Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 196 Start to build A level Superman potion (please subscribe!)

Strengthening plan 1: Regenerative Healing Factor agent, reduce the death rate to 0%, Locke undead ability, as long as there is one cell, it can be resurrected infinitely, assessment: B+ level technology level.

Strengthening plan 2: Swallow the body potion, reduce the mortality rate to 10%, Locke devour the physique, can absorb the corresponding Ability of the devoured life! Assessment: A-level technology level.

Strengthening plan 3: Superman potion, reduce the death rate to 0%, Locke Kryptonian genes, have Superman physique, can strengthen themselves by absorbing the light and radiation of Fixed Star! Assessment: A-level technology level.

[Note: Kryptonian genes do not exist in this world, and you need to spend 10 more points to exchange them! 】

Although it has long been guessed that the strengthening plan given by the system will be quite amazing.

But when he looked at the three strengthening plans given by the system, he was still shocked.

Each of the three schemes has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all extremely heaven-defying.

Regenerative Healing Factor agent, death green has been reduced to 0%, which means that there is no risk.

Once injected with this drug, then from then on, death basically said goodbye to him.

As long as there is still one cell, it can be resurrected infinitely. What is the difference between this and the devil Buu in the Dragon Ball world, it is simply abnormal and outrageous.

However, this potion also has shortcomings, that is, simply possessing the ability of Regenerative Healing Factor, it will not greatly improve his strength.

Moreover, this Ability does not mean that he will not die at all. As long as all his cells are eliminated, he will also die.

Just like Dragon Ball World, Kakarot killed Buu with his vitality bullet.

Although there is no such thing as vitality bombs in this world, there are still guys who can completely destroy his cells.

It is estimated that any level God Father powerhouse who can walk out now can do this.

Therefore, the ability of Regenerative Healing Factor may seem invincible, but there are actually quite a few limitations.

Unless he wants to be the sixth child all the time, he can consider it.

But thinking about the current situation, this is obviously impossible, even if he wants to be the sixth, strong enemies such as Dormammu and Thanos will not agree.

You can't just hang on when they come, right? What's the difference between waiting for death?

After thinking about it, Locke ruled out the plan.

His eyes moved to the second plan, the Swallowing Body Potion, which was a heaven-defying ability that could allow people to absorb the energy of other life and strengthen themselves.

Ability is good, but the process is a bit bloody or even disgusting, because this swallowing absorption is aimed at living substances, such as humans, animals and so on.

For example, if you devour an ant, you can have the ability of an ant, and if you devour Odin, you can have the same strength as Odin.

But then again, how can he swallow Odin with his current strength?

Even if I got lucky with a conspiracy, the process of devouring is a bit like Majin Buu.

They are all turned into liquid substances to cover the opponent's body, and then, like sulfuric acid, slowly corrode the opponent's body.

And the stronger the strength, the slower the absorption process, the faster it is a few days, and the slower it is a few months.

That is to say, before he completely absorbs the other party, his appearance will be the same as that of the devoured one.

Just thinking about this process, Locke shook his head, it was disgusting, let's forget it!

His eyes stayed on the last plan, the Superman potion, and his face immediately showed satisfaction and excitement.

Among the three plans, the only one that satisfied him and was suitable for him was the last one, A-level technology, Superman potion!!

Once injected, it will allow him to Locke the Kryptonian genes, and possess the Kryptonian to strengthen his own anti-celestial physique by absorbing Fixed Star light and radiation.

Thus Awakening Superman's various powerful abilities, indestructible defense, Flight Ability, Micro Vision, Perspective Ability, Thermal Vision, etc.

Although he already has some of these abilities, such as Flight, such as the terrifying defense, he even has the ability to control heat.

But you must know that his current Ability has reached the bottleneck stage, and it is not impossible to improve it, but it is very difficult.

But if he can have the physique of a Kryptonian, then improving his strength will become very simple, just bask in the sun.

And you must know that Superman can be divided into multiple forms, Golden Age, Silver Age, Modern, Golden Superman, and Thinking Superman.

The most powerful ones are the Silver Age Superman, Golden Superman, and Thinking Superman.

If Locke can reach any of these three realms, even in the entire Marvel universe, he can walk sideways.0

So, just thinking about it, Locke couldn't help being very excited.

As expected of the system!

"No need to choose, just Superman potion!"

Locke muttered to himself, and he already had a decision in his heart.

For the strengthening scheme, choose scheme 3, Superman agent.

The moment he confirmed it, the technological plan on how to create the Superman potion came to Locke's mind out of thin air.

In just an instant, he completely mastered the method of making Superman's potion.

Not only that, but a bottle of Kryptonian gene culture liquid appeared in his system backpack.

This thing is the key to making Superman's potion!

With this thing, the superman medicine can be realized.

There is only one copy in the entire Marvel world, and its preciousness can be imagined.

Therefore, even if Locke made the formula of Superman's potion public, no one in this world would be able to create a second Superman potion.

With ecstasy, Locke immediately plunged into the creation of the Superman potion.

Time flies, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Relying on the theoretical basis provided by the system, it took Locke half a month to finally create the Superman potion.

The main reason why it takes so long is that it is too difficult, really too difficult.

It is indeed a product of A-level technology, and it involves too many scientific fields.

Locke is studying the knowledge of 2.2 related fields, while operating according to the plan.

If there is no relevant knowledge to do the basics, many steps, he does not know how to operate.

In addition, the required materials are too rare, so just collecting the materials will delay a lot of time.

Fortunately, he relied on the huge network of connections of the Rockefeller family, which compressed this time.

In this way, he was able to create the Superman Pharmacy within half a month.

And now is the time to start verifying the effectiveness of this Superman potion.

Because of the experience of the last madness potion, Locke did not let anyone watch it this time.

It's better to grow stronger by yourself, or grow secretly!

While thinking so, Locke directly plunged the prepared Superman medicine into his arm.

Become Superman and start!!.

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