Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 29 - Getting Tony Back

"Boss they are about to escape." Natasha's voice came over an intercom while I was eating icecream.

It had been nearly two months. Tony was about to escape. Hulk movie was about to start. And in two day's I was going with the Fantastic Four on an interdimensional travel mission! That was going to be a blast!

"On my way. Wind style one with the wind Jutsu." I said while doing some hand signs. The wind in all of New York started picking up all of a sudden, and I went onto the balcony and slowly faded away. I had finally mastered turning into the wind like Suigetsu could turn into water but did I mention yet that DAMN it was hard?

I flew around, controlling the wind to take me to Afghanistan. I could not get bored of that ever, but I didn't have the time to go all the way to Afghanistan at this speed. I Kamui'd the rest of the way into the Ten Righ's base and did the same technique there making it seemed like I had just arrived.

"Why is the wind so strong? It was fine five seconds ago!" Shout's sounded like distant voices. They were scrambling to pack up there small stuff and get inside there tent's and cave.

I didn't give them a chance and controlled the wind to launch strikes of compressed air in slashes cutting their throats. Compress air is not the best at cutting, but when needed, it got the job done.

"Gurgle gurgle. GURGLE!" They tried to scream, but the blood was getting into there lungs slowly suffocating them. I smirked at the efficiency and flawlessness of this technique. Nearly all beings needed to breathe and those that didn't were too strong for me to take on anyway.

"What's going on? Why are there throats cut? MEN, WE ARE NOT ALONE HERE PREPARE YOURE DEFENSES!" Came a yell from inside the cave. I directed my wind's inside there and flew inside with them. I felt like such a badass.

Slowly picking off the soldier's one by one, they couldn't even see what killed them before they died.

"Boss, our prisoner's are escaping! We're being pincered!" Came a yell from further inside the cave. Good, that meant that they were also making there stand and Yinsen had just started running. I needed to hurry up before he got turned into a pincushion for bullets.

I hurried ahead leaving some wind to blast around the cave and slowing everyone else down. I couldn't compress air then send targeted compressed air attacks yet without focusing on it as that required an insane amount of attention and focus to do while also holding up another Jutsu, moving, and sending even more air blades at others.

"AHHHH!" A yell came from a cave to my right, and people were slowly coming around the entrance to that cave while pointing their guns at it. There were much fewer people then I remembered though, but I guess that was my fault hehe.

"AHHHH! Oh, crap." Yinsen came around the corner and thudded to a stop once he saw like ten people pointing their guns at him. I materialized at that time.

"Hello, gentleman good day for a stroll, am I right? I think we should all just put down the weapons and maybe read a book." I told them.

They just glared at me and pointed their guns at my head "BANG BANG BANG".

"Well, that's rude. You didn't even answer my question, and you're firing at me! Oh, wait it must be because I haven't introduced myself yet my name is Madara Uchiha." I told them with a slight bow. They didn't seem to care and just fired at me again. I sighed in disappointment because I couldn't banter with my victims.

They started getting scared because all of there shot's went through me. I just sighed again in disappointment and started launching wind blades at them.

They fell chocking on their own blood quickly. I walked over to Yinsen "Hello, my name is Madara Uchiha, I presume you have heard of me, and I already know of you Yinsen. I want to offer you a job at my company, and you will work in my soon to be established country!" I told him cheerfully.

He seemed skeptical but still held out his hand for me to shake "I am honored that you know me Madara and I certainly know of you, but may I ask how you know of me?"

"Well, you are a genius, and I like keeping smart people on either my payroll or my radar," I told him with a smile and shook his hand.

"Alright thank you for that, but I am certainly no genius. And about that job offer, I think I will have to hear the details first before I accept, but I am inclined to work for you as I have nothing else to go home to." He told me. I could sense slight resentment at me, but that was probably because the weapon's that killed his family was designed by the weapon's part of my company. I could see his resentment slowly lessening by the second, though. Probably because I just saved his life.

"Well, then I will have to invite you to tea at my house sometime. I know we will have a welcome home party for Tony! Where is the bastard who left me for nearly two months anyway?" I asked with a grin.

At that moment a big hunk of metal started barreling down the tunnel Yinsen came out from. "AHHH!" The chunk of metal seemed to scream at me. It then jumped and tried to crush me with its metal hand, but I quickly stopped it with my own.

"Tony? I see you did perfect and upgrade the Ark Reactor tech like I said you should hehe." I told him with a smile.

"Madara? The hell are you doing here?" Tony asked, clearly confused.

"Well, I came to save my best friend! Some gratitude would be nice instead of you trying to squash me you, schmuck." I told him with fake anger. I was not going to let him live this down.

"Yeah sorry... HEY, WHAT THE HELL WHY WERENT YOU SQUISHED?" He yelled at me in confusion.

I looked at him with contempt "It's almost like you wanted me squished Tony. And here I am coming all the way to rescue you, and you want to kill me! I thought our friendship was stronger than that! Disgusting!" I told him.

"Wait. What! NO! I just meant... Damn you, and you're mind games." Tony said, but I could tell under that mask he was grinning.

I rolled my eye's. "Let's get out of here. I left the big bad guy for you to get some revenge on by the way. And look there he is firing a rocket at you have fun HAHAHAHA!" I yelled while laughing and teleporting away with Yinsen.

"Ahh, how did we get here? We were just inside!" Yinsen yelled, confused at seeing the cave they had been locked up in for nearly two months from the outside.

"I am an Uchiha. I can do nearly everything, HAHAHA!" I said, trying to brag about my Uchiha status. I still can't get over that I can turn into an Uchiha whenever I wanted.

"Umm alright. That doesn't answer my question, though?" Yinsen said.

I looked at him "You ain't going to get an answer yet Yinsen. Once I know, I can trust you. You'll get one."

He just nodded at that. He quickly snapped his head back to look at the cave when several explosions happened. "Is tony ok?"

"Don't worry. The guy's a trooper." I told him calmly. Even if I hadn't watched the movie, I would still have faith in him because he was someone I respected, and the people I respect wouldn't easily lose to someone like that fake leader guy.

Another explosion happened, and about ten seconds later, Tony came flying out looking like a badass. He ruined that image though when he tried to land and crashed instead.

"Hey, guys I just blew up the big bad guy let's get out of here now... Madara, how did you get here when there are no vehicles around?" Tony asked me.

"First of all I want to be able to look you in the eye when we speak so get out of that ugly suit, it's too bulky. Second of all, why would I need a vehicle when I am an Uchiha?" I asked him.

"Umm because I don't think that Uchiha can teleport? So how the hell do we get out of here?" He asked, annoyed.

"Hmpf who says Uchiha cant teleport? KAMUI!" I yelled, and suddenly we were all enveloped in a swirl.

-- Back at Akatsuki Enterprise --

"OH MY GOD!" Yinsen yelled out at teleporting again.

"Wow, this is your office! How di you teleport? I didn't see any machine's so it must be something small... Or did we teleport at all and you just put our mind's to sleep and just now woke us up?" Tony asked, trying to find a scientific explanation for this.

"No. It's just because I am actually a very powerful shinobi. No big deal."

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