Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 122 War Mobilization, Lancelot's Tower Of Heroes

The kingdom of gods, beyond the space city.

Lancelot sat on his throne of god, looking at the phalanx of god warriors below with contemptuous eyes.

Most of the fighters in the entire Kingdom of Gods were transformed from the original CIA elite agents and CIA elite squads.

There are also some members who are good at fighting selected by White Queen Emma from among the members of the mutant family.

"My lord, 5,000 protoss warriors have been assembled." Beside Lancelot, Jean Gray and White Queen Emma were suspended in midair, and the gravity of the kingdom of gods had no effect on them.

Below Lancelot, outside the space city, there are 3,000 ordinary protoss warriors, wearing biological Sentry armor, holding golden energy guns, standing on a rectangular platform, and their arrangement is almost integrated with the platform when viewed from a high altitude. as one.

And in the sky above this group of ordinary protoss soldiers, on a wing-like floating creature platform, 500 sky warriors with various gorgeous wings and holding life scepters are waiting in line.

This is the sky troop among the Protoss fighters, and they are also the Protoss' medical soldiers. The life scepter in their hands is the latest technology of the Protoss, which can release more than one hundred special healing beams.

On the left of the ordinary protoss warriors, there is an endless ocean, within which, 500 murloc warriors swim wantonly, and the murloc leader of the murloc warriors, Murloc Jack, holds a trident, which is also the latest creature of the protoss. science and technology.

In the Trident, all variant Ability modules that can control and create water molecules have been added. At this moment, Murloc Jack, like Aquaman Namor, can easily create oceans. The only thing that cannot be compared with Aquaman Namor is Only the scale remains.

Murloc warriors have fifteen times the physical strength of humans in water, and their weapons are developed based on the sound wave ability of the mutant protoss sea monster Sean, "capable of releasing various sound waves.

On the right side of the ordinary protoss warriors, there are 500 tall protoss titan warriors. These titan warriors have thick scales like golden armor all over their bodies. Come out, the defense power is amazing.

And the titan fighters are all transplanted with the mutant ability of power. Every titan fighter has a berserk power, and Paul Eulton, the captain of a 15-year-old titan fighter, has a power comparable to that of a regular green titan. , The destructive power is astonishing.

Beside the titan warriors, there are 500 extremely cold warriors with bruised skin and larger bodies than ordinary humans, generally at 2.5 meters.

Each of these extremely cold fighters is holding a dark blue Ice gun, which is also a technological weapon of the gods in the kingdom of gods. It can release freezing rays, which humans cannot bear, but the extremely cold fighters are completely Not affected.

And the captain of the Extreme Cold Warrior is a former Soviet soldier Alexei Alanovich who has undergone titan directed evolution and extreme cold evolution, and double redirected evolution. Originally, according to his normal trajectory, he would become the Red Guard of the Soviet Union. , but now, he has transformed into a god warrior, the extremely cold guard.

In the hands of Alexei, a heavy frost battle axe shines with icy blue brilliance. The blade of the battle ax is added with Adamantium shapeshifting metal, making it invincible. It is also the latest biological technology of the Protoss, which incorporates the mutant Protoss Ice Frost A variant of the Ability system, capable of releasing large-scale cold waves and frozen enchantments.

Lancelot looked at Wushuang with a pair of eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. In fact, what is assembled here is only the tip of the iceberg of Lancelot's protoss directed evolution force.

In addition to these arms, the current directed evolution troops of the Protoss also include Flame Warriors, Invisible Warriors, Shining Warriors, Energy Change Warriors, Space Warriors and so on.

Lancelot is going to form a Protoss force that can adapt to various extreme environments, and his goal is to be able to adapt to the extreme environments of the Nine Realms first.

Now he has the Frost Warrior for Jotonheim, the Fire Warrior for Moos Bellheim and the Dark Warrior for Absolute Darkness.

However, that is for the god warriors of the Nine Realms. For Lancelot's current goal, the kingdom of Wakanda, which has surpassed the earth's technology for hundreds of years, only these few god race soldiers need to be dispatched.

"Protoss warriors, I need you to go to the Kingdom of Wakanda on Earth, capture Vibranium, and fight for me." Lancelot sat on the throne of the gods, overlooking the 5,000 protoss warriors below with a pair of dazzling eyes, calmly.

"Fight for my king."

"Fight for the Kingdom of God."

The deafening voice resounded over the entire kingdom of gods, and every god warrior was excited at this moment, just because of Lancelot's words "Fight for me", they became extremely fanatical


"Very well, the Kingdom of God will remember your glory, and the name of each of your warriors will be engraved in the Tower of Heroes in the Kingdom of God.

