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Immediately afterwards, Carol’s doubts were answered.

A blue divine body nearly 10,000 feet tall suddenly stood between heaven and earth.

The air echoed with a loud noise.

“Swallow the star and die, the runes appear, and the world is over!”

That terrifying body, the supreme coercion, caused the void to collapse.

That is the opposite of eternity – the rune!

“Destruction! Task! ”

As soon as it appeared, the tone of the rune began to become crazy.

Behind him, a meteorite dragged a long flame.

However, before he could get close to him, he had already turned to ashes.



The rune threw out something, streaked across the starry sky, flew towards the earth, and finally broke through the atmosphere.

A big hole was smashed in Times Square in New York.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, people discovered that it was the head of the planetary devourer!

The investigators of the relevant departments suddenly realized that this head was not moving towards the earth reflexively, but someone deliberately smashed it to the earth!

The Earth Federation was in a panic.

After the integration of federal resources, everyone was shocked to discover.

This is none other than the Planet Devourer, one of the six creation gods of this universe!

For a while, it set off a big wave.

That is, someone murdered this god! And launch its head to Earth.

Suddenly, at this moment, the head cracked a hole and shot out a strong light, and the Earth Federation found a comatose girl – Nova.

They took her back to the lab for examination.

They found out that this girl was also not from this universe.

At this moment, the girl opened her eyes and stood up, revealing her strong figure, and she said frantically:

“Destruction! Task! ”

Everyone wasted a lot of strength to finally let her settle down again.

But nothing could be heard from her.

So they decided to visit a wise man, the observer frog diagram on the moon, as the observer who knew the planet devourer best.

They believed they could find the answer they were looking for, but something unexpected happened.

Because when they reached the moon, they found that Frog Tu’s home had been destroyed, and Frog Tu had amnesia, and the complete medallion on his chest was missing by half.

Faced with this situation, the federal guards, who did not know what happened, had to return to the Earth headquarters.

When they returned to Earth, they were told by their subordinates that the nova flew away like a bullet!

The heads of state feared that she would harm humanity. The Fantastic Four immediately sailed and chased them out.

It didn’t take long for the spacecraft to be hit by stone fragments.

“Look, Nova seems to be fighting someone else!”

It turns out that Nova has fought with an unknown team of superheroes.

“Hulk! That’s the Hulk! ”

“No, that’s not our Hulk!”

Someone recognized the facts.

This is the voice of the United States.

Because they know that the current Hulk should be called the four-armed Hao

In continuous observation, humans discovered that the leader of this battle is also Hulk, who calls themselves the “Law Enforcement Team”

The other members are: Ba Dian and Red Raven.

Eternal frowned, there was a person inside who she was more familiar with.

“Captain Universe?!”

In this universe, there is also a Captain Universe.

It’s just that most of the time it is the presence of calming emotions.

In simple terms.

It is the time of eternal emotional instability.

Captain Universe stepped forward to calm the eternal emotions.

Equivalent to a human spiritual guide.

Infinity pointed to the figure of the rune in the distance that was as high as thousands of zhang, and his small mouth opened into an ‘O’ shape.

“Look, they’re all gone!”

Obviously, the law enforcement team has entered the end of the battle with the runes.

In the ensuing battle, Captain Universe suddenly disappeared!

Eternal knows that Captain Universe is the guardian of the universe. He couldn’t have died, or the rest of the law enforcement team would have disappeared with him.

Dr. Druid was stunned.

“The Eternal God of this universe, can you take us to find the Captain of the Universe?”

Dr. Druid knew that eternity and runes must belong to opposites.

Only one of the two can exist!

Eternal looked at Vegett with inquiring eyes.

“Okay, then I’ll send you away.”

In fact, Captain Universe did not die, but entered the mysterious inner world.

So Dr. Druid, led by Eternity, decided to enter the inner world.

“Buy cakes!”

What the hell is this?

Dr. Druid was shocked and inexplicable!

Eternity couldn’t help but be stunned: “This, is my birth process?” ”

Here, they saw the formation process in the universe and discovered that the original universe slowly became eternal!

And, most importantly!

Behind the eternity appeared countless eternities, which were maintained as countless cosmic worlds.

At this moment, one planet after another in the Eternal Body perished, and the fragments of the planets were intertwined with the flames of the stars!

“I’ll go, is the old lady blown up by someone?”

Countless universes were shattered.

And countless eternities also dissipated in the explosion.

Even if you know that it is not you who dies.

Eternity couldn’t help but grit his teeth, eager to kill the rune.

“Eternal God, I am Captain Universe, please come with me.”

Right at this moment.

Captain Universe appears and takes the two of them to an eternal center with the bodies of countless planetary devourers.

There are countless corpses of planetary devourers!

“This bastard actually killed so many Star Swallowers, really damn it!”

Eternal face becomes even harder to look at.

In the center of these countless corpses was a man dressed in a Greek robe.

The clasp of his robe was exactly the missing half of the medal of the observer Watu!

He looked down at the Eternal and Dr. Druid, who were like ants.

The sound is grand and roaring to the sky!

“Im Charm!”

Author: Funny to save your life, ridicule Iron Man’s classic lines haha.

“Destruction! Task! ”

This is the meaning of the existence of runes.

Or maybe she’s just trying to bring the Marvel Universe to destruction.

If he were asked to communicate with death, maybe there would be something in common.

But it’s a pity.

The goddess of death is engaged in a mortal struggle with the new god of death.


What makes the goddess of death a little painful.

He found that his innate abilities seemed to have little effect on Cold Ice.

As he fought, Leng Bing’s grasp of the Ultimate Void became more and more perfect.

The goddess of death said hatefully: “Karl, you traitor! Death can’t put me at ease! ”

Because it was a phantom-turned-entity, after Karl’s death, even his soul did not return to his dead country.

This leaves Death with no chance to take revenge on Carl.

Of course, death is not known.

Not only is Carl not dead, but he is reborn in another world!

It was a world called the Ultra Theological Academy! _

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