Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 116 The Portal Gate In Hand

However, Chen Mu knew that Ancient One did not have any objection to China when he said this. As the leader of the magicians, he would never interfere with the civil wars on Earth or the wars of various countries.

Just like World War I and World War II, the kind of war that even affected the whole world, and they didn't see them intervene. Could it be that the development of Huaguo will attract their stop?

Absolutely not!

Regarding this point, Chen Mu is very clear, the holy place magician is not like a shameless organization like S.H.I.E.L.D, it is an organization that really protects the earth!

"so what?"

Chen Mu smiled indifferently, looked at Ancient One magician seriously, and asked, "So, Ancient One magician, what do you think of our Huaguo?"

"So, Hua Guo, what do you think of magicians?"

In this regard, Ancient One did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Hua Guo is a very inclusive country. You can also see that there is no resistance to magic at all. There are even magic weapons installed on the aerospace aircraft carrier."

For the emergence of magic, although the upper echelon of Huaguo was full of surprise, that was all. They didn't seem to hate the emergence of magic, so they began to suppress it. Instead, they began to study magic out of curiosity.

Magic is completely different from technology. Therefore, Huaguo even sent a group of people to study magic theory from scratch. Although there is no systematic magic knowledge here in Chen Mu, and there are only a few magic circuits, but this is it, These people are learning with a very cautious mood.

I didn't start to oppose magic just because the appearance of magic is contrary to the three views that have been established for a long time.

This is the nation of Hua, which is highly tolerant. It is easy to accept foreign knowledge, and it is good at extracting its essence and integrating it into its own system.

"Indeed, it is very inclusive."

Ancient One nodded, and had no objection to this.

As someone who has lived for thousands of years, she can be said to have witnessed this with her own eyes.

"We hope to be able to learn magic recently, but we have been unable to do so."

Chen Mu did not hide this, but looked at Ancient One seriously.

"I know that."

In fact, Ancient One also knew about this, and there was also a reason for coming to see Chen Mu.

"Ancient One magician, what is the purpose of your magicians in this world?"

"Resist the invasion of other worlds."

This is the job of magicians.

"So, you magicians also need strength."

Chen Mu smiled, looked at Ancient One seriously, and said: "I heard before that there are magicians in Kathmandu. We are planning to organize a group of people to go there and study magic."

In the Marvel Movie Universe, Kamar-Taj is located in the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, and in some parallel worlds, Kamar-Taj is located in China, and even Ancient One himself is a Chinese.

And this is why the Ancient One of this world still respects Hua Guo and Chen Mu.

"I know, so I came here."

In this regard, there is no way to hide it from the Ancient One magician. After being exposed to magic, Huaguo was prepared to organize some determined people to go to Nepal to try their luck after being reminded by Chen Mu. Maybe they will be able to get in touch with the magician.

Definitely, magician also has three holy places, in New York, London and Hong Kong, but because they don't know the exact location, so they didn't make a fuss, but planned to go directly to magician's base camp.

"You want to learn magic?"

Ancient One looked at Chen Mu curiously, and was a little curious about this point.

Although he knew their thoughts, he didn't know the reason, so Ancient One decided to ask.

"Hua Guo is also committed to protecting this world." Chen Mu looked at Ancient One and continued: "If the crisis really comes one day, can we only count on the magician?"


Maybe this is really a way to deal with future crises?

Ancient One fell silent, and began to think about Chen Mu's words.

"Originally, we planned that after learning systematic magic, we would return to our own country and start promoting learning, so that all people with magical ability can come into contact with magic and learn magic."

This is a big plan. It can be said that it has opened up another road after the road of science and technology!

After the high-level meeting in Huaguo, they all agreed to this approach.

Magic and technology develop at the same time and go hand in hand!


Ancient One choked for breath, and was a little startled by Chen Mu's words.

How many people are there in Huaguo? 1300000000!

How many young people of the right age are there? There are 400 million people under the age of 18!

This is an unimaginable number, even if there are only one-tenth of the people with magic ability, there are a full 40 million of these people!

If these 40 million people have all learned magic...

Dormammu? Mo Faith to?

Come and get beaten!

Besides, magic does not mean that only young people can learn it. The magicians of the Ancient One lineage don’t even care about magic power. As long as they have magic ability, it doesn’t matter how old they are. magic.

Therefore, even older people will not have any problems, and they can also learn magic.

"The magician has been hidden from the world for too long, it is time to appear in the eyes of the world."

Chen Mu looked at Ancient One seriously, and said: "In case some people are always self-righteous, claiming to protect the earth, and end up doing messy things."

It is self-evident who this is talking about.


Ancient One is silent. She has been recruiting many apprentices. She will not refuse those who really love magic, and will even teach them very responsibly.

It's just that what Chen Mu said scared him, so many apprentices? how to teach?

"If the Ancient One magician agrees, we will establish a magic school to teach magic to people of the right age."

"Wizard school? Hogwarts?"

Ancient One couldn't laugh or cry, and asked amusedly: "Then have you considered how other countries will react to this?"

"How they react is none of my business!"

Chen Mu rolled his eyes, and didn't take it seriously, and continued: "How Huaguo develops is our own business, and we don't allow other people to point fingers."

In Chen Mu's idea, Huaguo can be like Asgard, where magic and magic can be developed at the same time. Even in the universe, many civilizations are like this, and few civilizations simply develop a certain line.

"Maybe you can try it?"

Ancient One smiled and looked at Chen Mu with inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"The future has changed a long time ago. I tried to correct the timeline, but found that no matter what I do, there seems to be no way to correct it. As long as you participate in it, the future development will move in an unknown direction."

The future is already messed up, so why try to fix it?

Just let nature take its course?

"Then, I look forward to meeting you next time."

Ancient One obviously acquiesced to Chen Mu's plan without any objection. After releasing the mirror space, he opened the portal and left the industrial park directly.

"During the analysis of the portal, 50%, ... 100%, the analysis was successful."

Unlocking the portal for the second time, Chen Mu looked curiously at the nearby portal disappearing, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Another signboard of Ancient One magician, here it is!

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