Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 31 - Rose the T-Rex

"We're here! This place is amazing!" Tony said like a kid at the toy store. There were people around us - brainwashed people - who were all working on different eggs. There were stasis chamber's keeping bay dinosaurs for study. Everything was running smoothly like a bees nest being controlled by the queen bee. Or in this case, Jarvis who was organizing everyone. I love that robot.

"Yes, this is it. Do you like it? We are about to go out and see the Dinosaur's in the wild." I told him.

"Hehe, boss are you gonna go see rose?" A worker who passed by said with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

I just rolled my eyes at that. Damn, they were never going to let me live that down.

"Who's Rose?" Tony asked, slightly confused.

"HAHAHA!" The worker's around us laughed. "Rose is the T-Rex that has a crush on Madara!" One of them told us. I ġrȯȧnėd.

"Hehe, Madara why didn't you introduce me to the lovely lady?" Tony asked while giving me a smirk. I rolled my eye's and sighed. No one around here was as mȧturė as m- Oh yay they have Ice Cream!

"Calm down she is still only two month's old I'm sure she just sees me as a father figure," I told him.

"Hehe yeah sure that's why every time she see's you she runs to hug and lick you hehe." The worker's giggled. I once again rolled my eyes.

"*Sigh* I just received word that there is not enough money left to pay all of you for the rest of the month. *Sigh* I'm so sorry." I told them looking sad at the announcement.

"Boss you don't have an earpiece on, and no one told you anything. Plus this is a multi-trillion dollar company you definitely have enough money to pay us!" One of the worker's protested. I had brainwashed them but left their personality so they would never go against an order or betray me, but they could try to refute my word's.

"You would think we have enough money, but all of it was spent on my garden Gnome collection. *Sigh* There is nothing I can do I am so sorry." I told them still faking sadness. Of course, they were going to get payed. They still had family's to take care of. I might be cold and willing to do a lot of thing's for power, but when I could, I tried not to be a heartless person.

"We're sorry boss! We didn't mean it we were just joking around!" One of them pleaded.

"Ohh what's this? It seems I have once again been informed that we have enough money to pay just this one man." I told them with a fake smile.

At that, they all said, "We are sorry, boss, we were just joking!"

"Ohh look at that we just got so much more money enough to pay all of you!" I replied with a grin.

Tony just stood to the side, shaking his head, "you are so cruel sometimes." But he was also slightly smiling.

"Let's go out to the island's now!" I told them and headed outside the door to what looked like an upgraded version of the Quinjet. "Wow, remind me to thank the engineer's when we get back! This thing look's so futuristic."

-- Jurrasic Island's --

"Ok, we are here. The dinosaurs might attack you, so stay close to me. Now where is sh-" I got cut off.

"ROAR!" A booming voice came across the clearing we landed on. The trees could be seen being trampled, and whatever was crushing them was coming toward us.

"u...uh M-Madara wh-what is... THAT!" Yinsen yelled, obviously frightened.

"That's just my welcome party," I replied with a grin. I glanced to Tony who seemed a bit scared, his muscles were all tense, and he was ready to run, but I could tell he was going to stay for now.

A massive head popped out of the forest followed by smaller head's much closer to the ground. "ROSE! Hey, and it's the raptor squad as well!" I called out.

A T-Rex the size of a small house yet still growing could be seen running to me alongside seven kid Velociraptors all around her making chirping noises, cause they hadn't quite hit puberty yet. Maybe in two-three weeks. Kid's sure do grow up fast.

"Hey, Rose! How have you been girl?" I asked her while stroking her neck.

"ROAR!" She let out a roar at that. No idea what it meant, but she didn't seem too angry. I had trained these Dinosaur's since a young age so they wouldn't try to hurt me. Also, they had chips implanted into there head, which would give them a slight shock -not enough to do any damage- whenever they displeased me. Don't go around calling me a bad person I just like to keep people in line.

"Hey, Greggory and random raptors 1-6," I said with a smile. I named the Beta Greggory, and all the other's didn't matter as they were just random Raptors who didn't have any influence.