You will completely get rid of life and death, be invincible and invincible. " Lancelot's voice was majestic and impassioned. He waved his right hand, and the power of the hell realm in the eye of reincarnation burst out from the high tower of the space city in an instant.

The Tower of Heroes, this is a soul tower built by Lancelot himself by using the power of the hell of the reincarnation eye.

It is composed of countless Adamantium black sticks, and Lancelot sealed his reincarnation eye Hell King Yan Luo in the Tower of Heroes through the Nine Seals of the Magic Dragon, so that the Tower of Heroes has the mark of releasing Yama and absorbing soul storage Ability.

But at this moment, the soul power of the Tower of Heroes was released, and all the god warriors clearly saw a huge and vast soul entity at this moment

Yama, the king of hell.

"Yan Luo Seal." King Yan Luo opened his mouth, and countless soul marks imprinted with the word "Yan Luo" were released from his mouth, pouring straight into the souls of all the god warriors.


All the god warriors only feel their souls vibrating wildly. In the soul, it seems that there is a special call in the dark. The Tower of Heroes, which returned to the kingdom of gods in an instant, was inhaled into the body of King Yama and stored.


When the souls of all the god warriors fluctuated, on the outer layer of the tower of heroes in the kingdom of gods, the names belonging to these god warriors emerged quickly like tadpoles, and were engraved on the top of the tower of heroes.

"Invincible, invincible." All the God Race warriors looked extremely frenzied at the moment, and the people of the Kingdom of God in the space city were also extremely excited watching all this through the spiritual network, and couldn't help shouting frantically.

From now on, every citizen of the kingdom of gods is proud to engrave their names on the Tower of Heroes.

Although the people of the kingdom of gods have all been implanted with the self-healing factor and obtained the immortal body of the gods, the self-healing factor is also limited.

If the head is cut off, the Self-healing factor will not be able to exert its Ability.

As for why Wolverine Logan appears to be immortal, it is because the Adamantium skeleton in his body is unbreakable, and nothing can cut off his head and body, so most of the time, Wolverine Logan suffers from trauma.

Therefore, if these god warriors are beheaded, they will die. Now Lancelot uses the ability of the reincarnation eye to mark the souls of all the warriors. Even if some of these god warriors really die, Lancelot will It can be resurrected through the Tower of Heroes in the Kingdom of Gods.

Lancelot's innate technique of reincarnation has completely transformed the protoss warrior into an invincible and invincible protoss unit that transcends life and death.

"Go, fight for the kingdom of Wakanda for me. I will be in the kingdom of gods, waiting for your triumphant return." Lancelot opened his right hand, and a bright space bridge descended from the sky, enveloping all the god warriors.

At the same time, above the kingdom of gods, a vast spiritual projection clearly presented the situation of this god warrior in front of everyone.

December 1982, Earth America.

In the hinterland of the African continent, which is considered extremely backward by the outside world, there is a mysterious country with a huge area.

The whole country is blocked by a vast energy shield. This shield has many functions such as defense, shielding perception, blocking external invasion and so on.

Also relying on this protective shield, even the technologically advanced United States cannot discover the existence of this country at all.

This country is surprisingly the Kingdom of Wakanda, which has a huge amount of Vibranium minerals and is hundreds of years ahead of the earth in technology.

Even though it is only in the 80s now, the technology of the entire Wakanda kingdom has reached the point where it is proficient and can be used with Vibranium.

At this moment, the unknown kingdom of Wakanda has beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is hard to imagine that this is an ancient kingdom whose technology has been ahead of the earth for hundreds of years.

On a plain, there is a huge city full of technology and antiquity. Here is the capital of the Kingdom of Wakanda, Bernin Zana.

In the city, all kinds of high-tech vehicles far beyond the earth, Vibranium trains, etc. can be seen everywhere, and at the same time, there are ancient violent rhinos and horses galloping in the city.

The entire city is full of technology and ancient times, but they complement each other, and have evolved into a tribal technological civilization unique to the Wakanda Kingdom.

Inside the capital, countless soldiers wearing light sacrificial clothes, holding Vibranium spears and shields, are on patrol. On their wrists, there is a special Vibranium bracelet. Through this Vibranium bracelet, they can For long-distance can be projection.

But at this moment, in front of the central lake of the capital, on top of sails with ancient shapes, but the tail fins are gushing energy, countless Wakanda people are performing an ancient sacrificial celebration dance.

In front of these people stood the guard of the most honorable female crown prince of the Wakanda Kingdom. These people also uniformly wore ancient guard uniforms, held Vibranium spears, and wore cloaks. They were guarding in front of a middle-aged man wearing an ancient king's uniform. .

Around the middle-aged man, there are even more sci-fi flight devices spraying Firework constantly.

