“Slightly !!!” Ryo Bing stood behind Veget, grimacing at Furuichi.

“Tell you you can’t afford to mess with me. I have to do it, now it’s uncomfortable! ”

“Mage, do your own thing, mine, it’s better to worry less, understand?” Vegeta said to Furuichi, who was kneeling in front of him.

“Yes, Furuichi understands!” The Supreme Mage of the Earth knelt in front of Vegeta and replied very respectfully.

“Hmm.” Vegette nodded, and the next moment left the place with cold ice.

In space outside the earth, two angels are looking at the earth.

“Ah Chao, do you feel it?” Angel Yan asked to Ah Chao beside him.

“A dark breath that seems… It seems like…” said Ah Chao with some uncertainty.

“No, it doesn’t seem to be, it’s certain, Morgana is on Earth, and the breath just now, it is Morgana who is fighting with people!” Angel Eye said categorically.

“Ah! , Morgana turned out to be on Earth! “Angel Chase is a bit unbelievable!

“I will immediately report this matter to the Queen, and you will follow me to Earth to find Morgana’s traces.” Angel Yan very calmly chased after the angel.

“We have to find out, what is the purpose of Morgana’s appearance on Earth?”

“Yes, Sister Yan!”

Morgana’s breath came and went quickly. Since Veget’s appearance, the darkness that has covered the sky has quickly disappeared, and the sun has once again hung high in the sky of New York.

“Who exactly? Can there be a master on Earth comparable to the Demon King? The Avengers thought suspiciously.

If they could draw such a master into their camp, wouldn’t it be more certain to deal with Veget.

In New York, almost the entire city has seen this sudden change.

However, not long after the originally dark sky was restored, a thunderbolt sounded again.

A huge rift appeared in the sky. The breath of death swept almost the entire United States.

“What is it?”

“Why did a hole suddenly open in the sky?”

Countless people looked at the crack between the sky in amazement.

“Hey, it’s been eventful!” Looking at the rift in the sky, Gu Yi sighed helplessly. Disappeared in place.

The son of Odin, the demon king, and even the god of destruction have come to Earth.

Now it seems that these people are far more than the people who hit the earth.

Although Furuichi, who has the Time Gem, cannot see the future of Veget, it is still easy to see the future of Earth.

However, the future that Gu Yi saw was war, countless wars.

War between humans, war between mutants, war between Earth and aliens, war between aliens. Even wars between gods and gods.

The future earth can be said to be completely reduced to a battlefield. And all this, as the guardian of the earth, she can’t stop it.

“I only hope that when the time comes, the God of Destruction will show mercy to the earth’s subordinates!” Furuichi sighed helplessly.

In fact, when Vegette appeared, Koichi was already not interested in other gods.

Because, no matter how many more gods appear on the earth, the fate of the earth is always in the hands of Veget.



At this moment, Vegette had returned to their home with cold ice.

Who knows, as soon as he got home, Vegette sensed a sneaky aura in his bedroom, still rummaging through the garbage can. Seems to be looking for something!

And this sneaky gas is Gwen’s.

“Gwen, what are you doing?” Vegett opened the door and asked Gwen.

“Ugh!” Gwen apparently didn’t expect Vegett to pop up. It startled her.

“Damn it! How is spider induction useless! Brother Vegette is also true, how come back at this time! ”

As if she had done something wrong, her hands behind her back, her cheeks flushed, like a child who had made a mistake confessed to punishment.

Originally, Gwen came to look for Vegette early this morning, but Vegett and Leng Bing were not at home at that time.

Subconsciously, Gwen thinks that Vegett is hanging out with Cold Ice to avoid her being a light bulb. That’s why I didn’t call her.

On the other hand, Gwen was a little unwilling, and Brother Veget, who had been waiting for him to come back, was snatched away like this.

So, Gwen decides to sneak into Veget’s room to find so-called “incriminating evidence.”

However, after working for most of the day, Gwen found nothing.

Don’t say it’s a sleeve, it’s an unknown liquid, there is no point.

“But this is good, at least it proves that Brother Vegett is innocent.” Gwen, you’re going to get started. Gwen cheered herself up inwardly.

However, before Gwen could rejoice, Veget’s voice came from the living room.

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