Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 223 The truth of the betrayal, the gene directed mutation experiment starts (please subscrib

In Dr. Stern's research room, Locke stood quietly in the center of the room, looking at Ruo Da's laboratory.

"Master, all the materials have been taken away, and the research results have disappeared!" Lao Mo said with a very ugly expression.

Dr. Stern is regarded as the strongest existence in their new bases with the strongest scientific research ability.

After all, his IQ has been enhanced by 1000 times, which makes him as witty as a demon, and his smart mind is no less than Locke.

Even purely from the point of view of IQ, he is stronger than Locke.

And such a potential and threatening guy, at this moment defected, how could he not be angry!

This is not a good thing for the Rockefeller family no matter from which point of view they are considered.

Hearing Lao Mo's words, Locke was not surprised at all, as if he had guessed it long ago.

The only thing he was curious about was how Dr. Stern escaped from the heavily guarded base?

You know, Dr. Stern is Locke's main focus.

In addition to the original strong security of the base, he was also constantly monitored by the artificial intelligence 9s created by Locke.

According to normal circumstances, it is impossible for Dr. Stern to leave the base silently.

But this impossible thing has already happened at the moment, and Locke is naturally very curious.

"gs, analyze all the surveillance video about Dr. Stern to see if there is anything suspicious!" Locke thought for a while, and immediately issued an order to the artificial intelligence 9.

"Received, surveillance video content is being analyzed..."

"The analysis is complete, everything is normal, and no problems were found.

Dr. Stern's last video surveillance was at nine o'clock last night.

As usual, the other party turns off the lights and leaves when the work is done.

Then he left the laboratory and returned to his residence, without any problems throughout the whole process! The voice of 9s sounded in Locke's mind.

Listening to 9s' analysis, the suspicion on Locke's face became more and more intense.

If there is no problem with the surveillance video, then the other party has disappeared after returning to the dormitory.

But a video screen installed in the hallway of the dormitory showed that Dr. Stern never came out after entering the room.

So, is it too weird to disappear out of thin air?

Wait, Locke suddenly seemed to have thought of something. With Dr. Stern's ability, it was basically impossible to leave the base without knowing anything.

But what if the other party has a very powerful helper?

Suddenly, Locke's mind couldn't help but automatically make up the picture of Dr. Stern leaving the base.

Definitely, brain tonic is only brain tonic, not the truth, and if he wants to know the truth, he needs to enter Dr. Stern's room to see.

"Take me to Dr. Stern's room!" Locke said thoughtfully.

"Yes!" Although he didn't know what Locke wanted to do, Locke's words were the imperial edict.

Without the slightest hesitation, he took Locke to Dr. Stern's room.

Different from other rooms, Dr. Stern's room gave him the greatest feeling, which was simplicity.

There is no other furniture except a bed, a sofa, a table, and a wardrobe.

If strangers enter here, they will probably suspect that the room has been stolen.

But in fact, this is not the case. The reason why it is so empty is all intentional by Dr. Stern.

As an existence with an IQ that is 1,000 times higher than ordinary people, Dr. Stern's focus has long been not limited to material life.

What he pursues is the satisfaction of the spiritual level. To put it uglier, he only serves his own ambitions.

As for whether the living conditions are good or not, in his eyes, it is simply irrelevant.

That's why his room is so minimalist, but he can understand it.

But in the eyes of others, it was incredible.

"In such a luxurious room, there is only such a small amount of furniture, this life is really too hard, isn't it?

How on earth did this guy persevere every day, if such a room was given to me, I would not be able to live for a day ""!" Hammer shook his head and said.

"Mr. Hammer, everyone's pursuit is different!" Lao Mo said on the side.

"That's true!" Nodding silently, Hammer agreed.

Listening to their conversation, Locke did not participate, but stood in the room, raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

Everyone didn't know what Locke wanted to do, but at this moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

I saw that under the snap of Locke's fingers, an image appeared out of thin air in the originally silent room.

The image of Dr. Stern actually appeared in the image.

"This is!!" Looking at such a scene, everyone's faces were stunned.

The image in front of him is like a holographic image created by a high-tech projector.

But you must know that there is nothing here, and if you have Dr. Stern's video screen in the room, you don't need to come here at all.

So they can be sure that the scene in front of them is definitely not a holographic image created by high-tech equipment.

It's more like a live reenactment of what's going on in the room, but how is that possible!

What the hell did their young master do to be able to do this, this is too incredible.

How did they know that the moment Locke snapped his fingers, he activated the ability to control time.

