Strange Island

When he came to this island-like place, Thanos discovered that a closed inner loop had actually formed on it.

There is constant water flowing down the snow mountain, so that the forest below will not lack water. At the same time, there are various herbivores and carnivores, as well as various strange insects.

But the only strange thing is that no intelligent life was found.

Without intelligent life, how did this small island form?

After thinking about it, he still surrenderedlanded here.

Because he knew that this small island could not have been formed naturally.

There must be something controlling everything.

For example, how could the snow on an iceberg never end, and how could animals and plants form such a coincidental balance.

Soon, he took Julia and landed on the small island.

At this time, Julia said with a look of disbelief: “My God, I have been in the Quantum Universe for five years, and this is the first time I have seen forests exist.”

On the Geya Continent, there is only endless barren land.

Even if there are plants, they are artificially cultivated vegetables.

Because the water source is so precious that even people don’t have enough to drink, it is impossible to have excess water for some useless plants.

Thanos squatted down and touched the weeds in the ground.

These weeds look ordinary, they just absorb water and then carry out photosynthesis.

But the strange thing is that there are no stars here at all. What do plants use for photosynthesis?

After a while, he pulled out a stalk of grass, then started digging into the ground, and found a fluorescent stone.

What is this?

After feeling it with mental power for a while, he discovered that a kind of controllable nuclear fusion was going on inside the stone.

This kind of nuclear fusion is like a star, but it only occurs inside, and the outer shell firmly blocks the spread of this kind of nuclear fusion.

At this time, Julia also dug out a stone from the ground, and said in amazement: “What kind of stone is this? It’s amazing. Even if we were at the peak of the Geya Dynasty, we couldn’t make this kind of technology at all.”


Hearing Julia’s words, Thanos finally realized that this might be a high-tech product.

But what kind of technology is needed to produce this kind of stone, and there are so many of them.

Thinking of this, he looked up at the surrounding ground.

If one nuclear fusion stone is based on ten square meters, then there are at least hundreds of thousands of them here.

After a while, the two started to fly up the mountain.

Because they felt that there should be a bigger secret on the mountain.

Along the way, they saw all kinds of animals and insects.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the sky was gray and there were no stars or satellites, they might have thought they had returned to the real universe.

After a while, the two flew to the foot of the mountain.

But at this moment, several laser beams suddenly appeared and shot at them.

Julia was hit instantly, and several scars appeared on her body.

But Thanos was unharmed by the laser attack, and then flew towards the place where the attack was launched.

Soon, he found four enemies halfway up the mountain.

These four people are two meters tall, wearing full-body mechanical armor, holding machine guns and firing continuously.

One of them saw that his attack could not do little damage to Thanos, and said, “From the group, stay!” After staying *9:8#0>2!0;58/5\6, he took out a shoulder-mounted weapon and launched an attack.

With a sound of “Hoo!”, an energy cannon fired.

But Thanos quickly dodged to the left, dodged the attack, and rushed over.

Because he was afraid of attracting Jamil’s attention, he didn’t use the power to destroy the world.

Soon he landed halfway up the mountain and came to the side of the four enemies.

The four of them were not frightened when they saw Thanos approaching. Instead, they pulled out the energy knife and energy shield from their waists, and then slashed over.

Thanos immediately turned into a master of fighting. Without using the power of destroying the world, he defeated four of them with his skills.

“Bang bang bang…” four people fell to the ground.

Thanos stepped on one of them and asked, “Who are you?”

At this time, Julia also came halfway up the mountain, looking at the other three with an angry face.

Because of the sudden attack just now, she was completely unprepared, so the mechanical armor on her body was punched out several times, exposing her snow-white skin.

The four people underground didn’t speak at all, they just mechanically wanted to pick up weapons and continue to attack.

After a while, Thanos stepped impatiently and trampled one of them to death, then came to the other and continued to trample on him.

“Give you a chance, who are you? Why attack us?”

But the person under his feet still didn’t speak, and the broken arm still wanted to raise it to attack him.

This made him feel something was wrong.

Even a dead soldier would not be able to do such a thing that he knows is futile.

So he bent down, grabbed the helmet of the person under his feet, and took it off.

Soon, a young expressionless face appeared.

There is no hair on the head, no beard on the face, and even a very popular face.

Even if his limbs were broken, there was still no sign of pain.

Thanos put his hand on the opponent’s brain, and he really felt a control chip in the opponent’s brain, a chip similar to that in the brain of the zombie mother.

So he directly crushed the opponent’s brain, and took out the chip from the brain.

The chip is silver-white and very small, only one-tenth the size of a fingernail.

Looking at the chip, he finally understood why these people ignored him. It turned out to be clones.

But what is the relationship between these clones and the zombies of the Geya Dynasty?

After thinking about it, he immediately killed the other two clones.

Julia took out a chip from a cloned human brain, and said with an ugly face, “Could it be that the owner here is the one who made the zombies?”

Soon, she shook her head again, and said suspiciously: “No, we opened the zombies.”The appearance of connecting the real universe cannot be related to the quantum universe. ”

Thanos looked up at the top of the mountain, and said indifferently: “Then what if the owner of the zombie also comes to the Quantum Universe?”

Hearing this, Julia’s whole body was shocked.

That’s right, the owner here may be the person who opened the passage a few years ago.

Thinking of this, a wave of hatred appeared in her heart.

An urge to kill the master who made the zombies, to avenge his compatriots and the queen.

So she didn’t inform Thanos, and flew directly to the top of the mountain.

Seeing this, Thanos also followed.

He actually had a doubt in his heart.

Such a high-tech person, why did he make zombies, and after making zombies, why did he build such a base here.

In fact, he didn’t want to take care of these at first, but since he can’t go back for the time being, let’s find out first, maybe there will be some adventures.

After a while, both he and Julia flew to the top of the mountain.

But here there is nothing but snow.

It seems that this is just an ordinary snow mountain, if there is not a machine that keeps producing snow.

But in the next second, Thanos’ eyes flashed.

Because he saw a familiar sign on the snow machine.

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