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Chapter 151: S.H.I.E.L.D.’s bow!

Earth space.

The calm days lasted for half a month.

As a result, it did not wait for the invasion of the runes.

The silly child who swallowed the stars was still eating and drinking and having fun.

Vegette was a little dissatisfied: “Eternal, why hasn’t the rune come over yet?” ”

Keisha was shocked.

What kind of expression are you?

Could it be that you want to kill the Star Swallowing and release the full power of the rune?

Groove, merciless!

Once again, Keisha learns about the hidden character in the Veget’s race.


Eternal rolled his eyes, “You ask me how do I know?” It is possible that in the multiverse, there are still many star swallowing stars that have not been killed. ”

“So, the runes are late.”

So far, there is only one explanation.

“Let’s go, it looks like today is another boring day.”

Seeing this, Vegett did not linger any longer, and with a teleportation, he led everyone back to Earth.

“Brother Veget!”

As soon as the door opened, Gwen rushed up and gave Vegett a big hug.

Eternity and Keisha were jealous on the side.

“Oh, woman, how naïve.”

The two agreed.

However, I really envy it!

Lord Veget’s embrace must be warm and secure, right?

Blah blah!

Don’t be jealous.

Jealousy made me unrecognizable.

Putting down the increasingly clingy Gwen, Vegett turned his head and asked, “A guest at home?” ”

He felt a strange and familiar breath.

That’s Hulk’s!

But it’s a little strange.

Moreover, this qi is much stronger than it was at the beginning!

“It seems that the Avengers are already looking for ways to improve their strength.”

Divine Kesha nodded on the side and said softly: “Yes, after experiencing the despair of being invaded, many countries have begun to be angry and strong, and strengthen themselves. ”

The Avengers are just one of them.

After all, after experiencing the battle of blood and fire, the progress of the Avengers is especially not few.

Gwen spat out her little tongue and said playfully: “I know that I can’t hide it from Brother Veget.” ”

Vegett ruffled Gwen’s hair funny.

This little nizi talks so sweetly.

Leng Bing handed Vegett a glass of juice and nodded, “In the half month since Lord Veget’s departure, a total of three groups of people have come. ”

One of them, naturally, is Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D.

The other group represents the Avengers Alliance.

The last group is the X police, led by X.

However, because Vegett has never been on Earth.

These three groups of people all pounced.

“The mess in S.H.I.E.L.D., we’re going to take care of.”

Nick Fury, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has absolute appeal in the current United States.

Before the next man at the helm takes office, he wants to ask Vegett for advice.

Just talking.

The phone at the villa rang.

Gwen said to Veget, “It’s Nick Fury.” ”

These days, Nick Fury is iron-hearted to know Veget’s mind.

He has seen the situation clearly.

Vegett already has an irresolvable contradiction with the United States.

So to speak.

This place left a very bad memory for Veget.

Perhaps, when the other party was in a bad mood that day, he would casually erase the existence of the United States.

At that time, he will be the sinner of history.

Therefore, even if the reaction of the people below was extremely fierce, Nick Fury still tried to suppress the matter.

“Lord Veget, the United States urgently needs a person at the helm, or will you choose the designated person?”

Nick Fury’s posture is very low.

This was the best strategy he had come up with, and he hoped that Veget’s hatred of the United States would be lessened a little.

No doubt.

Nick Fury bowed his head.

He longed for Daubaget’s forgiveness.

Vegeta chuckled and looked around.

“Me? Are you sure? ”

He Vegett is just a ‘reckless man’, and now he actually wants him to choose a supreme helmsman for the United States?

Leng Bing squeezed Veget’s shoulders lightly, as if he were a servant.

A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“This guy thinks quite beautifully, and the helmsman is just a last to please Lord Veget.”

“The so-called helmsman is nothing more than a symbolic dispensable thing.”

“He did this to pull us all to his thief ship.”

“Pulling the tiger skin to make a big flag, he is a good hand to calculate.”

On the surface, it is Nick Fury who is showing loyalty to Veget.

In fact, there may be some crooked thinking.

The air was filled with the sound of Nick Fury’s exhaustion.

“Honorable Lord Destroyer, please forgive the momentary confusion of the United States.”

“It’s all because the decider is acting too recklessly, which is why you misunderstand us.”

“As an apology, the new Mi Zongong will be specially designated by you. Only those who are approved by you are eligible to become a USCroArt. ”

“If you don’t agree for one day, the position of the general general manager of the United States will hang for one day.”

The words express the greatest sincerity, worthy of Nick Fury, and there is indeed a set of negotiations.

Vegette glanced at the women present.

Divine Kesha frowned, “Don’t look at me, I’m the king of angels, but I won’t be the general master of the United States.” ”

Hexi pursed his mouth and said quietly: “I like quiet.”

With just one sentence, he rebuffed Veget’s kindness.

Immediately afterwards, Hexi added another sentence.

“However, if you really want me to be a general manager of the United States, it is not impossible.”

Vegett nodded, he didn’t want to force Hehee to do what the other party didn’t want to do.

Leng Bing waved his hand with a big grin, “Me? Are you sure you want me a demon queen to be the master of a nation? ”

“This is not appropriate!”

Nick Fury couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Leng Bing’s words.

Cold ice was the last thing he wanted.

Vegey glanced at the cute Gwen and said with a smile: “Gwen, do you want to go?” ”


Gwen, who was sitting obediently, was stunned.

What is the situation, I just sit on the sidelines.

Why did you suddenly throw me a United States General Communication?

“I, I can’t.”

Gwen stirred her delicate fingers, she wanted the country to go to the better side.

But being a good country is obviously not as simple as it seems.

As soon as Liang Bing’s eyes lit up, he instantly got Veget’s point.

Patting Gwen’s shoulder, he smiled coldly: “Gwen, what are you afraid of?” Take the plunge!

Even a small mistake is harmless. ”

“Sister Leng Bing, but…”

Cold ice interrupted Gwen, looking at Veget.

“Sister Gwen, look, with your Vegett brother to help you sit down, even if those guys who don’t have long eyes come, you have to obediently admit your mistake!”

“Besides, you still have three sisters, who are the three of us, that is the famous angel three kings!” _

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