Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 239 9 stars in a row, the space is folded, and a monster is attacking the manor (please subs

Suddenly hearing Locke's voice, Malekith's face showed an inexplicable color.

To give you face? Who are you? Why give you face?

This was Malekith's first thought when he saw Locke, and his face was full of sneer.

"Where's the fool, since you're on Asgard's side, let's die together!"5

Malekith roared in anger, and the fierce and invincible fist did not stop.

Instead, he slammed towards Locke, who was standing in front of him, more and more fiercely, as if to kill Locke together.

The powerful black fist came towards Locke with the power of destroying the dead.

The force of reality wrapped around the fist changed the gravity mode of the space, directly increasing the gravity more than a hundred times.

Therefore, Malekith's casual punch weighs a million tons, and such a punch is enough to easily collapse a mountain.

Under the influence of the incredible force of reality, the space was distorted, and a harsh sound like glass was broken.

The lightning and flint had already come to Locke's face, and he was about to be swallowed by one punch.

But at this moment, I saw an indifferent smile on Locke's face.

I saw that he raised his palm lightly, and 070 easily blocked it in front of him, pressing it on Malekith's fiercely pounding fist.

In an instant, Malekith's destructive fist stopped abruptly.

Malekith only felt that his fist was like a piece of cotton, like a mud ox into the sea, and all the power was instantly immersed in it.

His incomparably ferocious punch did not cause any damage to the man in front of him, but was easily blocked by him.

His eyes shrank unbelievably, and his face was full of incredible colors.

"Is this your strength, you don't seem to be good!" Locke said lightly.

Immediately, the palm that blocked Malekith's fist suddenly changed, and quickly grabbed Malekith's fist.

With a twist of the body, a power far exceeding one million tons burst out, and directly threw Malekith out.

"call out!!""


Malekith's body turned into a cannonball in a split second, smashing down from mid-air.

It landed like a meteor, and was heavily smashed into the hard ground.

The strong impact left a deep pit several meters in diameter on the ground, and the picture looked quite miserable, not much better than Thor's treatment.


Seeing Malekith being blasted away by Locke, Thor, who had just stood up, shouted with excitement.

This feeling is like seeing the football team I support score a goal, excited and excited.

There is also a feeling of getting revenge for a great revenge, after all, the self just now was beaten away by Malekith.

Now Locke is also blowing it away, isn't this hated by his own revenge?

In this way, he was naturally very excited.

Although he is not an opponent, his teammates are cows!

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Malekith, who was smashed into the deep pit, was furious, his anger was like a volcano erupting.

As the leader of the dark elves, he has integrated the power of the Reality Gem. With his current strength, even if he faces the God King Odin, he will not be afraid.

But now he was beaten so miserably by an unknown guy.

Shame, this is his great shame, and it is also the shame of their entire dark elves family!

The glory of the dark elves cannot be desecrated, and only by killing the boy in front of him can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

While thinking about this, an increasingly terrifying energy wave burst out from Malekith's body.

Suddenly, the mountain shook and the sky trembled. With the deep pit that Malekith smashed as the center, the square garden began to collapse and shatter for dozens of miles, turning into dust and disappearing.

At this moment, everyone saw that a dark red energy surrounded Malekith in a substantial form, forming a dark red troll.

The troll's appearance was erratic, hovering behind Malekith like a Ghost, showing his teeth and claws, constantly roaring silently, and the scene was terrifying.

And at this time, the nine worlds were connected into a line, and the space began to fold and integrate.

Parts of the nine worlds are connected together, and they can travel freely.

Earth, in the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dr. Selvig looked at the machine in front of him in disbelief, and his eyes slowly revealed an unbelievable color.

"In the legend, when the nine celestial bodies are connected in a straight line, the vision of the nine stars in a row is achieved.

The space will be folded, did not expect this to be true!

"What do you mean, that strange Warehouse is a gateway to another world?" Nick Fury asked, looking at Dr. Selvig with a curious expression.

Dr. Selvig nodded and said: "According to the data, our earth is in the center of the nine celestial bodies.

So there should be more than just the Warehouse where space folding occurs, there should be another place!"

"After the space is folded, what effect will it have?" The Hill agent looked at Dr. Selvig curiously at this time and asked.

"After the space is folded, the nine worlds can be connected to each other.

So creatures from other worlds can quietly enter our planet, what do you think will be the impact?"


Hearing Dr. Selvig's words, everyone's faces became solemn.

According to this, then their earth is likely to be invaded by alien creatures again.

With the experience of the previous battle of New York, they now have no good feelings for alien creatures.

"WARNING WARNING! Unusual spatial fluctuations have been found in the heart of New York City, and an unidentified creature has broken in, and a massive destruction is currently underway!"

At this moment, a rapid alarm sounded.

Hearing this alarm sound, the faces of the S.H.I.E.L.D group suddenly turned ugly.

I'm really worried about what to do!

One second, I was worried about the invasion of alien creatures, but I didn't expect it to happen the next second. This is no one anymore.

"Scolding Fake, it looks like there's another tough battle to be fought! Avengers, it's time to go out!" Nick Fury said solemnly.

Hearing his words, Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye, and Rogers, who were beside him, nodded silently, and quickly started to act.

Rockefeller Manor, Icarus is still taking care of the watermelons he grows in his room.

With her diligent care, now her watermelon has grown to fist file size.

As long as it takes a while, the watermelon should be able to ripen and be ready to eat!

This is really a happy thing, but at this moment, she heard a terrifying roar from outside the manor.

With a curious look on his face, his eyes moved outside the manor.

Immediately, she saw a giant monster with a height of more than ten meters rushing towards the location of their manor.

Suddenly, Icarus' face turned cold.

"Looking for death!! 35

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