Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 270 The new usage of the system, assimilating the power of Infinite Gems for yourself! (Subs

The so-called celebration banquet almost cost Locke's old waist. Fortunately, Locke's strength is superior. After several hours of hard work, he finally managed to eat all the dishes smoothly.

By the time he finished the celebration feast, it was already night, and his group of women in the harem also returned to their rooms contentedly.

In this way, Locke finally had some personal time of his own.

In the study, Locke rubbed his brows and his consciousness sank into the system.

After the big event of Ultron, he should be able to Locke a lot of points again, and he is quite looking forward to this.

Sure enough, when Locke's consciousness sank into the system, there was an unread message as he expected.

With anticipation, Locke opened the information bar.

[Congratulations to the host, participating and witnessing the Ultron Era event, reward points 70 points! 】

"70 o'clock, it's quite a lot!" Locke nodded with satisfaction and muttered to himself.

To know that 100 points is enough for him to draw a whole new technological world.

Now the system rewards him with 70 points at once, which is really quite a lot.

He already had 220 points before, and now add the 70 points that the system rewards again.

There are also 290 points in total, which means that as long as he accumulates 10 points, he can draw 3 technological worlds.

Definitely, as I said before, it is obviously impossible to draw three technological worlds at the same time.

Because every time a new technological world is drawn, the technological tasks of the corresponding world must be completed.

After all, the system he got was a big bang system of technology, and the ultimate goal of the system was to make him grow into a technological overlord.

As a technological overlord, he naturally needs to have excellent performance in scientific research.

Locke, who had long understood this, was not in a hurry at all.

Because let alone draw three technological worlds at once.

It is impossible for him to draw a technological world now.

Because his last technological task in the Dragon Ball world that he drew has not been completed yet!

This really can't blame him, in fact, it was long after he returned from Asgard.

He just wanted to calm down and complete the technological tasks of the Dragon Ball world.

Not long after that, Nai He encountered today's Ultron invasion incident, so that he didn't have time to devote himself to researching technology at all.

In this way, it is naturally impossible to conduct a big lottery in the world of science and technology.

"Hey, I hope there won't be any more moths in the next few days, give me a little time to settle down!" With a wry smile, Locke muttered to himself.

When I called out the personal attribute information of the system, I immediately became overjoyed, and swept away the haze of not completing the scientific and technological tasks.

【Host】: Locke

[Technology World 1]: Neil Mechanical Age,

【Tech World 2】:Things Falling from Heaven

【Tech World 3】: Dragon Ball


[Host Physique]: Optimal Solution Super Soldier Serum, Mad God Potion, Superman Potion, the body of the Eternal Fire.

[Host Ability1]: Control high temperature heat energy (220,000 degrees), undead fire.

[Host Ability 2]: Perspective (1500 km thick), thermal vision (220,000 degrees), telephoto (150,000 km), microscopic vision (molecular level).

Anti-gravity Flight (120 times the speed of sound), super Roar suction (can blow -150 degrees of cold breath), super hearing (covering the entire planet).

Super strength (cannot be estimated), super brain power (cannot be estimated), super defense (can walk on the surface of the sun).

【Host Ability3】: The power of Time Gem, the power of Reality Gem, the power of Mind Gem.

Note: Using the power of Infinite Gems will be countered by The Power of Rules.

If you want to avoid backlash, you can choose to completely absorb and assimilate the power of Infinite Gems into your own power.

【You can use system points to assimilate the power of Infinite Gems. Do you want to assimilate the power?】

Just when Locke looked at his attribute information seriously, a system prompt sounded suddenly in Locke's mind.

"Assimilation of power? Can this system still play like this? Looking at the information displayed in front of him, Locke was stunned.

Before that, he knew that the system had a strengthening analysis function, which made him feel incredible.

However, the strengthening analysis function can at least play a guiding role in the evolution of scumbags into academic masters.

·0 Flowers ·...

But what the hell is this sudden power assimilation, and how does it help him become a technological overlord?

He really can't figure it out!

In her opinion, this is purely because the system wants to hack his points.

But after thinking about it carefully, he could not escape the law of truth.

During this time, he has been troubled by the problem that the use of Infinite Gems will be counteracted by the power of gems.

Because this backlash is unavoidable, no matter who uses it.

This can be seen from the use of Thanos, Hulk, Tony. Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Thanos wiped out half of life in the universe with the power of six Infinite Gems.


As a result, he was seriously injured and lost his vitality. In the end, he chose a lonely planet to retire and wait for his death.

After that, Hulk relied on the power of six Infinite Gems to resurrect half of the life that was wiped out, resulting in half of his body being abolished.

As for Tony. Stark, who stood shoulder to shoulder with gods in mortal form, he directly lost his life.

Combining the above, it is conceivable what kind of terrifying backlash will be suffered when using six Infinite Gems at the same time.

Although he covets the power of Infinite Gems as much as anyone else.

But with a stable nature, he didn't want to take any risks.

Therefore, removing the backlash from Infinite Gems has always been in his mind during this time.

But what he didn't expect was that the system actually told him directly now.

As long as you use the points of the system, you can completely assimilate the power of Infinite Gems into your own power, so that you will not be attacked.

In this way, how could he not feel that it is really fragrant, this function is completely a help in the snow for him!

[Discovering that the host has absorbed the energy of Time Gem, does it turn the power of Time Gem into its own?

The required points are 50 points, the assimilation loss is 20%, and 80% of the power will remain! 】

"!!!" Looking at the sudden sound of the system prompt, Locke was really startled.

It takes 50 points to assimilate the power of the Time Gem, not only that, but there is also a 20% loss of knives.

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