At the bottom of the military fortress

, Lore is slowly moving and adjusting his state, now Krypton is completely hopeless, and Lore is only sixteen years old now, and has not fully evolved his genes to the specified height

, so he is now the heir of the supreme sun god Rao, the head of the four gods of Krypton,

and the strongest new god in the future can make the ability to genetic evolution completely useless.

What he lacked the most was time and energy, and the small golden star he created with his weak divine power did

not partially complement the demand for the best genes from the Zod family and the Al family.

Lore’s current strength is slightly stronger than the shooters outside

, but even the energy of Zod and Horre is not comparable, if the three of them are under the illumination of yellow stars at the same time,

then Lore can even crush the Horre known as the Super Kryptonian.

It was surrounded by collapsed Kryptonian special alloy stone, and cracks began to appear in the floor.

Explosions and the burning of heat rays can still be heard on

the ground, and the forces fighting in the city of Cando on the ground have stopped

, and they are under the leadership of the greatest general of the generation of the Fetil Empire (Krypton), Drew Zod, son of Philip Zod, the ruler of the

Dark Lord, and has a twelfth level of wisdom

Almost the smartest man in the DC universe often appears in Leniac with a green body and high-tech equipment.

The awakened military archers and the clone legion of the Academy of Sciences resisted

, the biological weapon of the Apokolips star, Darkseid’s most loyal subordinate Demon and the Kryptonian technology with Fetiel

, the parent core technology of the Apokolip Star, the various lantern ring technologies of the Lantern Legion, and the traction rays of the Bleniac collection battleship of the Protoss technology of the new genesis star.

In the sky, the child put away his biological force field and only protected himself.

Then, in this state, it exploded against

the army of demons of the Apokolips Star, and the surrounding demons were torn apart by the wind pressure brought by the acceleration even if they did not encounter them,

and the buildings in Cando City collapsed and destroyed due to the super acceleration of the Hal.

(You can refer to the scene where the father of the invincible young man destroys a planet similar to the Nami Nemesis) The

wind brought by the acceleration tore everything around, and the red heat rays caused a dark red blood rain to fall in the sky.

Dividing line———

At this time, Lore had already walked to the room where Doom Day was kept, and the safety factor here was higher than that of the most advanced laboratory in the Academy of Sciences.

Doomsday is locked up in a frozen capsule through a special sarcophagus that can resist stellar explosions,

which must be opened through the blood of members of the Zod and Eyre families.

Lore bleeds by bursting the cells in his left hand through the bioforce field (magical bioforce field), smearing

the blood in the middle of the sarcophagus where the symbols of the Zod family and the Al family alternate, and

the blood fills the place where the symbols of the two families alternate along the ravine.

The airlocks on both sides of the sarcophagus that were filled along the symbol opened, causing the sarcophagus to open from the middle to both sides, revealing the inner freezer compartment.

The freezer compartment was made by the Eyre family, known as the dawn and kindness of Krypton, during the interstellar expedition of the Fitir Empire (Krypton) 30,000 years ago


In this version, it is a superweapon created by the Zod family and the Al family

, which is kept in a cryostatic freezer to prevent it from waking up and destroying the city of Cando, and in the final scene of the season finale, Doom Day breaks free from the cage.

But now this day of destruction, which is notorious in the DC world, is known as the strongest killing weapon in the universe, but it has become the last resort of Krypton in Lore’s universe.

Doomsday abilities embody

super powers: Basic physical abilities have surpassed those of Kryptonians who absorb yellow solar radiation.

Super Speed: Can catch the Flash moving at high speed.

Super Stamina: Very resistant to fighting, even Superhuman attacks are difficult to produce.

Regenerative ability: Can recover from the state of being destroyed into cells.

Evolution: Evolves in battle, evolves to cope when killed, cannot destroy Doom Day twice in the same way, and overcomes death at the time of birth.

Space Teleportation: Use the Phantom Zone to open a portal and even jump between planets.

Krypton element: Because it is derived from Krypton, it contains kryptonite elements in the body and is the natural enemy of Kryptonians.

Control Mechanics: Resurrected and fought with Mechanical Superman and Steelman, and even evolved the ability to control mechas.

Doom Day Spores: Doom Day has the ability to grow into a complete body, just staying there will devour all the surrounding life,

using their life force as nourishment to continue to grow. After the body is destroyed, it can parasitize others, gradually devouring the host until it is resurrected on the day of destruction.

Lore saw the uncontrollable and active Doom Day gene with perspective

, drops, drops, drops, Lore pressed the password on the freezer to unlock it, he looked at the silent Doom Day fell into deep thought, suddenly Lore

felt pain in his abdomen and looked down to see a bone spur pierced his abdomen.


Doom Day, which had not yet moved, has now awakened.

Luo Er endured the pain and punched out with all his strength and directly shattered the upper half of Doom’s

body, “Damn, I didn’t expect that the bone spur that had just woken up could pierce my body.” Saying that, he pulled out the bone spurs in his abdomen

, and then saw that Doom’s body was recovering, and within 10 seconds it had recovered as before.

Doomsday immediately attacked Lore, and the bone spurs in his hands rushed straight towards Lore’s face.

Lore turned on his super vision to watch all this, he was successfully attacked because he didn’t pay attention before,

and now he is serious and Doomsday is very slow for him.


He saw that all the cells of Doom Day were attracted to each other, and this time they were instantly resurrected,


After the resurrection, Doom rushed again, this time his abilities were already on par with Lore’s.

Lore’s strength began to decline due to the wound in his abdomen, but fortunately, now this monster has no wisdom, and Lore temporarily suppressed it by relying on fighting skills.

Lore went directly behind Doom Day and twisted its neck, and was about to leave here when he was pierced by the suddenly evolving bone spur behind Doom Day.

Doomsday resurrected again, throwing Lore directly, Lore’s body hit the wall and slowly slid down, his chest and abdomen were pierced and already on the verge of death.

When Doom Day approached and was about to deliver the final blow, he saw the tattoo on Lore’s left hand

, and then he heard the voice of the outside world, took a deep look at Lore, and rushed straight outside.

But Doom didn’t see the small piece of yellow flesh and blood that kept drilling into Lor’s chest. (The protagonist unlocks new forms).

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