Tony Stark struggled to push the bomb in his arms forward. Then fall back into the wormhole by counterforce.

His steel armor no longer had a trace of energy. Now he can only fall by free fall.

He saw the boundless army, the nuclear bomb exploded, but it destroyed less than a tenth of the opponent’s army… no, one percent of the army.

Can they really defeat each other?

With such a large number of legions, even one more Avengers can’t kill it.

Before he knew it, Stark had fallen back above Earth.

Thor caught him, and the Zitari over the earth had been almost cleared.

Everyone was cheering, and the media had even turned the camera on them.

Even his teammates had heartfelt smiles on their faces.

“Tony! We won! You are a hero! Rogers stepped forward and patted Tony Stark on the shoulder happily.

“Nope… We lost! Tony Stark said with a stunned expression.

The space-time wormhole did not close, the nuclear bomb only blew up the army near the wormhole, and it will not be long before more and more powerful aliens will come to Earth.

At that time, let alone rely on their Avengers, even if the power of the entire earth is assembled, it will have no effect at all.

“Could it be that a nuclear bomb didn’t explode in space?” Natasha asked suspiciously.

He didn’t understand why Tony was still so negative when he had already won.

“No, the nuclear bomb exploded, and destroyed countless alien fleets!” Tony Stark said as he shook his head.

“But the nuclear bomb only blew up less than one percent of the fleet. Do you know what I saw? The densely packed fleet, like bugs, the entire universe is their fleet. ”

Tony Stark described what he saw.

“Those fleets are densely packed, occupying a space about the size of the solar system.”

“As long as the wormhole is open, the earth will not be able to hold it. We can’t win! ”

Tony Stark said desperately.

Sure enough, as if to prove that Tony Stark was right, more troops began to come to Earth through the wormhole.

More and stronger armies than just now have arrived! Countless Zitauri troops covered the sky, and the entire city of New York appeared dark.

Dead silence, despair enveloped the city.

Even superheroes can’t help but feel a little lost in confidence, let alone ordinary people.

“It’s over! We are all going to die! The earth is also finished! Tony Stark said desperately.

His energy has been exhausted, and even if he does not run out, he is completely impossible to be a match for so many aliens.

“Look! What is that? ”

Suddenly, I don’t know who shouted, and everyone immediately looked up.

The pillars of light emitted by the Cosmic Cube began to become unstable.

It started to become choppy.

“What’s going on? The space energy emitted by the Cosmic Cube began to be unstable? ”

This anomaly lasted for a moment, and then the pillar of light gradually disappeared. And then, the wormhole in the sky disappeared completely.

“Great! We are saved! Rogers exclaimed happily.

As long as there is no endless army as a backup, they can sooner or later wipe out the aliens on Earth. They already have hope of victory.

“But what’s going on? Why did the Cosmic Cube suddenly close? “Thor doesn’t believe that he is playing the Cosmic Cube with all his strength, it will malfunction, and it is definitely being manipulated.

“I… I always had a bad feeling. Gwen’s spider induction started attacking again. Even stronger than when Zitauri’s army had just invaded.

In the distance, on the roof of a certain building, Leng Bing was standing on it, looking at the wormhole that disappeared in the sky.

“Carl this dick! What exactly is being done? ”

When he just closed the wormhole, Leng Bing felt a trace of the breath of a big clock, and only the big clock could manipulate the cosmic cube tens of millions of light years away.

(The new book will be on the shelves tomorrow at twelve noon, please support!) Please order first!

The author assures that the next story climaxes continuously. Absolutely wonderful!

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