Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 251 Heaven defying young master, give the nuclear bomb as a gift!

Nick Fury guessed right, the nuclear bomb crisis was indeed solved by Locke.

At this moment, Locke is sitting on the floating throne, playing with a red glass ball in his hand.

Inside the glass ball are two nuclear bombs.

Under the power of Locke's Reality Gem and Time Gem.

The two nuclear warheads that could easily destroy the entire city were shrunk into dolls and held in his hands.

This is the sky-defying strength that Locke has today.

With the skillful use of Reality Gem, Locke's strength is no longer limited to the power of the flesh. Controlling the rule is the real anti-sky!

"I never thought that this thing could become so cute, young master, you are amazing!

The commander looked at the nuclear bomb in Locke's hands with admiration and said.

"For you?" Locke said "Zero Eight Seven" with a half-smile, and then he moved his consciousness, and the red glass beads in his hand turned into a beautiful ruby ​​necklace.

In this world, the only person who can turn a nuclear warhead into a necklace and give it away is Locke.

"What a beautiful necklace, young master, bring it to me!" The commander's sister Meimu looked at Locke and said.

The slender and beautiful white neck gently approached Locke, and the neck descended, and the mountain-like towering light pressed lightly on Locke's body.

Feeling the beautiful experience brought by the commander's sister, Locke smiled and gently put the necklace around her beautiful neck.

"It's so beautiful, young master, I'll give you a gift too!" the commander said softly.

Immediately, she pressed the button on the floating throne.

Suddenly, the semi-circular floating throne slowly dropped a barrier and turned into a sphere with a diameter of about 2 meters suspended in mid-air.

Inside the sphere, it has become a moving wing.

"Why do you close the door with a gift?" Locke looked at the commander's sister and asked knowingly.

"Because it's not easy to disclose the gifts that people want to give!" The commander's sister said, only to hear a click, which was the sound of a button popping open.

"Master, are you ready?" The commander's sister said with a smile.

"Definitely, the estimated time to go home is 30 minutes!" Locke suddenly set the time required to go home to the floating throne.

"30 minutes is too fast, how about slowing down the moving speed of the throne and extending the time to go home to 2 hours?" the commander's sister said with a wink.

"The distance from here to the manor is only 30 kilometers, and at our usual speed, it only takes a few minutes to get home.

Don't you think it's unreasonable to extend it to 2 hours now, and are you sure you can last this long?" Locke looked at the commander's sister and said with a half-smiling smile.

"I want to try my limit!" the commander said with a smile.

"Okay! Just try it!" Locke also nodded with a smile on his face.

Immediately, the long skirt flew off, the beauty held her side, holding the long scroll, and rose up!

The next day, Locke sat quietly in the study.

Under the siege of Locke's army, the alien beast storm ended in just a few hours.

Now that the world has returned to peace again, Locke has naturally relaxed, and it is time to take stock of his recent gains.

His consciousness sank into the system, and he immediately saw two unread messages.

With anticipation, Locke opened the message.

[Congratulations to the host, participating and witnessing the dark elf event, reward points 50 points! 】

[Congratulations to the host, participating in and witnessing the Ragnarök event, and rewarding 50 points!]

Looking at the two messages in front of him, a satisfied smile appeared on Locke's face.

I have to say that this trip to Asgard was really rewarding.

Not only did he conquer the Flame Giant Sirte, he also got three treasures from Odin.

Now it is the two point rewards of the Locke system, such a good thing is really rare.

Immediately call up your own personal attribute information.

【Host】: Locke

[Technology World 1]: Neil Mechanical Age,

【Tech World 2】:Things Falling from Heaven

【Tech World 3】: Dragon Ball


[Host Physique]: Optimal Solution Super Soldier Serum, Mad God Potion, Superman Potion, the body of the Eternal Fire.

[Host Ability1]: Control high temperature heat (200,000 degrees), undead fire.

[Host Ability2]: Perspective eye (1000 km thickness), thermal line of sight (50,000 degrees), telephoto vision (100,000 km), microscopic vision (molecular level), anti-gravity Flight (100 times the speed of sound), super Roar suction (can blow -100 degrees of cold breath), super hearing (covering the entire planet), super strength (cannot be estimated), super brain power (can not be estimated), super defense (can walk on the surface of the sun 1.0

[Host Ability3]: Control time, control reality

Note: Manipulating time and reality violates the rules of the universe, and will be counterattacked by The Power of Rules, causing unimaginable damage to the body, use it with caution!

Looking at the personal attribute information in front of him, Locke's face showed satisfaction.

Because he devoured the Eternal Fire, Locke added another physique of the body of the Eternal Fire to many of his physiques.

Once he has this physique, it means that Locke, like Sirte, can be resurrected as long as he has the Eternal Fire.

Combined with the anti-sky defense ability brought by Locke's Superman physique.

Today's Rock is no different from having the Regenerative Healing Factor.

Withdrew from the system, Locke opened his notebook again.

Now the points have accumulated to 220 points, so many points are enough for him to draw two technological worlds.

But before that, the task of the last technological world must be completed.

【Technology World】: Dragon Ball

[Task 1]: Build 1 or more androids.

【Task 2】: Master the universal capsule technology.

[Mission 3]: Build a combat power detector and hover a flying car.

[Task 4]: Master the time machine technology.

[Task 5]: Master the nanorobot manufacturing technology.

Looking at the five missions before 2.2, Locke's face couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Due to a lot of things happening recently, Locke has no time to make technological inventions at all.

So far apart from the 1st and 5th tasks completed, the rest have not started.

"Looks like it's time to invest in scientific research!" Locke muttered to himself.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Immediately, Miss 2b, who was sent by Locke to investigate the nuclear bomb incident, walked in quickly.

"Master, the three guys you are looking for have all been brought back by me!" 2b said respectfully in front of Locke.

"Very good, let's go have a look together!" Hearing 2b's words, Locke closed the notebook in his hand and his eyes turned cold.

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