Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 259 Crazy David, a monster of a multi species combination! (Subscribe!)

"Is this the strength you are proud of? Weak, it's really too weak!" Looking at Kaecilius, who was slapped and flew out by himself, Locke shook his head and said.

"How is this possible, why does this guy still have such an attack method, and why didn't I copy it?" At this moment, David, who was cut in half by Locke's hot gaze, recovered again.

But at this moment, the arrogant smile on his face was gone, replaced by an unbelievable look and full of curiosity.

"It seems that your Copy Ability is not as powerful as you think!

Not only is it not strong enough, but it is quite stretchy, which is really disappointing.

I thought I could play with my fists and kicks today, but now it seems that you are just a group of three-legged cat kung fu garbage! It's boring!"

Locke's deaf ears easily heard David's muttering in his ears.

He originally thought that David had copied all his abilities, but now it seems that he has not.

At least his Superman physique makes the other party very curious, which means that the other party didn't know that he still has such ability before he casts his heat vision.

This also obviously means that his Copy Ability cannot copy his Superman physique.

In addition, the ability to manipulate reality and override time has not copied the past.

In this way, Locke couldn't help but have some understanding of David's ability to copy.

Combined with the scene of 087 just now, the other party copied his ability to control high temperature after touching him.

That is to say, the premise of the other party wanting to copy other's Ability is to touch the other party's body first.

So Locke guessed that David's copy ability is likely to be similar to Sentinel in the Mutant movie.

The basic principle is to simulate the genes of the other party, so as to locke the same attributes, so as to exert the same Ability.

But Locke's Superman physique is not ordinary. His Superman physique does not originate from this world, but from another world.

Therefore, David in front of him is likely to be affected by this aspect, causing his copy ability to be unable to simulate Locke's Superman gene.

This makes it impossible for him to copy Locke's Superman Ability, which can be a lighter copy of Locke's ability to control high temperature.

As for Locke's ability to manipulate reality and control time, not to mention, it's not an ability brought about by genes at all.

That was the power that devoured the Locke of Infinite Gems, so the replicator had no effect.

This can also explain why the David in front of him only copied Locke's ability to control high temperature heat.

Moreover, although he has created Locke's ability to control high temperature heat, his strength is far inferior to that of Locke.

From this point, it can be seen that although David can copy the Ability of others, he also has his own limit.

His copying strength is weaker than his own existence, and may be able to exert a powerful strength far exceeding that of the person being copied.

However, the existence of copying strength is stronger than himself, especially the existence of Locke that is too much stronger than him, and he is limited by his own genes, and he cannot reach the height of the copied person.

This should be the reason why the David in front of him can only release 30,000 degrees of heat.

In just an instant, Locke completely analyzed the details of David in front of him.

I have to say, Locke's Superman brain power is really not covered!

Hearing Locke's words, David's face showed an angry expression.

Because of his ability of Energy Absorbing and copying other people's genes, he has always had the upper hand in previous battles.

In the eyes of the enemy, he is a hunter standing at the top of the food chain.

But at this moment, in Locke's mouth, he turned out to be a rubbish who only knew how to do three-legged cat kung fu.

It's not very harmful, but the insult is extremely strong, humiliation, this is naked humiliation!

The monstrous anger and unwillingness made his expression hideous.

At this moment, he took out a red medicine needle from his pocket and slammed it into his arm.

The moment the red medicine was injected into his body, David's body began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The angry roar was like the low roar of the ancient beasts. The sound waves alone were very earth-shattering and deafening. All the boulders within a dozen kilometers of Fangyuan were shattered.

In the terrifying roar, David's body changed from a human form, but into a giant monster with a length of more than ten meters.

This monster had a head like a lizard, and its skin was covered with dense pimples. It looked no different from a lizard, and it was very disgusting.

However, there were two ant-like antennae on top of his head, which looked a little weird.

Not only that, his arms were as long as apes, but his legs seemed to have degenerated, becoming shorter than his hands.

The combination of these characteristics makes the image of David look extremely ugly and terrible.

But what is scary is not just his image, what is even more scary is the terrifying high temperature heat emanating from him.

Just now, David could only release a high temperature of 30,000 degrees, but at this moment, with the injection of the red medicine, the high-temperature heat that he could release directly reached a terrifying level of 150,000 degrees.

The strength is actually five times higher than just now, such a growth method is simply against the sky!

"Crazy! 35

Rao and Locke showed interest, and wanted to know what the red potion was.

It seems that Dr. Stern has invented a lot of interesting things after leaving him!

The incomparably violent red aura, coupled with the power to control high temperature copied from Locke, made David's strength instantly reach the level of the Level God Father.

"I'm going to kill you!" David growled with scarlet eyes.

When the voice fell, his whole person became a dazzling white light, and the electric light flint came to Locke.

The gigantic fist that shone with light was like a mountain, blasting the gust of wind, shattering the space, and punching Locke with a destructive force.

Looking at the oncoming David, Locke's eyes narrowed, and his right hand stretched out to block him.

Suddenly, fists and palms collided together, and the strong wind Roar roared, blowing Locke's hair constantly fluttering, making a hunting sound.

But Locke's body was like a sculpture, standing in mid-air, motionless.

"Incompetent rage has no effect. If this is all your strength, then stop here!" Locke said calmly.

"Boy, this is just the beginning!" David sneered, seeing the ant tentacles above his head suddenly lit up with a red light.

Immediately, Locke discovered that a terrifying force that was hundreds of times stronger than now erupted from David's fist.

Because of the suddenness of the incident, Locke couldn't react in time, and was smashed upside down by the power that David erupted.

"call out!!""


Locke's figure flew out immediately, turning into a meteor and shattering the mountain behind him.

The whole person was buried by the broken rock, looking a bit miserable!

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