Mutants in 009 Academy

Clark casually put the file aside and said

“If you had acted so honest before, then I wouldn’t have bothered Captain Antonio, so … The directors are all looking for themselves. ”

Shaking his head gently, Clark’s kind tone for you made many directors feel more and more angry!

But after glancing up at the burly Antonio, they bowed their heads again, not daring to say a cruel word.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads!

But as long as they can escape, they will make Clark understand what is called the power and power of capital!

Mutants have strength, but in the face of real power and strength, it is not worth mentioning!

If not, this world would have been conquered by mutants long ago!

“Okay, I believe the directors are not willing to stay here longer, you guys leave.”

“You can call if you have something to do when you come back, but you are not welcome to come – St. Kent College, no outsiders are welcome!”

When several directors heard this, their faces couldn’t help but be a little shocked and a little happy!

After being beaten by Antonio before, they were prepared for the worst, that is, to be imprisoned by Clark!

Didn’t expect Clark to be willing to let them go now?

This…… Is this new principal’s brain really bad?

Have already done such a thing to pull hatred, so don’t you worry about retaliation after they go out?

In any case, they were still a little glad in their doubts.

Leave! Hurry up and leave!

The revenge thing is going back to do.

Now it’s imperative to get out of this damn school quickly!

Antonio’s face changed suddenly:

“Headmaster, you do this…”

Isn’t this a return to the mountain!

If everything is done, then everything is done and hidden dangers are completely eliminated.

How did you let them go?

Clark raised his right hand and gestured, so that Antonio did not continue.

Antonio’s face was a little ugly, but he still stood in place obediently.

It’s just that the devouring gaze is staring at the back of the director’s departure, which is very prickly!

After a few directors left, Clark slowly asked

“Where’s the gear?”

Hearing Clark’s question, Antonio’s face was delighted, and he instantly understood Clark’s intentions.

He said happily

“The gear is still in the academy!”

There are many mutants in St. Kent College, and among the fresh graduates, there are also many mutant graduates who stay and serve in the college.

This is the case with Jean, and so is Antonio, and as for this gear that Clark asked, the same is true!

Antonio has the nickname of Blood Fang, which circulates in a very secret area.

And this gear mutant, too.

Gear is the nickname of this mutant, and her ability to control instruments and other equipment – this ability is very powerful, and this ability can be developed and even used to control mushroom weapons!

However, the gear herself is a weak chicken, not to mention mushroom weapons, she can’t handle ordinary missiles.

But the ability to develop in how weak chicken, used to control some simple equipment is still no problem.

For example… Control the vehicle driving system, manipulate the steering wheel, and quietly create a car accident!


Looking at Antonio’s delighted expression, Clark knew that he understood his intentions, and nodded without hiding it:

“Notify the gear, let her toss a few car accidents, and look as normal as possible.”

“There are big and small car accidents every day in the three major suburbs of Manhattan, and a few car accidents will not be noticeable.”

Then Clark ordered

“And Director Charlie, who left at the beginning, he made a wise choice, so I let him live half a day longer.”

“You personally intervened, and he is giving him a ride after he rests tonight.”

Antonio nodded to show that he understood, then turned away without stopping.

After he walked out of the principal’s room, his face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes turned to the side window.

Vaguely, the figures of those directors were reflected in his eyes.

“Dare to destroy our home… I will treat you well! ”

In today’s fishing boat environment, mutants are already a situation where everyone shouts and kills, and most mutants do not even dare to expose their identities.

Once exposed, there will be all kinds of accidents and dangers, maybe when you wake up, you have been lying on the experimental bed and being sliced!

St. Kent College provides a place for a subset of mutants to live and live.

Elsewhere, Antonio doesn’t care.

But St. Kent College is his Antonio’s home!

And what several directors did before, that is, they were demolishing his home, and even wanted to burn the house with a torch!

Without Clark’s order, the anger in Antonio’s heart could only be suppressed in his heart.

Now, he can vent his anger!



PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for comments!

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