Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 154 Odin's Sleep

"By the way, I always feel that all of this is too much a coincidence. Obviously, Thor will be able to become the king of Asgard in a few days. Why would he contradict his father at this time."

Zheng Xian was a little speechless, and couldn't help complaining: "Could it be possible that this guy Thor must be a second idiot?"

"However, I am more inclined that he was framed by others. As for who, it seems that only Loki has this motivation and ability..."

The so-called authorities are obsessed with onlookers, Zheng Xian can easily see through everything, but everyone in Asgard who seems to be in it can't understand.


Regarding Zheng Xian's guess, Chen Mu was noncommittal, and was also amazed in his heart. This guy's speculation about Ability is really amazing!

All of this is indeed Loki's conspiracy. Compared with Thor, Loki seems to be more suitable to be a king.

But obviously, Odin never thought about it this way from the beginning to the end, who made him not his own?

At this moment, in order to find out the truth, Loki has come to Curry in Asgard, and he is very concerned about everything that happened in Jotonheim.

Loki discovers that he is not an Asgard, but a Frost titan.

After dismissing the guards, he came to the Jotonheim holy object, the Casket of Ancient Winters, and put his hands on the Casket of Ancient Winters.


Odin, who realized the problem, also appeared in the treasury at this moment, watching Loki touch the back of Casket of Ancient Winters, he couldn't help but want to stop it.

"So, am I cursed?"

Loki's low voice sounded, his voice was low, obviously he was not in a good mood.

"No, no."

Odin sighed.

"So, who am I?"

Loki turned around. At this moment, Loki's skin has turned purple, no different from Frost Titan.


Persevering, Odin could only sigh. To be honest today, he was also very depressed. His elder son bumped into him, and his younger son also discovered his secret.

"A thousand years ago, after the war between Asgard and Jotonheim, I found a baby in the ruins. He was the child abandoned by the Frost Titan King Lauf. I adopted him."

"So, my biological father is Lauf?"

Loki seems to be a bit broken. He has lived in Asgard for more than a thousand years. He has always been proud of being an Asgardian, but now, you tell me, all this is just deceiving himself. Loki, he is not an Asgardian. It's just a Frost titan raised from Jotonheim!

Even now, Loki has doubts about Odin's words.

Was he really abandoned by Lauf, not snatched by him?

"You lied to me. You originally said that Thor and I both have the qualifications to become kings. As a result, you have always been full of doting on Thor, but you didn't care about me."

Loki seemed very broken, walked towards Odin, and questioned fiercely: "I always thought that because he inherited all your advantages, great strength, and that bright golden long hair, he just ignored me, I always thought that I was not doing well enough, trying hard to get your attention."

"As a result, all of this is fake. In your heart, I don't have any sense of existence at all. In your eyes, there is only Thor!"

Loki approached Odin, his eyes were full of hatred, but Odin put his hands on his chest, in fact, he felt guilty towards Loki in his heart.

Odin knows better than anyone else that only by mastering the power of Odin can he command Asgard, and as an adopted son, Loki does not have this potential at all.

It was said in the past that he is also qualified to compete for the throne, and he was just fooling Loki.

"You liar! In your heart, I can never be the king of Asgard!"

Well, maybe it is very different from the Huaguo people. When Loki knew his true identity, he didn't care who his biological father was, and he didn't even care what race he was.

All he cares about is one thing.

From the very beginning, there was no possibility of becoming the king of Asgard.

He was cheated, he couldn't become king, even now, what he was struggling with was still this matter.


After receiving too much stimulation today, the elderly Odin coughed twice, his expression seemed to be getting older, and he sat on the ground slowly, unexpectedly, he fell down leaning on the stairs, and his consciousness fell into a coma.


There are still many Loki who are unhappy and want to release, he can't help but stop when he sees this, and he can't help being stunned after seeing Odin fall into a coma.

Good guy, the father is not mad at himself, is he?

Definitely, just this weird thought flashed in his mind, and Loki came back to his senses, knowing what happened.

"Guard, come here! Guard, come help! My father is in Odin's sleep!"

Odin, who is already very old at this moment, will enter Odin's sleep from time to time to slow down the aging of his body. Now Odin, who is too old, must use this to fight against time if he wants to continue to survive.

With Loki's shout, a group of guards ran over, helping Loki in a hurry, and carried Odin back to the bedroom. At this moment, Asgard was running quickly, and it seemed very busy for a while.

"Wait, the father fell into a long sleep, and Thor was expelled?"

Loki, who was still very anxious, suddenly thought of a problem.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, now it’s all right, the old Odin fell into a long sleep, and he still doesn’t know if he can wake up, and Thor, the successor, was expelled to the lower realm, that doesn’t mean that he is the best candidate now The heir?

Good guy, as expected of a father-worshipper, Loki just found out who his biological father is, but he has no pressure in his heart and doesn't care about it at all, while his adoptive father Odin has fallen into a long sleep, and he doesn't know if he can wake up. Loki's first consideration was that he had a chance to ascend to the throne?

Therefore, the witty Loki began to use his identity and began to operate. Soon, he arranged everything properly, and Loki, who was dressed in a costume, had already arrived at the Asgard hall, holding the Odin to represent power. The scepter stepped onto the throne of Asgard and sat on it.

The throne takes turns, and today is finally mine!

Sitting on the throne, Loki was very proud. His father fell into a long sleep. For him, this was a sudden surprise. He was still planning to make Thor lose his inheritance qualifications. Gave myself this great opportunity.

"No, I have to find a way to prevent Thor from returning to Asgard. In this way, I can always sit firmly on the throne."

After enjoying the throne for a few minutes, Loki suddenly had a second thought.

In this case, even if his father wakes up, all this is a foregone conclusion, and he will have a chance to sit firmly on the throne forever!

Loki's feelings for Asgard are not fake. After all, he has long regarded himself as an Asgard in this life for more than a thousand years, so what Loki, who has ascended the throne, is thinking about doing a career to prove that Show the old man that he has enough Ability to rule Asgard and prove that he is more suitable for the throne than that reckless Thor.

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