Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 194 The element combination of the 100times Hulk serum has been calculated! (Subscription)

From the outside, the castle looks extremely eerie, but when you enter it, you find that it is brightly lit and very lively. It turns out to be a casino.

At this moment, the huge lobby is full of gambling tables, and all kinds of casino games are overwhelmed, making people dazzled.

The faces of Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye who came in here were full of surprise, which was very different from what it looked like from the outside!

"Are you a casino here?" Natasha Romanoff asked curiously, looking at the young man leading the way.

The young man turned his head with a smile, nodded, and said, "Yes, I am a casino here, but it is a bit different from the casinos outside!

A wicked smile appeared on the young man's face, which looked very strange with his bloodless face.

"What's the difference?" Hawkeye glanced around the huge casino, but found that there was no such big gaming table here, and he didn't see the big scenes of other casinos gathering together to gamble. A gamble.

And across from all the guests here is a hooded man with a white mask, looking very strange.

"You must have seen it, the games here are all one-on-one, and the bets are not limited, you can bet anything you want!" The young 057 man smiled very seriously.

At this moment, an extremely excited voice suddenly came from the gaming table not far away.

"I won, hahaha, I won, I won!" It was a skinny man with scars on his hands, which looked like the sequelae of long-term dialysis treatment. seriously ill people.

"Congratulations on your victory in this game, the healthy body you want, you will be able to have right away!

The masked man sitting across from the man said in an emotionless voice.

Just as the masked man's voice fell, the skinny man suddenly made a burst of excitement.

Then Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye saw the man's body swell up quickly as if he was pumped up.

The originally skinny body filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly turned into a strong and handsome guy.

In such a scene, Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye could not help but open their eyes, looking like hell.

Immediately, the two looked at the young man in front of them and became even more jealous.

Obviously, this place is not a normal place, and the young man in front of him is not a normal person either.

Having experienced the Battle of New York, their understanding of the world is already different from before.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in our world?" Natasha Romanoff asked, looking at the young man in front of him coldly.

At the same time, Hawkeye opened the longbow in his hand and aimed at the very strange young man in front of him.

With the Asgard people and Chitauri's invasion, the two naturally regarded the strange man in front of them as an alien.

Especially during this period of time, the multi-universe cracks were all over the place, which made their understanding of the world more bold.

Aliens, parallel universes, words that used to be seen only in books, now appear in front of us.

In this way, they have more imaginations about the man in front of them, and it is also a matter of course!

Watching Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye suddenly confront each other, a look of regret appeared on the young man's face.

"I seem to have forgotten to tell you that you must not use weapons when you enter my place.

Otherwise, I will break the rules here, and those who break the rules will be punished. I advise you to put down your weapons!

Facing the bow and arrow in Hawkeye's hands, the young man didn't seem to take it to heart at all, and his expression was calm and terrifying.

While speaking, the young man raised his hand and waved, and Hawkeye's body rose up from the ground, flew out, and smashed heavily on the wall of the castle.

However, he did not just fall to the ground, but instead seemed to be suppressed by a mysterious force, (bacc) actually sticking to the wall.

Seeing that the young man in front of him was able to use such bizarre power, Natasha Romanoff didn't have the slightest hesitation, and immediately took out a pocket pistol from his waist and shot the young man quickly.

But at this moment, she was horrified to discover that the entire space seemed to be frozen, and the time became slow.

After the bullet he shot left the gun chamber, it flew towards the young man at a turtle speed.

In such a slow world, the young man didn't even bother to dodge, he raised his hand and grabbed it lightly, easily grabbing the bullet fired by Natasha Romanoff.

"On my site, no one can hurt me!" The young man shook his head, his face full of mockery.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, Natasha Romanoff also flew out, and like Hawkeye before, was pressed against the wall.

"Since you have entered my place, you must abide by the rules here.

Let's take a bet! And the bet is with your soul!" The young man's face showed a hint of interest.

Rockefeller Manor.

Locke sat in front of the desk with an unusually solemn expression on his face. Just now, he had already felt an extremely strong aura of death from Ancient One's body.

Obviously, the Sorcerer Supreme of this world is going to die, and the speed is getting faster and faster, in his guess, it should not be long.

And once the Ancient One is gone, Dormammu, who has been eyeing the earth, will definitely take action.

There will definitely be a tough battle to fight at that time, but his current strength is still not enough.

The key is at this juncture, and a so-called castle of fate has appeared.

And from the mouth of Ancient One, it is known that this strange place that rises is still using terrible dark magic, which has to be treated with caution.

Because according to his knowledge of the Marvel world, there are not many existences that can use dark magic.

There are several well-known existences, one is the dark lord Dormammu, the other is the god of the underworld, and the other is the hell lord Mephisto.

And each of these is not something that the current Locke can deal with.

If the man behind the so-called Castle of Destiny is really one of the three Mephistas, then it's going to be tough.

This is also the reason why his face is solemn at the moment, he is still too weak!

To become stronger, he needs to become stronger!

"No. 18 and No. 21 have to step up their pace!" Locke muttered to himself.

It has been a week since the third tech world was drawn.

At present, the physical bodies of No. 18 and No. 21 are still being cultivated, and it will take a little time to transform into an incomparably powerful artificial human.

At this moment, the door of the study was pushed open, and Nimf came to Locke excitedly.

"Master, the element combination of the Wanxing Hulk serum has been calculated!!",

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