"They are... beautiful." Yinsen praised with stars in his eyes.

"Well, it looks like I am going to get Yinsen to work here. So Yinsen judging by your attitude you want to have a mixture of work in the field's and in the lab, right?" I postulated. (I'm trying more eloquent words out here)

"Uhh... Yeah fine. I will take the job as long as I can work with these pulchritudinous (Once again trying to use more eloquent words pulchritudinous basically means beautiful) animals." He requested.

"Sure thing. How about we head over to a Dinosaur that won't try and lacerate you." I conferred him the benefit to work with us.

We then spent the rest of the day visiting different species. Believe it or not, I had tried to vary it and not make only carnivore Dinosaurs, because that will go so terribly wrong it's not even funny.

After the day ended, I showed Yinsen his new lab, which was also connected to his apartment. He would reside like all the other scientist's in the science island. I hadn't thought of a better name (Yeah can you guy's name the science island?).

"Tony do you want to stay here for a bit and calm down or do you want to come with me back to New York?" I asked him knowing his answer and smirking at him.

"I think I will go back." He said with a goofy smile.

"And why is that?" I said, teasing him.

He actually blushed! I can't believe it, he blushed! "Because I talked to Pepper before and she said we would be doing something special tonight to celebrate me coming back."

I laughed at that "Oh man she is going to smack you so hard then lecture you on how dangerous it was to get kidnapped then you two will have sėx! HAHAHAHA!" I laughed at his misfortune and fortune at the same time.

"Hey it wasn't my fault I got kidnapped!" He retaliated.

"Of course it isn't, but she won't care Tony! She will just be so made you left and coming back to see her wasn't the first thing you did. She will use any excuse to lecture you for hours!" I chortled. Pepper was the type of person who would use every single excuse to lecture Tony whenever she is mad at him.

He paled a bit, "you know I don't have to go home yet. I can just stay here and work on the suit's for the superhero squad." He tried to bait me in with something I wanted. I did want that, but I wanted him to suffer at the hand's of Pepper Pots more. Who cared about some suit's when I could make my best friend suffer?

'I knew you were worthy to be my disciple.' Kakashi Sensei said half-jokingly half completely serious.

'*Sigh* Naruto you will have to get used to Aaron's new sadist personality. I don't know why Kakashi became like this, but now he turned Aaron into it as well, so you just have to accept it.; Minato tried to comfort Naruto who I didn't even notice was sobbing. I just ignore him most of the time now.

'Naruto were you crying all this time? I never noticed it.' Kakashi Sensei said. I guess that's where I got the ignoring Naruto from. But to be fair, I ignore most people who annoy me even the slightest now.

'*Sob* *Sob* why did it have to turn out like this? Kakashi Sensei has brainwashed him completely! Hell he was even late to rescuing Tony!' Naruto cried.

'I wasn't late. I arrived just in time.' I replied.

'We all agreed that you would arrive two hours earlier than you actually did so that no unforeseen factors could affect it.' Kakuzu spoke up.

'Ohh yeah that. I got bitten by a Raccoon and had to go to the hospital to see if it had rabies.' I told them keeping a straight face.

'Well did it?' Kakashi Sensei backed me up.

'No, I was lucky. It could have been so much worse I could have died, but that isn't good enough of an excuse for Naruto apparently because to him timing is more important than my life!' I told him looking like I had been dealt a great injustice.

'Well that's terrible, you should be ashamed of yourself Naruto!' Kakashi Sensei reprimanded Naruto. I really made the right choice taking him as my Sensei.

'First of all, what the hell! Second of all, I am part of you and saw everything you do! You were just sitting there reading p*rn!' Naruto yelled at me.

'Why I would never! This is so rude not only are you accusing me of reading p*rn but you are also calling me a liar!' I retorted indignantly.

'Naruto I thought you were better than this!' Kakashi sensei helped me.

'I saw you doing it damn it! Come on guy's back me up on this!' Naruto yelled out to everyone in my head.

At the same time, they all said back 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

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