Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 105 Open The Door To Check The Water Meter

"It's all movie special effects, whoever believes in it is an idiot!"

On Twitter, a large number of people from the Lighthouse country dismissed the videos circulating on the Internet. In their view, these are impossible things. Maybe the moon cakes in the first half are real. The honor guard of the flower planters, It is also well-known all over the world, and the moon cakes are the same this time, which shocked all audiences.

But obviously, when the mecha appeared, the style of painting changed suddenly, and it seemed unreal.

"Is this the promotional video of our new Hollywood movie? It looks cool!"

"Looking at the special effects, it's so real, it must be our Bollywood! I heard that Jinge, a well-known Chinese actor, wants to invest in a movie in the flower planter. This must be a promotional film."

"But why does it look like the main character is from Huaguo?"

"It's funny, how do you know that our third brother is not in the mecha?"

"In the video, it's obviously the mecha army of my Great Cold Nether Kingdom, the shameless flower planters, who edited the video of my mecha army into their military parade."

"As we all know, the video can be posted. This video must be fake. Didn't the painting style change after seeing the mecha come out? As for the stick? This universe is created by you, and the mecha is so low-end. You can also look at things?"

"You guys are the ones. What can't be realized in reality, you can only find your confidence in anime!"


On the Internet, there was a lot of quarrel about the flower planter mooncake ceremony, but most people didn't seem to believe the authenticity of the video, and even people from several countries were quarreling online. .

As for the situation in the flower planter's country, it is peaceful and the atmosphere is warm, as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Definitely, when the forest is big, there are indeed all kinds of birds. Even in this kind of high-spirited and enthusiastic situation, there are still people who are bad-mouthing flower growers, and even some cockroaches will make some people laugh. Speech out.

Beaten Jing: "It's nothing more than militarism, if this continues, the country is doomed!"

"Everyone, come and see, the beating spirit has appeared, come and beat the street rats."

Beaten: "Hehe, the quality of people in this country is low."

"In my opinion, these weapons are useless at all, not to mention those so-called mechas, they are useless, just based on the aerodynamic structure, it is completely ridiculous to make the mecha into a human shape What's more, such a small mech can't hold any weapons, maybe even a pistol!"

"I even wonder, how can this battle armor be useful?"

Being beaten, as a well-known "Kingchi" on the Internet, some remarks are really funny. Nowadays, rabbits are different from before, and will easily listen to some of his ridiculous remarks. At the moment's beating has already become Everyone shouted and beat the rats crossing the street.

However, after all, they are paid, so the beating spirit has never been bothered to care about the abuse of netizens. Anyway, there is money to be made. For people like it, what is it to slander their motherland?

"Ahem, everyone listen to me carefully, you see, this battle armor is so small, it is impossible to have enough energy, maybe it is already a big problem just to move, maybe it takes two steps There will be no electricity!"

"Above the moon cake style, these battle armors are just toys in my opinion. Maybe the shell is made of plastic, and all the power is used for flight!"

"Isn't there a toy factory in China recently, called Huaqiangbei? It imitated the steel battle suit toys of Iron Man in the Big Lighthouse Country. Maybe these so-called mechas were made by this toy factory, but they were used to fool Hiroto. It's just a toy!"

It has to be said that on this point, the beating spirit was actually wrong. These battle armors were really made by Huaqiangbei.

"As for someone saying, Tony Stark's Iron Armor from the Beacon Country, please, that is the Lighthouse Country, the most powerful country in the world, Tony Stark is the smartest person in the world, he must be able to create a steel armor, But it’s definitely impossible for a flower grower!”

"So, listen to me, it's all just a trick!"

Satisfied, after posting the last remarks, the beating spirit took out his mobile phone, looked at the bank's incoming text message, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

It's not shabby to make money.

"Bang bang bang."

"Open the door and check the water meter."

The beater, who was secretly enjoying himself while watching the incoming text messages, could not help but shudder when he heard the knock on the door and the sound outside, and subconsciously said loudly: "The water meter is outside, you just go and check it!"

"I'm Shunfeng Express, and I have your package!"

"I haven't bought anything before, you sent it to me by mistake!" Short Dakini chrysanthemum tightened.

"Our company held an event. You are a lucky customer of our company. You won a prize of 10,000 yuan. Come out and get it."

"I don't want prizes, please help me donate to the impoverished mountainous areas!" At this moment, Xiao Dakin felt bad.

"Blast a group, get ready!"


The Internet is not a place outside the law. I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds.


Now in the whole world, it is recognized that the most powerful weapons and equipment are still the f22 fighter jets and aircraft carrier battle groups of the lighthouse country.

I can still believe a little bit of the J-20 you made, but what kind of aerospace aircraft carrier did you make? Who would believe it?

A thing weighing 100,000 tons, you tell me it can fly into the sky?

Is this scientific? This unscientific!

And all kinds of steel armor?

Are you kidding me, Iron Armor is such a powerful thing, it should only be owned by our Great Lighthouse Country. Iron Man is the spiritual pillar of the Lighthouse Country. If you make movies and play special effects, why bother with our Iron Man?

"Do you believe that an aircraft carrier can fly? Do you believe that such a big thing as building an aircraft carrier can be done quietly by flower growers? So, this must be a fake!"

Therefore, on the Internet, many foreigners are skeptical about this mooncake.

Believe it or not, how can someone who is used to pride and conceit be willing to believe that other countries will develop faster than themselves?

Anyway, not many people on the Internet now believe everything in the video. Many ordinary people actually think that this is a scam by flower growers, that everything is fake, and that it is impossible for a backward country to have such things. Outrageous futuristic weapon.

After all, even their most "great", "advanced", and "powerful" lighthouse country does not have these weapons, why should other countries have them?

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