Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 76 - Reunion With Odin

-- Just saying sorry. I have had a drop in updates over the last couple of days. I am not going to give you some bullcrap excuse like my wifi is down or my ŀȧptop was stolen which every other author seems to use. I just am really caught up in a game right now. Anyway sorry because that affects you guys. This will also be a short chapter for the same reason --

"Wow, this place is massive and really sparkly!" Shisui exclaimed in wonder as we wandered down the halls of Asgards castle thing. I forgot the name for it.

Palace! There it was. Anyway, what was I going to think? Nevermind.

We had just arrived outside of the walls of the palaces throne room where Odin was currently in. Shisui was still looking around in wonder while Hashirama was murmuring something about how if Konoha had all this gold then they would have become the undisputable leader of the Elemental Nations. And how using it to build a palace was a huge waste.

"Yo, Odin! You in there?" Shisui said, poking his head through the large golden doors.

I could feel a wave of exasperation and annoyance coming from inside. "Yes, you may come in." Came Odin's voice which sounded like it had been dipped in artificial honey.

"Oh sorry" Shisui apologized sheepishly after realizing his mistake while Hashirama just scowled at the door made out of gold.

"Madara, why do you bring two guests into Asgard? You yourself are a guest here yet you dare bring others?" Odin questions fiercely his burning ire at the blatant disrespect Shisui showed towards him turning on me.

"These are not guests, just my lackeys," I said, causing Hashirama to bark in protest and Shisui to scowl.

I grinned at their anger at being called my lackeys. They did not do anything, though.

"Yes. Hela will be returned to Asgard after she has seen the error of her ways. Mark my words!" I said with fake determination. I truthfully did not care for Hela that much. She was just a pawn for me.

"I will hold you to that then," Odin said with a slight nod. He did not seem happy about it, but he had no better option. I knew this, and he knew I knew this, which was why he agreed to my requests so easily. Letting Idun herself out of Asgard just to train someone who was not even one of them was a high price to pay but something Odin had to do. He was too old and weak to defeat Hela now, and he did not want Thor to fight her - or even know about her. There were also no other very strong warriors in Asgard to turn to. At least none strong enough for this task.

"So where is Hel?" Hashirama asks all previous scorn about what a waste it was to make a palace out of gold gone and replaced by nothing but eagerness to see the famous Hel which in religion was the place people go to after death. Who would not want to see Hel while they were still alive? Pretty much everybody but for some reason, Hashirama and Shisui had close to no sense of self-preservation.

They were just too cheerful to let something like death get them down.

"First of all, I will need to fuse a key with you."

(Is it fusing? I read this somewhere in a fanfic where Naruto went to the Marvel Universe, which was a cool concept and well-executed. I liked the idea, so I am doing it myself with my own spin on it. I hope you guys don't mind)

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