Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 243 The Eternal Fire has become delicious, and the Flame Giant is defeated with 1 punch!

Looking at the sudden appearance of Sirte, a look of surprise appeared on Locke's face.

Because in his impression, Sirte should not appear at this time.

The time point of Sirte's appearance is not right. In the original timeline, the time node of Sirte's appearance should have appeared after Death God Hela appeared.

Obviously, because of his reasons, the original timeline was changed again.

In this regard, Locke is not surprised. Since the threat has come, it is right to face it and solve it.

"Damn Asgard, damn Thor, damn Odin, I'm going to kill you!" Sirte roared up to the sky as soon as he appeared.

In the past thousand years, Odin fought on the battlefield and defeated countless forces, but he also established countless enemies.

From the previous Giants of Jotunheim, to the dark elves just now, to the Sirte in front of them, they are all Asgard's mortal enemies, and they are mortal existences.

So the first thing they want to do when they get a chance to make a comeback is to destroy Asgard and kill Odin.

This is the case from beginning to end, which shows how monstrous their hatred for Odin is.

Ragnarök's prophecy is, to be honest, self-inflicted in Asgard.

After all, feng shui turns, and the way of heaven reincarnates!

But thinking is one thing, doing is another, after all, promised Odin to help them when necessary.

In this case, he naturally has no reason to break his promise.

Even if it's not for his own promises, it's for the treasures in Odin's treasury.

He came to Asgard, in part, for the treasure house.

If Sirte did destroy this Asgard, where would he find the treasure in the hoard?

Looking at the Flame Giant in front of him, a group of women in Locke showed shock in their eyes.

But after the shock, it was full of greed and fiery.

Because of taking the Vulcan Potion, they were able to transform themselves into flames.

For them, not only does the flame not hurt them, but they can absorb energy from the flame to make themselves stronger.

This is what they discovered after integrating with Locke.

Integrating with their young master will not only enhance their young master's strength.

They themselves will also be nourished by the energy in Locke's body in the process and become stronger.

The two of them are complementary existences, which is really wonderful.

Definitely, the speed of their growth is definitely not as fast as Locke, who has a Superman physique.

However, although it cannot be compared with Locke, there is no doubt that it can absorb other flame energy and become stronger.

So when they saw the huge amounts of Flame Giant Sirte at this moment, greed appeared in their eyes instinctively.

Because the quality of the flame on Sirte is too high, the temperature is even several times higher than that of their young master.

If they can absorb a little of this flame, their strength will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds and become more powerful.

At that time, they will be able to better assist their young masters.

"Young master, what a pure flame energy, if we can absorb it, our strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds." "!" The commander's sister said with a serious face.

"Yeah! Master, this flame looks so delicious, it looks like I'm going to eat it!" Several other women also said excitedly.

Hearing the words of his own women, Locke's face couldn't help showing a wry smile.

When others saw such a scene, it was estimated that their legs were already weak.

His group of women is so good, they even got Sirte's idea, and this is no one else!

But then again, the Eternal Fire is a rare treasure, not to mention his group of women.

Rao is that he has his own ideas, because he found that his body was about to move in response to the terrifying energy emanating from the Eternal Fire.

Apparently, his Superman physique is also capable of absorbing the Eternal Fire.

After realizing this, he looked at Sirte with completely different eyes.

At the moment At the moment, Sirte was more than a threat.

In his eyes, it is a great creation!

The Superman cells in the body are like an abyss beast that can never be fed.

They open their huge mouths, constantly devouring the energy emanating from the Eternal Fire.

The properties of this energy are somewhat similar to the energy emitted by the Fixed Star, but there are also differences.

The Eternal Fire, as the name suggests, is a flame that will never go out, which means that it contains the ability of immortality.

Therefore, if Locke can completely absorb and devour the Eternal Fire, his vitality will surely increase to an unimaginable level.

Not to mention anything else, this alone gave Locke a reason to have to do it.

"Odin, I can feel the scent of the candle in the wind. I didn't expect you to have today. Let me give you a ride!" Sirte said with a full of sneer.

As he spoke, he fiercely slashed towards the palace where Odin was with the twilight sword in his hand.

The twilight sword in his hand is 1000 meters long and 100 meters wide.

Such a terrifying long sword slammed down, and before the long sword arrived, the strong wind that set off arrived ahead of schedule.

Immediately, the heat wave rolled, and the air was scorching and crackling. Wherever it passed, sand and rocks flew, the sky and the earth cracked, and the space was distorted.

Such a terrifying sword, once slashed, the palace will collapse instantly, and everything inside will be annihilated.

In normal times, Odin would definitely resist at this time, but now Odin has reached the end of his life and is dying.

Not to mention that it is a shot to resist, it is already difficult to get up and walk, so how can he resist.

Watching the twilight sword that fell suddenly, Frigg hugged Odin tightly, then slowly closed his eyes.

In the prophecy, the gods of their Asgard will fall, and her queen naturally cannot avoid it.

So from the moment the prophecy came out, she already had this awareness.

But at this moment, a figure (of Zhao's) arrived in an instant and appeared above the palace.

The figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Locke!

Looking at the twilight sword that was slashed down, Locke was expressionless, then clenched his fist and blasted it out violently.

Tens of thousands of tons of giant force poured into the fist, and the fist was punched, the fist wind was fierce, destroying the dry and rotten, like a dragon going out to sea, forming an invisible giant fist and the twilight sword cut by Sirte collided together. .


The earth-shattering roar was like an explosion of a nuclear bomb, the sky trembled, and the sky trembled.

The Flame Giant, which was as tall as a mountain, unexpectedly retreated to the rear under the collision, huge amounts of footsteps stepped on the ground, destroying one building after another.

"Who is it?!!" After being punched backwards, Sirte's face was full of anger, and the earth-shattering roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, deafening!.

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