The Last Era

Thanos doesn’t know the principles of these motherboards and storage devices.

Naturally, there are professional people to solve these professional things.

Soon the captain of the spaceship recruited more professionals and began to conduct research.

After a few hours, the motherboard and memory were connected to the computer on the spacecraft.

At this moment, the power supply in the control room of the spaceship flickered a few times, and after returning to normal, a mechanical sound appeared.

“Gentlemen, hello, everyone.”

This time it is not the Chinese that Thanos knows, but the language of the Marvel universe.

It seems that the other party’s learning ability is very strong, and he has mastered multiple languages ​​in an instant.

And when everyone around saw that the task was completed, they also showed smiles.

But because Thanos was there, he didn’t make too much noise, for fear of displeasing the emperor.

Thanos took a step forward, looked at the people around him, and said, “Everyone, get out.”

His next question may involve some confidentiality, so it is naturally not suitable for irrelevant people to hear it.

When the others heard the words, they didn’t complain at all, and even breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately withdrew from the control room.

Even the captain is no exception, after allThe emperor refers to everyone, including him naturally.

Immediately afterwards, Thanos released the almighty energy, isolating all eavesdropping around.

“Now you can tell me everything you know.”

“Mr. Thanos, right? What do you want to know?”

“I want to know everything, how many years have passed since the last universe was destroyed, why the star hasn’t gone out, why you haven’t decayed, what the Celestials are looking for, and what happened in the last era.”

He has too many questions to ask.

And he also has a feeling that there is a huge opportunity hidden in it. If he can grasp it, it is not impossible to become a multiverse level.

Of course, this feeling is too ethereal, and he is not sure.

Hearing Thanos’ question, the artificial intelligence fell into silence, as if it had crashed.

But Thanos looked at the machine that was still running, and knew that it wasn’t dead, it was just that this intelligent program seemed to be thinking about something.

Can an intelligent program think?

If it was before, he certainly felt that it was impossible.

But ever since he went to the ruins of the star, he had a vague feeling in his heart that the artificial intelligence in front of him might not be as simple as a program.

After a long time, the intelligent program said: “About the time, my recording disk can record 10 billion times, but now it has exceeded the recording range, so I don’t know exactly how long it has passed.

You can study the carbon-12 and carbon-14 on me to determine the time. ”

Thanos shook his head, and said: “Carbon 12 and carbon 14 can only be observed for a few million years at most, hundreds of millions of years at most, and more than 10 billion years. That’s impossible.”

The half-life of carbon-12 and carbon-14 is only more than 5,000 years. Even if some methods can be used to increase the observation period by a hundred times, or even a thousand times, it is far from enough to observe tens of billions of years.

After all, the time span is too long, and it is impossible to view it through technological means.

However, this allowed him to roughly understand some methods of restarting the universe.

It is endless time.

Let the energy in the universe be exhausted slowly by itself, until the stars are extinguished, the black holes disappear, and all life will naturally disappear at that time.

This can be said to be very cruel, but also very kind.

Speaking of cruelty, it is naturally because those intelligent beings can only slowly watch the stars go out in endless time, but they are powerless.

I say benevolent because the time is too long, so long that people slowly adapt and accept this kind of demise.

However, he felt that the reincarnation of the omnipotent universe should not be so simple.

After all, for some existences, even if it takes tens of billions of years, it is not unbearable.

So besides endless time, there are other means.

At this time, the artificial intelligence continued: “As for why the stars have not been extinguished, I don’t understand. When I was dormant, the stars had already entered the aging period, and what kind of gods are you talking about? What race is that? I didn’t heard about it.”

Because he can’t see the expression, and the artificial intelligence can’t hear the breath, Thanos doesn’t know whether the other party is telling the truth or not.

It’s still much easier to deal with intelligent life.

As long as you use the soul gem, you can immediately search the other party’s soul and know everything.

Or judge from the other party’s heartbeat, sweating, etc.

It seems that it can only be taken back and let Deep Blue do an dissection of this system.

At this time, the artificial intelligence seemed to know Thanos’ suspicion, so he said: “By the way, in the records of the memory, it seems that when the stars are entering the aging period, someone seems to have seen the appearance of the fire phoenix. I don’t know if this information is useful to you.” Useless.”

“flaming Phenix?”

Thanos looked puzzled.

But in the next second, his expression changed.

“not good!”

In the ruins.

At this time, the clone of Thanos has penetrated into the star for about 3,000 kilometers.

But at this moment, he stopped suddenly.

Because he felt that he had bumped into a hard object.

This made him puzzled for a while.

You must know that unless the star is completely cooled, nuclear reactions will continue to occur inside it. To put it bluntly, it is like magma, and there is no hard object.

What’s more, with the strength of his avatar, even if he encountered a diamond, he would have to smash it to pieces.

How could it be possible to block his way.

So he curiously touched the front, and suddenly felt a soft yet tough wall appear.

And this wall seems to be still very big, and it seems that it can’t touch the edge.

Just after he groped curiously for a while, he suddenly felt a deadly and dangerous aura appearing.

This breath was so powerful that it made his whole body shudder, and even his heart beat with a powerful “bang bang!”

Just like meeting a natural enemy, the sixth sense is constantly sending out danger signals.

But at the same time, it made his thinking messy.

At his level, even if he encounters the Celestials, he doesn’t have such a sense of crisis.

what’s the problem?

Before he came back to his senses, he suddenly noticed that the stellar lava around him was tumbling and expanding.

And this powerful force even made him unable to stabilize his figure, and was thrown away.

After fighting for an unknown number of times, and after flying an unknown distance, his thinking slowly resumed operation, and then the energy in his whole body surged, trying to stabilize himself.

Then he looked up and looked forward, trying to see clearly what the culprit of all this was.

but he only sawOne very large eye.

Just like the eyes of a bird, there is a golden pupil in the middle.

Then I felt a strange yet familiar force.

Before he could react, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he lost the perspective of this clone.

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