Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 227 1e san ceiling, the commander's sister's appetite is really not small! (Please

In the face of the Killian, there is simply no need for 2b to spend too much effort, a sword is enough.

Although Extremis can make the injector have the extremely unbelievable Self-healing Ability, it can make people reborn broken limbs.

But this is premised, the premise is that the head cannot be cut off.

Once the head is cut off, the entire body loses the center that issues commands, and it dies.

And 2b knew that, so she wouldn't give Killian a chance at all.

Since it is going to be shot, it must be a one-hit kill, the kind of drama that kills and resurrects it is meaningless!

"Okay, the crisis is over!" Miss 2b said indifferently.

At this moment, a golden-red figure descended from the sky and appeared in front of the three of them.

"Little Pepper, you're fine, that's great!" The figure who suddenly appeared was Iron Man, Tony. Stark.

After receiving the news that Pepper was not kidnapped, he rushed over immediately.

But what he did not expect was that after arriving at the secret base, he found that it had turned into a dead place.

Deadman's corpse was all over the ground, blood flowed into rivers, and the entire secret base was like a purgatory on earth.

If it weren't for his mental endurance, he would have vomited in ten.

And the purgatory-like scene made him even more worried about the safety of Little Pepper.

Like crazy, he constantly flew towards the depths of the base, only to find a deep pit leading directly to the ground.

And he also found a life signal in the deep pit, so he rushed in quickly without any hesitation.

It just made him not expect that Miss 2b of the Rockefeller family was here.

In just an instant, he understood why this place became a dead place.

Don't think too much about it, this must have been done by the female killer in front of her.

Suddenly, he looked at Miss 2b's eyes full of fear, and he couldn't help getting cold behind his back.

Although he knew for a long time that the woman in front of him was powerful and murderous.

But today was the first time he saw Miss 2b kill her with his own eyes.

This mud horse is so terrifying, it doesn't treat people like people at all!

This is completely kneading it as an ant!

"Miss Tu Bi, I didn't expect you to be here too, what a coincidence!" Tony Stark looked at Miss 2b with a look of fear and said.

"What did you do as a man? Your woman is dying, and you didn't catch up?"

Looking at Tony Stark in front of him, 2b scolded unceremoniously.

She didn't have a cold for Tony Stark at first, and now it's even more impossible to be polite.

Hearing Miss 2b's words, Tony Stark's face was full of guilt.

For 2b's scolding, he did not mean to refute at all, because if there is no such woman in front of him today.

Then his fiancee, Chili Pepper, is really likely to lose his life here.

So Miss 2b's lesson is right, not only will he not be angry with 2b, but he is extremely grateful.

"Miss Tu Bi's lesson is right, thank you very much this time, I will come to thank you another day!" Tony. Stark said gratefully.

"No need to thank you, take your woman and go!" 2b rolled Tony Stark and said.

Immediately, she ignored Tony Stark, grabbed Yama Hansen, and flew directly out of the secret base.

At the moment in the study of Rockefeller Manor.

A system prompt suddenly sounded in Locke's mind, who was paralyzed on the sofa and closed his eyes.

[Congratulations to the host, participating and witnessing the Iron Man 3 event, reward points 20 points! 】

Listening to the system prompt sound in his mind, Locke's face couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Obviously, Miss 2b has completed the task he assigned.

Although there are not many points, only 20 points, but it is also very good.

With these 20 points, he has a total of 170 points.

As long as you work hard, it won't take long to accumulate 200 points.

At that time, whether it is opening a new technological world or strengthening analysis, it is all possible.

For him, points are like money, never too much, and the more points, the more secure they feel.

Now Locke feels quite secure, and when he smiled, his body suddenly had some adverse reactions.

It didn't take long for the commander's sister to get out from under the desk.

"Satisfied?" Locke said with a smirk, looking at the commander's sister in his arms.

"Yeah!" Wiping the corners of her mouth lightly, the commander's sister nodded with a charming smile.

"Okay, hurry up and pack up, 2b should be back soon!"

Locke's palm slammed heavily under the commander's sister's lower waist.

"Just come back when you come back, it's not like she hasn't done this kind of thing." The commander's sister smiled.

"Hehe, if it's just 2b, there's definitely no problem. The key point is that she also brought a guest, don't you mind?"

"Hate, didn't you say earlier, is that the female biologist named Yama Hansen?" The commander asked curiously.


‘Master, didn’t you say that your gene mutation technology has been realized? Then this woman should have no effect, right?”

"Although the gene mutagenesis technology has been successful, it is only Level 1. This technology still has a lot of room for expansion. It will take a lot of time to study it thoroughly."

"So that's the case, so, Master, do you want this woman to take over the genetic mutation project?"

"There are plans in this regard, but whether it will work or not, I have to go through my assessment 070 to see!" Locke thought thoughtfully.

"Well, young master, I feel the same way, these guys recruited from outside must be seen clearly.

Otherwise, it would be bad if you were like Dr. Stern again. "When Dr. Stern was mentioned, the commander's face was full of anger.

"I will settle the account with Dr. Stern!" Locke said coldly.

"Well, young master, I will definitely kill this traitor at that time!" The commander squeezed his fist, a murderous look in his eyes.

"Hehe, you look so sassy and beautiful when you're angry!"

Looking at the frowning commander, Locke smiled and scratched affectionately on her nose.

Hearing Locke's praise, the commander smiled, and the snake's waist couldn't help twisting.

"Master, why don't you make this study into a small space! It only takes 10 minutes!

The commander's sister said with a fascinated face, her eyes full of fiery affection.

"Ten minutes outside, 365 minutes in a small space, 6 hours! Are you sure?" Locke looked at the commander's sister with a smirk and said.

"6 hours?! That's great!"

Hearing Locke's words, the commander's sister not only did not retreat, but her eyes flashed with excitement.

Immediately, Locke couldn't be rectified.

As expected of Onee-san, this appetite is really big!

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