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Chapter 155: The Death of the Flame Demon!

“This, these three god kings!”

For a while, Soulel forgot to resist the Avengers’ attack.

This result is too penetrating.

How many people in the world are enough to achieve the allegiance of the three god kings?

What is a god-king?

That is the best of the gods, who is a tyrant and has leadership skills.

Have a group of absolute kings who belong to the forces!

This is the God King!

But now?

Like Supreme Mage Guyi, God King Odin, Flame Demon Giant Soulel, Dark Lord Dormammu, God of Death Hela…

It belongs to the god-king column, and they all have their own dignity and pride!

We will never be willing to be driven by others.

Of course, there are no absolutes.

Even if they fail, most god kings will not scrupulously steal their lives or give in.

If it weren’t for Hela herself being a god-king-level strength, even if she lost, Soulel would never bow to the other party.

Without him.

The king bowed his head.

Will only yield to a stronger king.

“In other words, this guy’s strength is by no means under the God King!”

“Even, it has far surpassed the realm of the God King!”

When did such a terrifying guy appear on Earth?

Communication between the Nine Realms and Earth is extremely difficult.

Plus Soulel was concentrating on fusing the Eternal Flame at the time.

Therefore, he did not know exactly what battles had taken place on Earth.

“An ant who does not know his strength also dares to provoke this king?”

Soulel spat out a mouthful of monstrous flames, forcing back the black panther of the vibranium suit.

His tone was disdainful, and these guys, like fleas, made him irritated.

Although Surtel’s body is huge, his reaction speed is very sharp.

With a wave of his hand, he easily smashed Doctor Strange and the Winter Soldier out.

The gap is too big!

“Hmph, I really don’t know what to do!”

Soulel snorted coldly, urging the Twilight Sword.

Directly kill the flawed Silver Shadow Man Pietro and Winter Soldier Bucky.

“Pietro, Bucky, I’ll save you!”

Iron Man’s shoulders quickly condensed a nano battery and bombarded towards Soulel.


“Prisoner’s ant!”

Soultel strode forward and directly blocked the figure of Iron Man.

Fortunately, Wanda directly caught Pietro and Bucky with Chaos Magic.

Otherwise, just this blow is likely to save most of the loss of combat effectiveness.


The panther shouted angrily and pulled out the two spears tied behind him.

His vibranium suit is capable of absorbing combat energy.

Therefore, in the face of Surter’s attack, he did not retreat.

“Kesha, aren’t you going to help? These people, however, belong to the sequence of justice. ”

Leng Bing said curiously.

“There is no hurry, let them train the troops, this is fine.”

Keisha glanced at the sky sitting in the void.

A shot is definitely a shot.

However, that will have to wait for Veget.

After all, according to the laws of the universe.

Earth, belonging to the territory of Veget!

Keisha did not dare to go beyond Veget’s hands and perform his duties on Veget’s behalf.


Soultel let out a roar, “You guys, really infuriate me! ”

“So, you all have to die!”

He was originally the strongest king of Belheim, and he was defeated by Hela, the god of death.

Inferior to people, he confessed.

But now, it was actually suppressed by a group of ants!

He was angry!

He’s going crazy!

The whole body twisted, and Soulel swung the Twilight Sword violently.

Flames began to burn out of thin air, and Doctor Strange did not slow down slightly.

His levitating cloak was burned in half!


Soultel went crazy.

“This time, let you see the power of the Eternal Flame and the Twilight Sword!”


In just an instant, the aura on Soultel’s body became violent again.

“This is, god king-level power!”

“No, he shouldn’t have lasted long, otherwise, he would have used this power long ago!”

Cold Ice’s eye is sharp.

After a moment of slight surprise, he analyzed the truth of the matter.

Soulel was already battered by Hela and Fenrieux.

Now, he has inspired God-King level power with his remnants.

I just hope to solve the Avengers quickly.

After all, he was just a defeated pioneer.

Hela, the god of death, is the real trump card!

“I have to do something before she arrives on Earth!

At the very least, you have to get rid of these pesky ants first! ”

Soulel showed a cruel smile: “Ants, have you made enough trouble?” ”

“Next, change my performance!”

“This is my real strength!”

“Tremble, mortal!”

The eternal flame burned, and the sword of twilight was in hand, like a demon god.

The aura on his body was extremely terrifying, and it was not even weaker than the Supreme Mage Gu Yi before entering the enchantment.

“Ants, I give you one last chance to repent!”

Soulel was extremely depressed in his heart, and he wanted to make the other party submit to him.

In this way, it can make up for his lost self-esteem.

“Is that all you have?”

“Really, I’m disappointed!”

Vegette stood up, and the momentum on his body was still unremarkable.


Surtel’s large hand holding the Sword of Twilight immediately trembled.

This guy has such a terrifying momentum.

“Really? He, like Hela, has surpassed the realm of the god king? ”

“Damn it!”

I have inspired all my power.

However, even so, Vegette still did not panic in the slightest.

On the contrary, Surter panicked first.

Could it be that he was about to strike?

The three god kings are willing to submit, what level of strength will this guy reach?

Leng Bing, Hexi, and Keisha just smiled faintly.

Silently made room for Veget’s combat area.

Tony below couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Lord Destruction would not tolerate the enemy destroying his territory.

This is a great thing for them.

“Go and die!”

Soulel saw that Vegett didn’t have a fighting stance at all, and he felt a great humiliation!

Without hesitation, take advantage of his illness and ask for his life.

Underestimate me?

Then pay the price of death!

“Twilight Sword? Litter! ”

Vegette simply stretched out a finger and pointed it at the rapidly falling Sword of Twilight.


The Sword of Twilight is broken!

“This, how is this possible?!!!”

Surtel was shocked, and the indestructible Twilight Sword was actually crushed off by one of Veget’s fingers?

Soultel was desperate, and he guessed that there would be quite a gap between himself and Veget.

Unexpectedly, the gap between himself and Vegette was like a chasm!

“Let me die? What a big breath! ”


Vegett fired a destructive gas bomb that instantly pierced Soultel’s heart.


Hela, Fenrieu, and Jermengard, who have just arrived on Earth.

Just saw the terrifying scene in front of you!

“Soultel, just died?”

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