"Wakanda, forever." The middle-aged man raised his arms and shouted. All the Wakanda tribe and the female guards who were carnival around them all looked solemn, with their right hands touching their chests, performing an ancient tribal etiquette.

"Wakanda Hail." A powerful shout resounded throughout the central lake.

As King T'Chaka of Wakanda, his face was full of smiles at the moment. He waved gently, and a female guard handed T'Chaka a Vibranium box with a vigorous Black Panther printed on it


T'Chaka pressed the box with his right hand, and the box opened, revealing a set of Black Panther battle suits shining with metallic luster inside the box.


T'Chaka lightly pressed on the Black Panther battle suit, and the Black Panther battle suit automatically dressed, covering the special card in an instant.

T'Chaka instantly transformed from the king of Wakanda to the supreme patron saint of Wakanda.

Black Panther.

"Guardian Hail." All the Wakanda people knelt on one knee, with fanaticism and respect in their eyes, and at the same time some people around

The woman in ancient sacrificial clothing danced an ancient dance again.

The atmosphere of the entire central lake was pushed to a climax.

But at this moment, Black Panther T'Chaka stretched out his finger, and the central lake in front of him suddenly split from the middle, and a round platform with huge amounts of Vibranium appeared in the middle of the lake.

On the round platform was a child who was only three years old.

Son of Black Panther T'Challa, next generation heir to the throne, T'Challa.


Black Panther T'Chaka leaned over slightly, then jumped up completely, leaping tens of meters, and appeared on the round platform.

"My dear son, the next patron saint of Black Panther, T'Challa. I am here to bless you in the name of the patron saint of Black Panther." Black Panther T'Challa raised his son

He lifted it up, and then placed it in a special container.

Inside the container, there is a solution formed by Wakanda's magical plant heart-shaped grass, which has magical effects.

At this moment, T'Chaka put his son into the container and began the ancient blessing ceremony.


As T'Challa put the 3-year-old child T'Challa into the heart-shaped grass solution, T'Challa's body began to grow rapidly, but in an instant, it had become

613 A five-year-old child, with ignorant eyes, has also become intelligent and agile.

"Father." T'Challa uttered pure Wakanda language. The blessing this time not only gave him a bright mind, but also gave him a strong body.


"My child, T'Challa. You will eventually succeed me as King of Wakanda and the next generation of Patronus of Black Panther." Looking at just a moment, T'Challa absorbed

Part of the power of the heart-shaped grass, Black Panther T'Challa was overjoyed and lifted T'Challa up again.

Boom, boom, boom.

Over the entire city, countless energy fireworks exploded, and a gigantic black monster appeared vividly.

This Black Panther seems to be lying prone on Wakanda, with a pair of wise eyes looking at the kingdom below.

"Prince T'Challa Hail." The blessing ceremony ended, and all the Wakanda people knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"Let's go, my child T'Challa, let me guide you to familiarize yourself with our kingdom." Black Panther T'Challa gently put T'Challa down, then held T'Challa's hand, boarded

Boarded a flight controller full of sci-fi atmosphere.


The tail of the flight device spewed out a faint blue energy radiance, soared into the sky, and began to patrol the entire kingdom with Black Panther T'Chaka and Tezla.

"Under our Wakanda, there are infinite reserves of Vibranium minerals, and this is one of the collection sites for Vibranium." The flight device landed on a high mountain, from high altitude to

Looking down, there is a sea of ​​metal.

Countless Wakanda mining machines are constantly mining these metals, and various magnetic levitation transport vehicles are coming and going, transporting the collected Vibranium to the refinery in the capital for further processing.

Extraction and concentration.

"Father, do we have a lot of Vibranium minerals? There are so many Vibranium resources even on the surface." The young T'Challa looked at the sea of ​​Vibranium in surprise at this moment, and for a moment

He raised his head and asked his father.

"Hahaha, yes, T'Challa. Our Vibranium resources in Wakanda are inexhaustible, even if it takes another thousand years, we will not be able to collect them all." T'Challa

He laughed loudly and said proudly.

"All of this is a gift from the God of Black Panther, and it is the root of Wakanda's prosperity." T'Chaka looked at all this proudly, "and then showed up at the next hurdle with special products.

In the science and technology laboratory of the Kingdom of Da.

"My child, this is our technology laboratory." Led by his father, T'Challa looked at this huge technology laboratory, where countless Wakanda scientists were

Busy on the run.

The entire laboratory is filled with various advanced energy projections, virtual projections, and in the center of the science and technology laboratory, there is a suspended ball exuding energy luster.

"Father, what is this?" T'Challa walked up to the energy suspension ball and asked curiously.

"T'Challa, this is the energy detector of our Wakanda Kingdom. Through this energy detector, we can monitor the situation of the entire Wakanda Kingdom." T'Challa gently

He stroked his son's head and introduced him. .

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