082 obesity, lizardification

“Peter, just now you said about the Ten Commandments Gang? Didn’t they attack the Ministry of the Sea and take the initiative to find death, and they were all surrounded and suppressed? How did it have anything to do with where you went to school again? ”

Ben Parker pondered the previous conversation in his head, quite puzzled.

“And the Tony Stark you just said, this big rich man I have heard, TV reports are full of his news every day, saying that he made a steel suit himself, known as Iron Man.”

“But what did you just say about Antonio?”

“Antonio, this young man, I have also met several times, is just a very strong young man, how can he be involved with the Ten Rings Gang?”

Peter Parker thought about it, but still explained to Ben Parker:

“Uncle Ben, don’t believe those TV news reports, those are fake news, fake!”

“I tell you, the Ten Rings Gang was not wiped out by the Sea Ministry at all, but because the Mandarin of the Ten Rings Gang died and found fault with our academy, and then… Then it became those announced in the news media. ”

Peter Parker dismissed:

“It’s all about fooling the flat-headed people!”

These secrets, Peter Parker hides in his heart very awkwardly, there is a feeling of cat scratching.

But he didn’t dare to leak it casually.

After thinking about Uncle Ben’s situation, telling him these things was definitely not a problem.

Now with your mouth open, it’s nice not to be holding on to a secret.

In the future, I pulled Uncle Ben to keep the secret together, and it was good for the two of them to have a care.


No man’s deep sky, full of stars.

Clark floated in the air, unimpressed.

“Spider-Man has completely appeared, and there will be a lot of things this holiday.”

“, 1 And not one, but two … I wonder what it will turn out to be like with Ben Parker’s participation? ”

Clark muttered, feeling bottomless.

He shook his head and turned to leave:

“No matter how the situation changes, what I should worry about now is the situation in St. Kent.”

“The holidays arrived, a group of graduates left, and the next thing was to recruit new students, and recruit new mentors…”

Clark scratched his head:

“Although these things are handled by Jean, it doesn’t feel good to push all these things to Qin…”

The figure flickered, and Clark had skimmed the convenience store near Peter’s house.

The gaze swept over the fat cashier, and Clark’s eyes were a little strange:

“It’s actually a mutant.”

“Being able to find a career in such a mixed place is also a level of some hidden ability.”

“Does a fat body look like it’s just fat? But in my opinion, there is an explosive element in these fat… Where is this fat man, this is a moving barrel of dynamite! ”

Clark shook his head.

He didn’t expect that he would accidentally find a mutant in such a place.

After his observation, it can be concluded that the latter’s ability is that its own fat meat turns into meat bombs and throws out.

An ability that is very explosive.

But if you want to use it, it is estimated that it will be very painful, because each explosion is equivalent to a self-explosion and self-harm!

When Peter Parker was shopping, he once sensed something wrong, that is, the spider sensing early warning to Peter Parker.

It’s just that because the cashier doesn’t have a killing intention, these hunches won’t be too strong.

Clark observed for a moment and then turned to leave.

The mutant was already hidden in the city, and Clark didn’t need to disturb the latter’s life.

He should now think about the Elu cat in the principal’s room.

A shovel officer definitely can’t be a shovel officer, and he won’t be a shovel officer in this life.

So give the cat to others to raise, and pet the cat when you are idle and bored.

“Decided, go back and ask Qin if she likes cats.”

Clark now lives at St. Kent College, as does Jean and others.

And because of the relationship that they grew up together, Jean lived next door to Clark, and there was no one closer to that.


Early the next morning, Jean received a gift from Clark.

Jean is very satisfied with the humanity and dexterity of the Ailu cat, and she especially likes the latter.

But for the gift giver, Jean is very dissatisfied.

They have already given her gifts, and they don’t want to ask her out for a cup of coffee and a movie or something, and even if they don’t want to go to McDonald’s KFC.

As a result, the fool didn’t say anything, it was really a wood attribute.

Qin thought about it, and had to sigh helplessly.

The person she likes has such a personality.


At the same time, things got better on Peter Parker’s side.

In just one night, Ben Parker’s body had improved by eight or nine times, as if he had never been injured.

Such a recovery ability is enough to make ordinary people cry.

After making sure that Uncle Ben was okay, Peter Parker collected his mood and went to Dr. Connors’ laboratory as an errand.

Dr. Connors’s research is nearing completion, and it will soon be time to bear fruit, and at this juncture, Peter Parker, a great hero, can not be less.

The mice that had been injected with the sample serum were still healthy and alive, which made the entire laboratory highly motivated.

Dr. Connors, in particular, has heard that the one-armed doctor has slept only five or six hours a day for a long time.

Peter Parker expressed his concern about this, fearing that the latter would die suddenly.

But Anne is looking at it for now! When everyone is united, it is not good to discourage others at this time.

Instead of that, let it be.

Peter Parker went to the culture tank in the laboratory, glanced at the dog and found that another mouse was not moving.

This is normal.

Dozens of laboratory mice, one of them is too normal, at most they need to worry about infection.

If only one of them has a problem, and the others have no problem, then it can be ignored.

As – normal attrition.

When Peter was cleaning up the mouse, he suddenly found the mouse’s limbs and vaguely found something scaly.

This brought a touch of gloom to Peter’s heart.

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