Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 48 - Instantaneous Adaption

-- Note the adaption is only instantaneous if he has done that specific adaption a lot --

"Jarvis, how far away are the Hulk and Abomination?" I ask my robot.

Ever since they became a superhero duo, they are always at each other's necks. They constantly duel in one of my bunkers and are always trying to best each other in strength. They even have their own gym now, which they have weightlifting competitions.

"They are currently at the cafeteria having an eating competition and making employes feel uncomfortable sir," Jarvis said, and I snickered. Of course, watching two massive people having an eating contest. If they tried, they could easily eat a whole Deer.

"Tell them to come here for a sparring session. And also prepare a box of water." I said. I wanted to test out my theory of what my power is before I fight them.

A box of water seemed to rise from the ground. "Why do you have a box of water just lying around Jarvis?" I ask, confused.

"..." No response came.

"*Sigh*" I guess It's movie logic.

I walk up to the box of water big enough to fit a chair. I stuck my head inside it and tried to breathe.

"*Gurgle*" Was the only noise that came. 'Huh, I guess I can't breathe underwat- Hey I can breathe! So my power is Reactive Evolution just as I suspected. But it isn't my mutation, so this power draws energy from another dimension... Fascinating, I wonder what the extent of the ability is? Is it the same as in the comics or what?' I questioned excitedly.

"Hulk here to beat boss!" Came a forever screaming voice. God, I am never taking the Hulk to the library.

Abomination walked into the room behind Hulk but quieter and attentively observing me. I didn't mind his animal-like talking and appearance as I have Orochimaru living in my head.

"Let's begin, shall we? I want to test my new power out." I said with a smile.

I wasn't going to use my explosion style or Kamui or any chakra techniques during this just my new power. I hope that it is on the same level as Darwin on earth 616.

"Hulk smash!" The Hulk didn't hesitate to jump at me. Sh*t this is going to hurt.

I tried meeting the punch head-on and Ahhh- Wait, why is there no pain?

"AHHHH! Boss hand hurt Hulk!" Hulk screamed and held his hand.

I looked down at the hand I used to punch Hulk and... It was covered in the Titanium like what I was standing on. I wonder... If I made some parts of my body out of Vibranium then shouldn't I be able to absorb Kinetic energy and release it? I would literally become so versatile!

But the Titanium fell off my hand. So it isn't permanent, which is good and bad at the same time... Maybe...

I quickly went over to the tub of water and tried breathing in there again. It took me less time than before to get used to it, but it still took some time. Before it took about four seconds, but now it was halved. I guess the more exposure I have to something, the faster I can adapt to it.

I quickly went over to the now recovered Hulk and jumped high into the air using my strong body, which I had gotten from the Spider Bite. "Let's see how it works while I am in the air!"

Hulks fist also lashed out and was on a collision course toward my stomach. I flinched knowing that I couldn't do anything to stop it except using chakra to avoid the punch.

But once again, the pain never came. I punched Hulk's face, and it looks like it HURT! He reeled back in pain, and I stepped back once again to see what happened. Mental note knows what will happen before it happens because, during a real fight, I won't have the chance to keep see what happened to my body.

I look down to where my stomach is and... It was still there but the middle of the stomach the part that Hulk punched seemed to have... Lowered it's density to that of air.

I now look at my fist. It was once again covered in Titanium. This caused me to draw to a conclusion.

My powers allow my body to adapt to a particular situation. My body would remember how it adapted and allow it to happen again even if I do not have Titanium or air to touch. The more I used one adaption, the easier it becomes for my body to adapt to that particular adaption. But my body will only adapt to it when it deems it is needed. Or more precisely, my subconsciousness deems it is needed.

Meaning I cannot consciously control it, but when my subconsciousness deems that I am in danger or I need something, it will tell the body. This power works perfectly for me, though, as I have the Spider-Sense so I can feel when I am in danger before I am actually in danger. My body will be able to adapt to the threat before the threat is even present!

"HAHAHA! Hulk, Abomination let us fight! Use everything you have!" I yelled with glee. This new power was exhilarating.

They both looked excited. Hulk was already over his injury and was ready for more. They rushed at me both with full force.

I jumped. I suddenly felt my muscles becoming harder and larger. My brain started thinking faster. And when I curled my hand into a fist, I felt my skin was much tougher.

I lifted my fist up to punch Abomination first, and I felt my right shoulderblade becoming hard. I punched forward, and suddenly, my whole arm jerked forward on impact with Abominations face. My arm was like a drill press, and my body had toughened up my bones and at the same time, lengthened them. It was like one of those machines that constantly punched something down. My arm went back and forth without me moving it consciously. I punched the Abomination in the face multiple times within a split second while not even moving my arm. It just kept extending back and forth until- "CRACK!"

Abominations jaw broke. He fell down, writhing from the pain. I didn't hesitate though, as the Hulk came up from behind me.

"HULK SMASH!" Yelled the Hulk as it brought it's hand down on my head.

I raised my fist, and my arm suddenly got covered in Titanium while my feet connected themselves to the ground. My Skeleton was reinforced so as the shock of the attack wouldn't crush me.

"AHHHHH!" I yelled as green flesh met steel. A struggle of strength happened. In the comics, Armando Muñoz wasn't able to beat the Hulk, but this was the MCU version of the Hulk. If it were the comics version, I would have no chance.

My body slowly started to fold on from the pressure. Cracks split across the Titanium floor, and I faced the Hulk in determination. I was on my last leg.

"UGHHH!" A sound from my right came. My Spidey Senses already warned me of the danger, though. I couldn't do anything though as the Abomination charged at me headfirst. I didn't want to teleport away yet because I might be able to unlock a different evolution. But right now I couldn't think of one that would help.

The Abomination charged toward me, and I was nearly dug knee-deep into the ground by the Hulks continuous punches. I didn't feel anything at this point.

The Abomination was now half a meter away from my stomach. The only reason I could think this much was because of my increased thought process from the adaption.

'Will I lose?'

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