042 The Power of Blood Fangs!

Skye and Nick Fury exchanged a few simple words, and they were very satisfied with the current situation.

The great S.H.I.E.L.D. has once again thwarted the plans of dangerous elements, and it’s great to publicize this kind of thing.

Nick Fury seemed to remember something, and opened his mouth to ask again:

“By the way, Agent Skye, did you find anyone who was in contact with the Sand King? Or does the Tsar King have other companions? ”

Skye frowned and replied with certainty

“Sir Nick, I’m sure not, the Sand King has been alone since he entered our surveillance range!”

“Agent Skye, if that’s the case, then I’m relieved. Agent Skye, return quickly after holding the Sand King, and don’t spend too much time near Manhattan. ”

Manhattan? Is there anything wrong with Manhattan?

Skye replied, but there were still some doubts in his heart.

She didn’t think too much about it, and it was only right to get the sand king first.

Whatever happened in Manhattan had nothing to do with her.

Skye’s only mission now is to get the Sand King and bring him back to S.H.I.E.L.D. to be imprisoned!

Turning his head to look at the Sand King, Skye found that the sea of sand controlled by the Sand King’s avatar had become more and more powerless.

The strong glue makes every action of the sand king extremely difficult, and the physical exertion is extremely huge.

And once the sand king shows the posture of escaping, he will be stopped by Skye.

Sha King, this internationally famous wanted criminal is not far from being arrested!

Eventually, the Sand King stopped resisting, slowly transforming back into human form, with despair and sadness on his face.

He looked at Skye and pleaded

“Your preparation is very good, which makes me desperate, but what makes me even more desperate is that I can’t see which old man for the last time!”

“Shockwave girl Skye, being caught by you is my lack of preparation, and you are too well prepared! I can be taken away by you, but I would like to ask you to grant me a request – let me go to the cemetery, I want to meet the old headmaster at the end! ”

The sand king looked sad, but he couldn’t cry at all:

“I didn’t come back when Grandpa Principal was alive, now, please let me fulfill my last wish!”

Skye knows about the Sand King’s abilities and some physical peculiarities, because of the Sandification ability, this person has lost the ability to cry tears.

Seeing that the sand king was indeed extremely sad and did not seem to be fake, Skye was a little shocked in his heart.

At this time, the old agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. had already stood up and mercilessly refused:

“Shut up! A wanted criminal like you may not be planning some conspiracy in your heart! Capture you back to S.H.I.E.L.D. now and make any plans you have for nothing! ”

The Sand King didn’t look at the old agent, just stared straight at Skye.

He knew very well that Skye was the conductor!

Skye hesitated.

Just as she was about to speak, the sound of motorcycle brakes was heard outside the remote park.

Hearing this voice, the sand king’s face changed, as if he recalled something.

The next moment, a burly figure had broken into the encirclement:

“Promise three fools.”

“I don’t want to say it a second time, if you can’t be the master, find someone who can!”

The cold gaze of the person who came swept around, with a scrutinizing scrutiny:

“As for my name, my name is Antonio – of course, you should be more familiar with my nickname, Bloodfang!”

Antonio opened his mouth wide, and his scarlet teeth looked a little hideous:

“As for why I meddle in the affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D., it’s because this stupid person lying on the ground is my senior!”

“He saved my life twice!”

“Bloodtooth Antonio?”

The hearts of the agents were abrupt.

This is a ruthless person, who has been rampant in the central region a few years ago, and his reputation is three points higher than that of the sand king, and although there is no news later, his reputation is still there!

Bloody Antonio shocked everyone as soon as he appeared, and many agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had entangled themselves with the Sand King before.

Although the sand king was suppressed throughout the process, the physical exertion was not small.

Now such a ruthless person suddenly appeared, and many agents looked at each other, and their hearts were a little abrupt.

They looked at Skye in unison, ready to listen to the latter’s command.

They cannot afford to flee from the battle.

But if Skye nods in agreement, it’s fine.

Something is also Skye’s business.

The taxi driver from before had an ugly face, and he quietly approached Skye to whisper something to the latter

“Agent Skye, we can’t…”


A loud impact suddenly sounded, and the taxi driver’s body was instantly knocked out more than ten meters and rolled over three times on the ground.

He tried hard to straighten up, and then rolled his eyelids and straightened the corpse.

Skye’s pupils contracted suddenly, with a touch of disbelief.

Facing the alienated type mutant of the Sand King, she dealt with it easily.

In the face of the general body enhancement type mutant, Skye will not worry either.

But…… The appearance of Bloodtooth Antonio allowed Skye to break the previous contempt for body-enhancing mutants.

This speed, this way of attacking … S.H.I.E.L.D. has a way to deal with it.

But she must not be able to deal with it!

Antonio glanced around and saw that the other agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were excited, and he shrugged his shoulders and was expressionless:

“I said, let the person who has the ability to make decisions speak, and everyone else shut his stinky mouth!”

“You don’t have to look at me like that, this guy didn’t die, he just fainted… Of course, as punishment he had to lie in bed for two more months. ”



PS: In the whole contracted matter, busy for an afternoon, get it done, add more.

Readers still have chapters that they can’t read, can’t see Mo panic, Doudou will deal with it immediately, the recent review problems are almost over, there should be no accidents.

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