Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 221 Locke, whose strength has skyrocketed, goes to the killer girl group al1! (Subscribe!)

After explaining the new plan to the commander and discussing the business with her, Locke then got out and sat in the study and closed his eyes to rest.

Immediately, he sank his consciousness into the system and read out the personal attribute information.

【Host】: Locke

[Technology World 1]: Neil Mechanical Age,

【Tech World 2】:Things Falling from Heaven

【Tech World 3】: Dragon Ball


[Host Physique]: Optimal solution of super soldier serum, madness potion, Superman potion.

[Host Ability1]: Control high temperature heat (50,000 degrees).

[Host Ability2]: Perspective eye (1000 km thickness), thermal line of sight (50,000 degrees), telephoto vision (100,000 km), microscopic vision (molecular level), anti-gravity Flight (100 times the speed of sound), super Roar suction (can blow a cold breath of −100 degrees), super hearing (covering the entire planet), super strength (cannot be estimated), super brain power (can not be estimated), super defense (can walk on the surface of the sun).

[Host Ability3]: Stop time, turn back time, and foresee the future.

Note: Manipulating time violates the rules of the universe, and will be counterattacked by The Power of Rules, causing unimaginable damage to the body, use it with caution!

Looking at the personal attribute information of "Zero Seven Zero" in front of him, which was obviously more detailed than before, Locke's face was surprised.

He didn't expect the system to organize his personal information in such a detailed manner, which is really good, so that he can understand himself more clearly.

In the column of physique, it is obvious that he has taken the strengthening potions from the beginning to the present.

And Ability is also divided according to these medicines.

Ability 1 is obviously the ability to control heat brought to him by the Mad God Elixir.

And Ability2 is obviously Awakening's Superman skill, and it is also the skill he currently has the most, and it is also his main ability.

Ability3 is the ability to control time after absorbing the energy of Time Gem.

And he has long known that manipulating time will be countered by The Power of Rules.

Just now when he stopped time for a while, his body was hurt by a mysterious force.

And this kind of damage is completely unavoidable, irresistible, and 100% will appear on him.

All he can do is accept it, and he can only be hurt by this power.

And this is the power of The Power of Rules, even a Level God Father like Locke can't do anything about it.

Fortunately, Locke's body has an unimaginable Self-healing Ability.

Therefore, although his body was damaged by The Power of Rules, he was able to repair it in an instant.

So for him, as long as it is used properly, there is no problem with manipulating time for him.

Definitely, the control of time is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. If it is used excessively and exceeds the speed of his body's repair, then it is quite overloaded, and it will also be dangerous.

Therefore, just like a system reminder, the ability to manipulate time should be used sparingly.

He took out the Time Gem from the necklace hanging around his neck, put it in his hand and started playing slowly.

As the energy inside the gem is constantly being absorbed, the Time Gem today is much dimmer than it was before.

According to his current absorption speed, it should be completely absorbed within a few days.

At that time, his manipulation of time will be more skillful and transparent.

Now he can only stop and reverse time in local areas.

Once the entire Time Gem is absorbed, what he can influence will be the entire universe.

And as the Time Gem's energy is absorbed, what he locks is more than just the ability to manipulate time.

The activity of his cells has also been greatly improved, so his physical body has also been strengthened a lot, which has been mentioned before.

In addition, his ability to control heat has also risen, and has been increased several times.

Before absorbing Time Gem's energy, the maximum temperature he could release was 20,000 degrees Celsius, but now it has been able to release it to 50,000 degrees Celsius.

If the entire Time Gem is absorbed, he estimates that it can be improved several times, to the point of hundreds of thousands of degrees.

At that time, I am afraid that a hot sight can destroy everything!

He is looking forward to it!

After going through his attribute information, Locke didn't stop there, and went directly to his secret base.

At present, Locke has three bases, and the first base is the underground laboratory under his manor.

The second base is a new base managed by Lao Mo, located in a basin surrounded by mountains.

Most of the members he took in are also in this base, including Ivan Vanke, Dr. Zola, Dr. Stern, and Locke's killer girl group.

As for the third base, it is the Star City that Locke is currently expanding.

The Star City will also become his most important base in the future.

