: All Out

Around the solar system, there are tens of millions of space battleships, and the surrounding area is filled with water.

Because of Thanos’ plan, the three major empires and the ten major alliances temporarily put aside their prejudices and formed an unprecedentedly large coalition force.

At this time, the thirteen supreme leaders held an emergency meeting again because of Thanos’ appearance.

As the High Priest of the Supreme Clan, Ayesha, who is also the leader of the Extraordinary Alliance, said with an ugly face at this time: “I summoned you this time because Thanos appeared.”

Although she was very disdainful in front of Thanos, but to become the High Priest of the Supreme Clan, she is naturally not without brains.

Even from the return of Thanos, she felt a strong threat, so she quickly convened the highest meeting of the Cosmic Alliance.

But other people who had never seen Thanos just nodded calmly.

“It’s just a Thanos. Do you need to call us over?”

“Our coalition forces will soon flatten the solar system. How can a Thanos change the situation?”

“That is, our more than 100 billion space battleships, even if consumed, can consume him.”

Among them, Zeus of the Alliance of Gods laughed even more.

“Haha, a mere Thanos kid, nothing to worry about.”

Indeed, they are the most powerful people in the entire universe.

Together, they have mastered 80% of the galaxies in the universe, and they have also monopolized all high-tech and cultivation methods, so that other civilizations will never be able to surpass them.

It can be said that as long as they reach a consensus, no one in this universe can disobey their wishes.

Of course, they are only human beings. Those who are not human beings are not included here.

Just when Ayesha was about to refute, suddenly a subordinate ran over in a panic.

“High Priest, it’s not good. Thanos has appeared on the border of the solar system and has already destroyed hundreds of millions of space battleships.”

Hearing this, Ayesha was stunned.


Hundreds of millions of space battleships were destroyed by Thanos?

How is this possible?

In the next second, she realized that she was about to notify other people that she was going offline, but saw that many people’s projections had disappeared.

Damn, these guys have also received the news.

So she didn’t speak, and immediately went offline, and then switched to the projection on the front line.

At the edge of the solar system.

I saw that Thanos’ whole body was shining with the power of destroying the world in dark purple, and space cracks appeared constantly around him and were calmed down by the universe.

And he flew forward at a speed ten times faster than that of light.

Light in the universe can be said to be the fastest speed that matter can achieve, but its speed completely violates the laws of physics.

The black space cracks all over his body were like bolts of lightning, allowing his speed to break through the limit.

And wherever he went, all space battleships were instantly cracked by space cracks.Cut open, and then exploded one after another, turning into the most brilliant fireworks.

At this time, he didn’t think about saving energy at all, and released all his combat power with all his strength, just to show his strength to the world.

But the universe is too big, so even if he travels at ten times the speed of light, he can only fly one-thousandth of the outer reaches of the solar system.

And at this moment, more than a dozen people exuding a terrifying aura appeared.

These people all started at the Heavenly Father level at the very least, and the leader was none other than the magician Adam in black armor and red cloak.

He was also the male Adam of the Supreme Race.

The other party has golden skin and short hair, is about two meters tall, and is unarmed.

At this time, the other side looked at him expressionlessly, and said lightly: “Thanos, you surrender now, hand over the Infinity Stone, and we can give you a chance to live.”

When Thanos heard the words, the corners of his mouth immediately turned up, and then he laughed out loud.

“Hahaha… It seems that I haven’t made a move for too long, and everyone thought I was a soft persimmon, right?”

After speaking, he took down the tyrant’s butcher’s knife behind him, and rushed forward.

At the same time, he clenched the power gem in his left hand, and then activated the ruler skill, allowing his strength to soar again.

The powerful energy has surpassed the limit that this universe can bear, and the spatial cracks around him are getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this, Adam’s face immediately became serious, and at the same time, the energy in his whole body began to explode.

A golden light enveloped his whole body, causing his aura to rise continuously.

But in the next moment, before he even had time to react, Thanos passed him at a hundred times the speed of light.

And the rift in space brought about by Thanos’ movement seemed to tear apart this piece of universe, leaving a rift of endless darkness.

Adam just wanted to turn around and chase after him, but he felt that he could no longer move, and then slowly his consciousness began to blur.

From the beginning to the end, Thanos didn’t even take a second look at Adam, and directly charged into the enemy.

With a few clicks of “Shua Shua…”, these top combat powers in the universe, Heavenly Father-level powerhouses, were beheaded by him one after another like cutting melons.

After dealing with the strong men of the cosmic alliance, he continued to fly towards the enemy’s space battleship.

In the next few minutes, fireworks continued to appear at the edge of the solar system.

Thanos, who was constantly destroying and flying, suddenly felt that he was being locked by something.

Turning his head and looking, he found that there was a Titan-class space battleship more than 100 million kilometers away, and the barrel was aimed at him.

Just when he was about to go, suddenly the surroundings fell into darkness, and at the same time, the space cracks around him also disappeared.

He immediately understood that the enemy had already launched an attack, but because the speed of light was too slow, he didn’t see it.

After all, for a distance of more than 100 million kilometers, light needs to run for more than 300 seconds. When I saw the enemy’s Titan-class space battleship, it actually looked like it was more than 300 seconds ago.

So those attacks that exceed the speed of light cannot be seen at all.

It’s just that they don’t know what attack the other party launched.

In the next instant, he felt himself being compressed, as if this space was compressing him.

This reminded him of a weapon, the black hole cannon.

This is a method of using the principle of black hole compression to create a small black hole force field at the destination.

It’s no wonder that the light will disappear immediately, because it’s all absorbed by the black hole.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the space gem and wanted to teleport away.

However, it was discovered that the space inside the black hole was so tough that even the space gem could not be opened.

Feeling the increasing pressure, he immediately took out the Soul Stone.

After absorbing it for a period of time, the soul stone can no longer replenish a lot of original power, and it can just be used now

The original power flows into the power gem, and then strengthens him, making his power increase hundreds of times in an instant.


And this powerful increase, even his most proud physique felt overwhelmed, so he let out a deep roar.

The original power is the power that can only be mastered by gods, and it has already exceeded the range he can bear.

However, the effect brought by the original power is also extremely strong. The man-made black hole was instantly opened up, making him feel a sense of expansion instead of compression.

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