Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 248 Follow the law, a seal can stop 0s of troops! (Subscribe!)

"They're all here?"

Hearing the cheers of a group of agents, Nick Fury's face showed a curious look.

who are they?

With such curiosity, his eyes moved to another screen.

Immediately, there was a flash of excitement in his eyes, and his body could not help trembling because he was too excited.

The reason why he behaved like this was because he saw a scene that made him feel extremely excited.

I saw a group of people suddenly appeared out of thin air in the sky over New York at the moment!

No, it should not be said to be a group of people, but a huge army.

This army, headed by a man, lined up behind him with 12 women.

Behind the women, hundreds of millions of auxiliary robots are suspended, tens of millions of automatic robots are in groups, and tens of thousands of Angel female warriors are standing in the air, forming an unimaginably huge army.

The man headed by this army is not Locke, who else could it be!

Standing side by side behind him, of course, is his Yoba troop 2b, commander, a2, 60, 210, Popola, Divara, Icarus of the Fallen, Nimf, Astray Asia, Kaos, and the 18th of Dragon Ball World.

Not to mention the army of auxiliary robots, the army of automatic armor and the army of Angels that followed them.

Just the strength of the 12 women behind Locke is enough to easily destroy the entire world.

This shows how terrifying their strength is!

However, this war is obviously not for them to destroy the world, on the contrary, it is for them to protect the world.

The protection is much more difficult than the simple destruction. They not only have to consider the degree of damage to the city, but also consider whether the city residents can withstand the attacks they launch.

This is also the main reason why the Angel Legion led by Icarus has not been able to clear the alien beast.

These alien beasts have completely infiltrated the city, and every attack by them may hurt the common people.

The kind-hearted Icarus naturally doesn't want to do anything that hurts innocent people.

Therefore, the Angel Legion she led was extremely restrained and did not use weapons of mass destruction.

And the alien beasts are constantly pouring in from the alien space, which causes them to kill more and more, and drag it to the current situation.

And the army led by Locke suddenly appeared, not only seen by a group of people in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Naturally, it has also been seen by people around the world, especially the people of New York who are caught in the chaos of alien beasts.

"What do you see in the sky?" "?"

"The army is a huge army, we are saved, we are saved!

"The Rockefellers, that's the Rockefellers' army!"

"It's that group of women again. The last New York battle was solved by them. Our savior is here!"

Looking at the dense army led by Locke in the sky, the people of New York City boiled.

The scene of the battle of New York that day is still fresh in our minds, and Locke's heroic feat of defeating the Chitauri army alone reappeared in everyone's hearts at this moment.

Their hero is back!

"Master, Icarus has not been able to lead his troops, and he has not been able to deal with these abominable alien beasts. Please punish the master!" Icarus said with a look of shame.

Hearing this, Locke smiled, touched her pink hair, and said, "It's not your fault, Jiuxing Lianzhu, the space overlap is constantly increasing.

There will only be more and more alien beasts breaking into the earth, you can do this, it is already very good!

So don't be ashamed!"

Hearing Locke's words, Icarus couldn't help showing a moved smile on his face.

To be honest, she was already very tired after these several hours of continuous combat.

Definitely, her tiredness is not physical, but psychological.

She has always felt quite incompetent and has been mired in self-doubt.

But now with Locke's enlightenment, she is suddenly enlightened, the knot in her heart has been opened, and a smile will naturally appear.

"Okay, it's time to end this sudden battle of alien beasts!" Locke said calmly.

"Master, what are you going to do?" The commander asked Locke curiously.

In such a situation, even her battle-hardened commander felt a bit of a headache.

The opponent is not an ordinary enemy, but a tide of alien beasts like a tide.

The defenses of these alien beasts are extremely powerful, and ordinary bullets cannot penetrate their bodies at all.

In addition, they have an absolute advantage in quantity, so as long as they rely on the advantage in quantity, they can constantly dominate.

The most important point is that the overlapping space cannot be blocked by conventional means.

This caused the whole scene to be like a bursting dam, which could not be blocked even if it wanted to.

This is also the main reason why the army led by Icarus has not removed these alien beasts.

So at this moment, she was very curious when she heard Locke's oath to let this matter come to an end.

"Have you heard of closing the door and hitting the dog?" Locke said with a smile.

"Close the door and beat the dog?" Everyone looked stunned, and for a while, they could not understand the meaning of Locke's words.

"This door is not easy to close!" The commander said with a solemn expression.

"Nine stars, overlapping spaces, ordinary people naturally can't close this door, but I can still try!" Locke smiled, with a confident look on his face.

Seeing him like this, a group of women looked at Locke with admiration in their eyes.

"Master, you are so handsome!" Miss 2b said, looking at Locke obsessively.

"Young master is handsome, what do you need to say, isn't this recognized?" Miss 60 said with a smile.

"600, you talk too much, do you want to be cleaned up by me again!" Miss 2b said, glaring at 60.

"Cut, whoever is afraid of who, come! Let's see who can support for a long time!" 60 said without giving up.

Listening to the bickering of the two women, the other women all stood aside watching the play with smiles on their faces.

Locke also smiled and shook his head, ignoring them and starting his actions.

I saw an earth-shattering red energy burst out from his body.

In an instant, the space shook, and a strange roar echoed in everyone's ears like thunder.

Everyone looked surprised and stared blankly at Locke who was standing in the air, as if looking up to a god.

No one knew what Locke wanted to do, but at the moment Locke suddenly raised his right arm and held it tightly against the empty space.


The icy voice is deafening, like the chanting from the gods, and like the Hong bell from the ancient times, it rang loudly between this piece of heaven and earth, shocking the ancients!

As the word "sealed" resounded throughout the world, an invisible mysterious force suddenly erupted, the entire space shook violently, and the air seemed to tighten.

But to the naked eye, nothing happened, and everyone was puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

But at this moment, an ecstatic voice spread from the crowd below.

"Look, the tide of alien beasts has been interrupted, and no alien beasts have broken in!"

"Is the passage blocked?"

"A simple seal really blocked the passage of alien beasts to our earth? This is too incredible!""

"Who is he?"

"I don't know, it's too far away from us, and there is always a ray of light on this man's body, so I can't see his true face!

"This legion is the Legion of the Rockefeller family, so this guy must also be a member of the Rockefeller family.

It is possible that he is really the eldest young master of the Rockefeller family rumored on the Internet, Rockefeller!

"How is this possible, I remember that Rockefeller's eldest master is only 14 years old this year!"

"Even if it's 14 years old, what if the strength depends on the age? 39

"Whoever he is! Anyway, in my heart, this guy is God!!

A group of people are discussing online or offline, all speculating about Locke's true identity.

Locke didn't care about it.

After sealing the overlapping space with the power of the Reality Gem, a faint smile appeared on Locke's face.

Then his eyes moved to his group of women and the army behind him.

"It's time for you to show, let this group of beasts see your true power!"

"Yes!!" Hearing Locke's words, a group of women immediately geared up with excitement on their faces.

A one-sided massacre has begun!!

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