting power.

"A mere human being, how can you compare to me as a god, incarnated as a thunderbolt, I am already invincible! So, go to hell" "!" Electric Light said with a smile.

While speaking, he stretched out his right hand towards Delia, and then a terrifying electric current Shockwave appeared, bombarding Delia with a mighty force.

Life and death are in an instant, such a close distance, such a terrifying electric current Shockwave, can definitely take Delia's life.

The electric man's face was full of grins, and he seemed to have seen the picture of the woman in front of him dying tragically by his hands.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt an extra arm on his shoulder.

Before he could react, a huge force came from that arm and threw him out like a sandbag.

At the same time, a mocking voice sounded in his ears.

"Where did you come from, the shrewd three, even touching my woman, courting death!!

The voice fell, and he smashed heavily on the wall in the distance, and fell to the ground in pain.

His own electric current Shockwave also missed its target and missed the woman he had sentenced to death.

Angrily raised his head and looked incredulously, he immediately saw a young man in casual sportswear appearing in front of him.

The man's face was cold, and there was a fierce light in his eyes, which made him feel frightened.

The words just now came out of this man's mouth.

This man is not Locke who came here, who else could it be?

Small three?!

Having become such a powerful self, in that guy's mouth, he was actually just a shrew.

Provocation, this is a naked provocation, that guy is courting death, courting death!!

The electric light man roared angrily, ignoring who the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him was.

His body was directly elementalized and turned into a terrifying electric current.

Like lightning flashes, it moved to the front of the boy at high speed, and the fist full of anger, with the sound of crackling electric current, bombarded the facade of Locke.

Looking at the angry punch of the Electric Man, a look of surprise appeared on Locke's face. The strength of the guy in front of him exceeded his original impression of the Electric Man.

And on him, he clearly felt an energy that did not belong to this world at all, it was a violent and bloodthirsty energy.

It seems that as he guessed, the opening of the multi-universe crack not only allowed people from other parallel universes to break in, but also people with ulterior motives who did tricks in it.

For the time being, Locke, whose face was extremely solemn, couldn't think of what kind of black hands were hidden behind it.

But now is not the time to think about it, let's deal with the guy in front of me first.

Looking at the fiercely banging fist, Locke had no intention of dodging, raised his hand and clenched it, and even easily grasped the fiercely banging fist of the electric light man.

Seeing such a scene, there was a wild smile on the electric man's face.

Because his fist contains not only terrifying power, but also terrifying electric current, he believes that in this world, no one can catch his fist safely.

But the wild laughter on his face only lasted for less than a second, and then it turned into panic.

I saw that the man's body was clearly covered by his own terrifying electric current.

But he actually seemed to be nothing, with a playful smile on his face.

"Is this the power you are proud of? It's not worth mentioning!" Locke held the electric man's fist and slammed it to the ground.

Immediately, the electric light man was smashed to the ground like a sandbag.

Huge amounts of force smashed the entire ground into a pit.

Immediately, Dianguang Man felt that the river was overturned, and he almost fainted.

But at this moment, the violent energy in his body erupted automatically, which made him resist the blow.

In the ecstasy, his body became elemental again, turned into an electric current, disappeared directly from Locke's hand, and then condensed into an electric current body in mid-air.

"Boy, you are courting death!!!" The electric man who turned into an elemental body roared, and two terrifying electric current Shockwaves blasted towards Locke again.

Under the influence of that peculiar energy, Dianguang Man not only increased his strength a lot, but he also became extremely violent, with no reason at all.

"Elementalizing the body, it's a good ability, but you are not the only one in this world who can make yourself elemental!" Locke's eyes were cold, and the electric current Shockwave that the Electro-Light Man lased (Li Zhao) was fundamentally I didn't pay attention.

The body directly faced the electric current Shockwave, and the huge amounts of electric current Shockwave could not even hurt his body.

Seeing such a scene, everyone in Dianguang was stunned, and they wanted to burst out with all their power.

But at this time, Locke had already come to him, and at the same time, a fist that shone with white light and exuded terrifying heat came towards him.

He couldn't avoid it at all, so he was so abruptly punched by Locke, the terrifying high temperature, and the terrifying power.

Under the double terrifying bombardment, his elemental body was directly hit and rendered useless.

And the fist of the young man in front of him was like a rising sun, and the terrifying temperature devoured him in an instant.

"No!! 33 Losing his elemental ability, his body was instantly ignited, and the hot flames began to frantically devour his body like an abyss beast.

"Ah ah ah! Forgive me! I don't dare anymore!" On the verge of death, the electric light man begged for mercy.

But Locke's killing intent was determined, and he didn't give him the slightest chance at all.

Originally, he also said that he would send these interlopers back to his original world.

But now he has changed his mind. If these intruders dare to shoot at him, there will only be one fate, and that is, death!

So, go to hell!.

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