Rewinding the time scene is also a kind of manipulating time. This skill can reproduce the scene of what happened in a certain place.

Because it is only a scene backtracking, it is easier to use.

The damage from The Power of Rules will not be too great, and it is completely within Locke's tolerance range.

So the scene in front of me is exactly what happened after Dr. Stern entered the room last night.

There were no problems in the early stage of the imaging, and after returning to the room, Dr. Stern began to wash.

The problem occurred an hour later. After washing up, Dr. Stern started to tidy up in the room, as if he was going to go out.

At 10:30 in the evening, a magic door suddenly appeared in the room.

Then a man in a yellow robe walked out of the Magic Gate and chatted with Dr. Stern for a while.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dr. Stern stepped into it and disappeared, and the whole process took less than a minute.

Seeing such a scene, everyone showed a look of enlightenment.

They finally knew how Dr. Stern had quietly left the base.

This guy, Dr. Stern, has a helper who can use magic.

"Master, that guy's clothes are the same as Kamar-Taj's magician robe, does this have something to do with Kamar-Taj's group of magicians?" Lao Mo said solemnly.

As Locke's housekeeper, Kamar-Taj also knew, and he also knew very well the power of the magician called Ancient One.

If this matter is related to the other party, it will be very difficult.

But what he didn't know was that the Ancient One had passed away, and the opportunity for Doctor Strange to appear had not yet come.

Therefore, the current Kamar-Taj can be said to be leaderless, and due to the special relationship between Kamar-Taj and Locke, the other party should not provoke him.

And in fact it was, the man who appeared in the image, although wearing Kamar-Taj's magician robe.

But he himself is no longer a disciple of Kamar-Taj.

As for why Locke knew, it was actually very simple, because he knew the man.

As a traveler, Locke knows most of the characters in the Marvel world.

The man who appeared in the image just now was called Kaecilius, who was originally the eldest disciple of Ancient One.

Later, because he was obsessed with dark magic, he betrayed Kamar-Taj and became the lackey of the dark lord Dormammu, who has been against his master Ancient One.

In the original Marvel world, Kaecilius was eventually absorbed by Dormammu and became part of Dormammu's life.

In this world, because of Locke's reasons, Dormammu was driven away by him before he had fully arrived.

In this way, Kaecilius, the dark magician, has recovered a small life.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party dared to hit him with his idea.

66 `Not Kamar-Taj, this guy is called Kaecilius, a traitor to Kamar-Taj!" Locke said coldly.

"A traitor, so it is! 35 Lao Mo is enlightened.

"Lao Mo, send some people to track this guy's trail during this time.

After you discover it, don't act rashly, just notify me, and I will let someone deal with it!" Locke thought for a while and said.

"Understood!" Lao Mo nodded and left quickly to make arrangements.

"Master, why don't you let me follow this guy's trail! I can kill these two guys directly!" At this time, Delia said with murderous intent in her eyes.

Hearing this, Locke smiled and said: "I will give you this opportunity, but before that, you still need to improve your own strength!

"Improve the strength? But young master, how can I improve!" Delia's face showed a curious color.

"Come with me! You'll find out later!" Locke said slightly mysteriously.

With that said, Locke took Di (of Zhao's) Liya to his exclusive research room.

Locke has a research room of his own in the three bases, which is convenient for him to do research.

"Take off your clothes!" As soon as he entered the research room, Locke said directly.

Hearing Locke's words, Delia's face immediately climbed up with a cloud of fire.

"Okay, young master!" With a blushing face, she immediately took off her clothes.

Then he lay down on the experimental bench, looked at Locke with a wink and asked, "Master, is this okay?"

." Locke.

"You goblin, what are you thinking! Letting you take off your clothes is a convenient experiment for the next step!" Locke clapped his heavy palms and laughed jokingly.

"Ah.. Hate!" Hearing Locke's words, Delia was so embarrassed that she was about to get into the crack of the ground.

"You lie down in the experimental cabin, it may be a little painful next time, you must hold back!" Locke said very seriously when he saw Delia.

"As long as you can become stronger, I'm not afraid of pain, young master, you can come!" Delia, who was lying in the experimental cabin, said with firm eyes.

Locke nodded with relief.

"Very good, then the first gene-directed mutation experiment begins with you!

As Locke said, he poured the genetic mutagenesis agent that had been perfected over the past few days into the injection bottle of the experimental cabin.

Then I directly pressed the start button, and the targeted mutation of the gene officially started!

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