Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 1009 The Fall Of Talokan And Wakanda

"Black Panther is fucking rich!"

Deadpool couldn't help mumbling, and couldn't help but think in his heart, how wonderful it would be if he had so much money...

However, compared to now, not to mention having the power of Superman, he can also go to different worlds to perform tasks. The most important thing is that he and his favorite Vanessa can both have endless lives through the main god. , this is the happiest place for Deadpool.

The only bad thing is that I have to pay back the money...

"Forget it, Black Panther is dead anyway, and there will be no more Black Panther in this world."

Deadpool shrugged, and flew straight into the sky, high up in the air, and flew again towards the place where the nuclear explosion had occurred before.

He is going to Taloqan, and by the way, take away Taloqan's Vibranium.

Soon, Deadpool with Flight Ability arrived at the place where the nuclear explosion happened before. At this moment, the high temperature has not dissipated, and there are dead places within a hundred miles, not to mention living people, even a living fish nothing.

The previous nuclear explosion caused the sea water to boil directly, and the sea became a hot pot, and countless sea fish were cooked directly. At the same time, there is still very strong radiation in this sea area. Normal people approaching here can only die. one.

Definitely, Deadpool is certainly no ordinary person.

Let’s not talk about him now, even the former Deadpool didn’t have any worries about nuclear radiation, so he just swaggered and plunged into the sea. The scalding water didn’t matter too much to Deadpool. Threat, his goal is very clear, through Super Vision, Deadpool locked the city of Talokan.

He is going to take the Vibranium of Talocan directly, and take it away.

Although Talokan is hidden hundreds of meters deep under the sea, facing a close-range nuclear strike, there is no living person in Talokan at this moment, and the death of Talokan people is quite miserable. Few people were directly cooked by the high temperature sea water, making this underwater city like a purgatory on earth.

Definitely, Deadpool also turned a blind eye to all of this, swimming directly towards his goal.

"Although they are all undersea cities, Talocan is obviously not as good as Atlantis next door."

When he came to Talocan, Deadpool couldn't help complaining. Although everyone died, the buildings here are very well preserved, but the city of Talocan doesn't look very modern, it's simply backward The entire undersea city is pitch black at the moment, except for a super-large light bulb above the palace. I don’t know if it is this light bulb that provides light for the entire Talocan.

"I'm afraid there is only one light bulb in the whole country?"

Deadpool couldn't help complaining, and called out the main god.

"Lord God, take all the Vibranium in Talocan."

In order to repay the debt, Deadpool was very proactive, without any laziness. After receiving Wakanda's Vibranium, he came to Taloqan non-stop. Wasn't it just to pay back the money he owed as soon as possible?

"Get 5,000 tons of Vibranium, and get 5 million reward points."

The indifferent voice of the Lord God rang in Deadpool's ears, which made Deadpool feel even more joyful.

"Sure enough, it's a poor man. Vibranium is not as much as other people's Wakanda."

Deadpool took a sip, glanced at the empty Talokan again, then turned and left quickly.

Although it is miserable, it really has nothing to do with Deadpool. It was America who ordered the use of nuclear weapons. The only thing Deadpool can do for you is to deal with America. Maybe in the future, if you have a chance, I will help you give America, an evil country, to the world. Extinct, it can be regarded as revenge for you.

But having said that, among the many worlds in Myriad Realms China, America in many worlds has already perished, either falling apart or being destroyed directly.

Receiving five million reward points again, Deadpool couldn't wait to do the next mission, so he flew in the direction of Huaguo, and he wanted to ask Chen Mu if there were any other missions that could make money.

Getting a task like Vibranium this time is simply easy and enjoyable and earns a lot of money. If this continues, it will take less than a year for me to pay off all my debts in one go.

For Deadpool, the mission this time is indeed very simple.

After a while, Deadpool came to Huaguo, and found Chen Mu who was basking in the sun at Chen Mu's temporary residence by the sea.

"Chen Mu, the task is completed, I am exhausted."

Seeing Chen Mu basking in the sun, Deadpool wasn't too polite, and just lay down on a recliner next to him. He also likes basking in the sun very much now, which can make him stronger very quickly. No one doesn't like the feeling of becoming stronger. .

"Tired? Hehe."

Chen Mu chuckled, what is Deadpool pretending to be?

"How is it going?"

In the past, Chen Mu couldn't stand the war between Wakanda and Talocan, so he didn't pay attention to them, and started to relax and take a vacation with all his heart. Now that Deadpool came back, he just asked a question.

"Huh, fortunately, the Vibranium of Wakanda and Talokan have been packaged and handed over to the Lord God, and I have also received 10 million reward points."

Deadpool was very happy, and he opened his main god watch, wanting to see how happy Balance was, but the next moment, his face darkened.

All the reward points were cleared, or in other words, the main god deducted him without any hesitation.

This also makes Deadpool's reward point balance, now a big zero.

This made Deadpool a little speechless, and a little bit deeply shocked.

I worked so hard for two days, I thought I could appreciate my increased balance, but in the end, my balance was still a big zero. Fortunately, the Lord God didn't show him a negative, otherwise Deadpool might not be able to help but want to jump off the building.

"Let me tell you, the two countries of Wakanda and Talokan..."

Deadpool wanted to complain about the strange war between these two countries, but Chen Mu interrupted directly.

"Don't, don't, don't say it, I don't want to hear it."

Chen Mu was poisoned by the war between the two countries, so when he heard that Deadpool wanted to say this, he quickly stopped him.

I deliberately don't want to know about this process, so please don't spoil it to me, it's quite annoying.

"You just need to say the final result."


Deadpool nodded, and continued: "Talokan and Wakanda's armies are dead, Talocan is destroyed, and Wakanda is almost the same. They lost Vibranium, they are backward and ignorant African tribes, according to them in the past few years What you have done internationally has provoked many countries, and it will not be long before Wakanda will also embark on the back road of Talokan and directly destroy the country."

Who made the people in Wakanda too high-profile and arrogant internationally, which can be said to have offended everyone, and now no country will lend a helping hand to them.

"Well, this is also what they did to themselves, and they narrowed the road by themselves."

Chen Mu nodded without any surprise.

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