079 Joy is extremely sad

Peter Parker felt that his little life had been too smooth for this time.

The school graduated with honors, attended the graduation ceremony and gave an additional graduation cap.

Dr. Connors’s research progress has also made great progress, and it is only under his suggestion that the research progress has been smoothly advanced!

The bonus red envelope is simply a joy.

Everything went smoothly, and Peter Parker was in a good mood recently.

He felt that he had never lived so happily as he did now.

This is life.

After the graduation ceremony, Peter Parker rode his bike home.

When I came across a convenience store along the way, Peter Parker hesitated, and finally pushed the door open.

He was going to buy some fruits and vegetables and other foods.

This convenience store is the closest convenience store to Uncle Ben’s house, Peter Paktu is a hassle, or go in.

Although he didn’t want to enter this store in his heart…

Because the waiter at the store was not very good, Peter Parker felt that the counter clerk had a feeling of discrimination against him.

Because he used to be thin.

And the counter attendant is a strong man of more than two hundred and fifty pounds.

“He must be jealous that I’m thinner than him!”

Peter Parker muttered two words in his heart while putting fruits and vegetables in the bag.

Peter Parker has sued the owner of the convenience store several times over the matter.

But it didn’t work.

I heard that the big backstage of the convenience store is a real estate businessman, and he is preparing to participate in the White House candidate after the New Year, and he has not taken such a small matter of convenience stores to heart.

Peter Parker could only say to himself in the end:

I will definitely not come to this store to buy anything in the future, and eat when I come!

Under Maka’s law, Peter Parker still obediently came to this store, because this store is so close, the second store has to run two kilometers to run.


Holding the goods and preparing to check out, Peter Parker suddenly saw a middle-aged man with a beard and a black hat walking into the convenience store.

This scruffy man searched the store while he was checking out his bill, and carried a lot of things into his arms.

Seeing Peter Parker looking at him, he threw Peter Parker a can of Coke as a hush money.

Finally, in the stunned eyes of the counter attendant, this scruffy man snatched a large handful of banknotes from the counter, and then ran away!

Peter Parker had already arrived at the door with the bag, right in front of the scruffy man.

“Quick! Stop him! ”

At the exclamation of the counter attendant, Peter Parker shrugged his shoulders and instead took a step back.

With Peter Parker’s current physical fitness, he can stop this scruffy man.

But remembering the waiter’s attitude towards himself in the past, Peter Parker finally chose to stand by coldly.

There is quite a schadenfreude mentality.

“Choose wisely!”

The scruffy man laughed and said to Peter Parker before running out of the convenience store, and then continued to take the road and run wildly.

“Skinny little ghost! Why didn’t you stop him? Damn it! ”

The counter attendant glared at Peter Parker with an angry face, and his eyes flashed extremely violently!

Peter Parker frowned slightly, feeling an imperceptible strangeness.

He frowned and took a step back:

“Sir, this has nothing to do with me!”

The counter attendant’s eyes were still vicious:

“Damn skinny imp! I’m looking back for you to settle the score! ”

After he said that, he rushed out, with his fat body, his running speed was actually not slow!

This surprised Peter Parker a little.

This dead fat man is running quite fast?

Shrugging, Peter Parker walked onto the street with a convenience bag, subconsciously still staring at the drama of you chasing me on the street.

The counter attendant chased after him, and the scruffy man still ran wildly.

The waiters were shouting words to catch the thief, but no one came forward.

– Not for nothing.

Peter Parker saw a figure from a distance, raised his hands and stopped it…

Wait a minute!!!

How did that figure look so similar… Like Uncle Ben?

Peter Parker’s eyes widened in amazement, with a hint of disbelief.

The super senses brought by the spider physique made Peter Parker discover from a distance which scruffy man who escaped took out a gun from his arms after discovering that Uncle Ben had come forward!

“Nope! Uncle Ben! Get out of the way! ”

In the distance, Peter Parker had rushed out like crazy.

At this moment, what world sprint champion, what cheetah speed, have to be deflated in front of Peter Parker’s gallop!

However, it is already late!

The scruffy man had run away all the way and was far from Peter Parker.

Unless Peter Parker can teleport over, he can only watch what the latter does!

The “bang” of a gunshot seems to indicate that everything is irreparable.

Peter Parker came to Uncle Ben, who had been shot to the ground, with a look of embarrassment, remorse and tears intertwined on his face.

If he had just made a move…

If he hadn’t had the careful mind to gloat…

“Uncle Ben! No! Don’t be like this! ”

Peter Parker picked up Ben Parker, tears blurring down his face.

Ben Parker has more air and less intake, but his mental state is vaguely good.

“Is it Peter… It’s nice to see you again… Take care of your Aunt Mei, she’s old, don’t let her be too sad, she can’t bear this. ”

Looking at Ben Parker, who seemed to be somewhat energetic, Peter Parker was instantly alert.

This is a return to light!

His hands trembled:

“No, Uncle Ben, Aunt Mei is still waiting for you to take care of it! Why are you going to intercept that thug? Why? ”

Uncle Ben coughed, feeling a little powerless:

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

“Somebody has to stop which guy… But now it seems that I am overestimating myself. ”

“Peter… Take care of your Aunt Mei…”

“Nope! Uncle Ben! I won’t let you die! I definitely don’t want to! ”

Peter Parker looked at Ben Parker’s abdomen, where a lot of blood had oozed and stained his clothes red.

This made Peter Parker more and more bitter and remorseful.

He looked around and soon spotted a public phone booth.

Peter Parker gritted his teeth and rushed straight over.

“Uncle Ben’s injuries are serious!”

“If I’m not mistaken, Uncle Ben’s abdominal guts were pierced, and internal bleeding is a complication of this series of problems!”

“Wait for the doctor to come, it’s too late to say anything!”

“But… School! Right! It’s school! At this time, only the academy has the possibility to make a miracle happen! ”

Peter Parker muttered.

He remembered some of the widespread rumors in the past at his alma mater, St. Kent College…

If those rumors are really so miraculous, then saving an old man shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Peter Parker nervously dialed the phone in the principal’s office, and while he was waiting, he glanced at Uncle Ben, and his eyes were hazy:

“With great power comes great responsibility…”

“I was capable, but I didn’t make a move because of my selfishness… Uncle Ben, I was wrong! I was really wrong! Please don’t leave me! ”

“I have lost my father and mother… I don’t want to lose you! ”

The next moment, the call went through.

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