After all, for him, this is not just a base, but a brand new continent and a brand new hot land that only belongs to him.

His ambition to conquer the universe is all pinned on the city of stars.

But this time, the place where Locke went was not his most important interstellar city, but the new base that Lao Mo was responsible for.

He hadn't been here for some time, and it was time to come and see the research results of the scientists he contained during this period of time.

Just after Locke arrived at the new base, Lao Mo and Hanmer were respectfully waiting at the gate of the base.

Seeing Hanmer, there was a hint of curiosity in Locke's eyes, but he didn't expect him to be here today.

"Young master, it's like every three autumns if we haven't seen each other for a day. We haven't seen each other for hundreds of years. Hug!" As soon as Hanmer saw Locke, he flattered and reached out to hug Locke.

"I'm not interested in men, stay away from me!" Locke glared at Hanmer and said with disgust.

"Master, what you said is so sad, do you think I look like this kind of person?

I'm just excited to see you, young master!" Hanmer said with a smile, his eyes full of happiness.

For Locke, Hammer admires and is grateful from the bottom of his heart. If he doesn't say anything else, simply saying that Locke cured his coronary heart disease is enough to make him work for it.

Not to mention, Locke also gave his man the joy of rejuvenating his glory, and the opportunity to surpass Stark Industries.

No, it is now not just an opportunity, but a reality.

With this year's efforts, his Hammer Industries achievement in arms has completely surpassed Stark Industries.

Some people will say that Stark Industries has surpassed Stark Industries in terms of arms, because Stark Industries closed the arms manufacturing department.0

This is true, but in addition to the field of arms, in other fields, Hammer Industries has surpassed Stark Industries in several aspects.

And the benefit of this is naturally the help from Locke.

"You can't move the chicken, disgusting!" said Locke.

66" Hammer.

"Why are you here today?" Locke asked curiously after changing the conversation.

"It's not because of Ivan Vanke, he recently made a low-profile version of the exoskeleton armor, and the effect is quite good.

I was thinking about something, so I came over to see if I could sell it to the military, so I guess I could make some money!"

Justin Hammer said with a smile, as a serious businessman, the thing he is most interested in is making money.

So when it comes to this kind of thing, his eyes start to glow.

"Low-end version of exoskeleton armor?" Hearing Justin's words, Locke couldn't help but be curious.

"Master, didn't you create a super alloy power armor at the beginning?

I looked very interesting, so I asked Ivan Vanke to refer to it and changed it to make it easier.

And it can be worn by ordinary people to enhance their individual combat ability!

My original intention was to wear the security personnel of our new base, and to mention the security force of the base.

But after seeing it, Hammer thought it was a good product and should be able to open up new business opportunities, so I let him try it!35

Seeing that Locke was curious, Lao Mo hurriedly explained.

Hearing Lao Mo's words, Locke finally understood and nodded, agreeing with Lao Mo's approach.

After all, the super alloy armor was originally used by him to improve his combat power.

But now it's of no use to him.

In this way, he really has no reason to refuse to use it for the second time to make some extra money for the family.

And since he was here, he happened to be going to see Ivan Vanke. Thinking like this, he looked at Lao Mo.

"Take me to meet Ivan Vanke, by the way, let the killer girl groups come over!

2.2 I haven't seen them for a few days, I miss them!" Locke said after a while.

"They often talk to me about the young master recently, and they also think what you think, young master!

I have already informed them just now, and they are probably ready by this time?

Young master, look, do you want to meet them first?

Lao Mo said meaningfully, with a wretched smile on his face.

Hearing this, Locke thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Alright, I'll go see them first!

As Locke said, he walked towards the residence of the One Punch Killer girl group, and Hanmer silently followed behind, intending to follow Locke.

But before he could take a step, he was caught by Lao Mo.

"You're blind! The young master went to see the killer girl group, and you followed him?" Lao Mo said with a speechless expression.

Hearing Lao Mo's words, Han Mo was stunned for a while, and then he reacted after a while.

"Ow, ooh, look at my head, I'm so funny all of a sudden, I'm sorry, sorry! 99

Suddenly, a wretched smile appeared on Hanmer's face.

It's okay to be a young master!

Go to the meeting alone, admire it!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone, sorry for the late update!

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