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208 Third Chance

After some exchange with Nick Fury, Clark finally hung up the communication and did not continue the conversation.

Because, the waves are coming again!

In the solemn gaze, Clark raised his head slightly, and vaguely saw the spaceship from far and near through the starry sky.

Seemingly inconspicuous little dots.

But after a short moment, it has become a giant ship covering the sky.

And such a ship with countless alien styles can be seen in appearance, and it is now parked in the sky above Manhattan!

This moment has affected countless people in an instant!

Communication was opened again in an instant.

Clark glanced at it.

It was Nick Fury’s who just hung up.

Clark was about to hang up directly, but after thinking about it, he still connected the signal.

“Mr. Clark, I just got the news that an alien spacecraft directly broke through the atmospheric shield and came to the sky over Manhattan!”

Clark’s voice was still calm:

“I already know, I will deal with this matter.”

“Director Nick, continue your original plan, don’t let some unexpected twists and turns affect your original plan.”

“Even if you know that there are some omissions, this moment can only proceed according to the original plan, because from the current situation, there is no time to make a more perfect plan!”

“This….. Well, got it, Principal Clark, I hope all the best on your side too. ”

Nick Fury’s communication was hung up, and then the phone rang again.

Clark glanced at it, then immediately connected.

This is a communication from Jean, and it is estimated that she has been contacting Clark at the beginning, but she was still preempted by Nick Fury and occupied the line for a while.

“Jean, it’s me.”

“Clark – did you see the spaceship that appeared in the sky? Is that… I think they should be coming at you. ”

“Do you want us to do it first?”

Clark’s voice was steady, calming the slightly agitated Jean:

“Jean, I’m okay. This spacecraft apparently has other purposes. ”

“Leave it to me, Jean, don’t be impulsive until I speak.”

“Okay, Clark, I’m all this time.”

Jean’s tone was very tangled, but in the end, he agreed.

She didn’t know exactly what Clark was going to do now, but based on what she knew about Clark, she could vaguely guess something.

According to the trust she had in Clark, no matter how flustered her heart was, her decision remained the same: to trust Clark completely.

Hung up the communication again, although there were still calls nearby, but Clark did not pay attention this time, but soared into the sky.

The seemingly small figure flew straight into the sky, broke through countless cloud shackles, and came to the gradually descending alien spaceship.

Or rather, the advance ship of Krypton!

A figure was already standing in front of the spaceship, looking at Clark from a distance, as if he had expected Clark’s return.

His burly and robust body, resolute and senseless face, combined with that unique proud and domineering temperament, all show that he is extraordinary.

The two sword eyebrows suddenly raised, and as Clark’s figure appeared in front of him, Zod showed a rare smile.

That familiar temperament, that somewhat similar face.

Nostalgic and infuriating!

Descendants of Joel, bearers of the Book of Life!

Zod’s voice was thunderous:

“Karl El! Welcome back! ”

“I know that we are not familiar with each other, but I also believe that you will soon understand me and trust me, after all, we both have the blood of Krypton!”

“Carl El, welcome back! I’m Zod, your father’s best friend! ”

“I believe that we will also work together to recreate the glory of Krypton!”

Clark looked indifferent, did not take advantage of Zod, but asked the question he wanted to know the most:

“How did you get here?”

Clark thought he was hiding something secretive.

But Zod descended directly over Manhattan in the Advance Rider spacecraft, and such a targeted location has said a lot.

Zod’s face changed, and he gradually became indifferent:

“It seems – I overestimated your self-awareness, I thought you were still a compatriot, the previous two changes were caused by your strangeness, but now it seems…”

“Karl El! I’ve given you three chances! But you disappointed me so much! ”

Zod growled at Clark:

“You, like your father, betrayed Krypton! Betrayed us! ”

The next moment, the space seemed to shake together, and Clark punched forward, already striking!

Zod gritted his teeth, but finally resisted the blow.

Clark was expressionless and continued to ask:

“I ask you to answer! How did you find here! ”

The previous indifference has disappeared.

The indifference in Clark’s eyes was shocking.

This is because Zod has completely offended his anti-scale!

Borough of Manhattan, St. Kent College, and – Jean!

Zod’s arrival keeps everything safe! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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