Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 208 The First Asgardian

"This is the mirror of the multi-universe, through which you can leave the world you are in."

After making simple arrangements, Chen Mu was about to contact Yuatu.

In front of him, a barrier like a crystal appeared.

Behind the mirror is the real Yuatu, he said to Chen Mu.

"Does the multi-universe mirror?"

Chen Mu reached out his hand out of curiosity, and placed it on the mirror. There was nothing in front of him, but the mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Multi-universe mirror, parsing, 1%, 5%,..."

"The multi-universe mirror is a strange substance. It is the wall of different multi-universes, located at the edge of the world, but it is everywhere. As long as you can break through this mirror, you can leave the current world. universe."

Yuatu calmly said to Chen Mu: "When you see the mirror image, it means that you can leave this world. You just need to open a portal and you can step out of your world."


Chen Mu raised his brows, that is to say, after his own system has cracked the multi-universe mirror image, can he summon it at any time, and then pass through it?

Definitely, the premise is that you need to know where is behind the mirror, otherwise you will not even know where you have traveled.

Hearing what Yuatu said, Chen Mu directly tried to open the portal. Good guy, he opened the portal right on the opposite side of the multi-universe mirror. potential.

"Welcome to my world."

When Chen Mu passed through the portal, he came to a magical place.

This is a world surrounded by many small mirrors, and on both sides, there are walls composed of countless mirrors. Extending infinitely toward both ends.

If you look carefully, these small mirrors are displaying different pictures.

Obviously, a mirror represents a world, and the images displayed on the mirror are what is happening in these worlds.

The observer, Yuatu, observes these worlds through these pictures.

Definitely, these pictures are not static, and the observer can shift the perspective at will to observe different parts of the world.

Awesome, a mirror is a screen, how many "screens" are there? As an observer, Yuatu, how many worlds are you watching at the same time?

It's amazing, it's like a viewer, watching countless TVs at the same time, watching countless different programs, fortunately he can still watch it, it's really amazing!

Chen Mu turned his head and looked, good guy, he also saw his own world, and now his own world has not intersected with any mirror surface, and has been isolated independently.

This is what Yuatu said, isolating his world alone.

"Hello, Observer Yuatu."

Chen Mu looks like Yuatu. This is a titan with a height of several meters. He is wearing a blue turtleneck and has a huge head. Standing in front of Chen Mu, Chen Mu has to look up. he.

This is the first time Chen Mu actually saw the observer.

"Chen Mu, next, go to summon the first Asgardian, she is called Carter, in her world, she replaces Steve and becomes the captain, she will be the first Asgardian, I will send you to her In this era, I hope you can let her know her responsibilities, so that she can answer her call when faced with threats in the future."

Yuatu didn't mean to waste any time when Chen Mu arrived, and he directly stated the action plan this time.

"Captain Carter?"

Chen Mu raised his brows. According to Carter, it should be the female instructor who appeared in the Captain America plot, and also, the dream lover of Captain America Rogers.

She is also one of the founders who established S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You may not know who Captain America is. In 1943, the U.S. military will look for a super soldier project. Steve Rogers will be selected to become a super soldier. After this genetic modification, Steve Rogers will be Possessing great strength, he became Captain America and contributed a lot to the Second World War."

Yuatu thought that Chen Mu hadn't come into contact with Captain America during the time period, and because Chen Mu never seemed to care about the history of America, so he thought that Chen Mu didn't know who Captain America was, so he simply explained it.

"As for Captain Carter, because of a small different choice, Rogers in this world did not become Captain America, but Carter became the test subject of transformation, possessing the same power as Captain America."

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded and understood who is Captain Carter?

"No problem, my task is just to tell Captain Carter that there will be some crises affecting the multi-universe in the future, so that she can come forward when the time comes, is it that simple?"

For this simple task, Chen Mu felt that there was no problem at all.

"Yes, this is your task."

Yuatu nodded calmly, and then continued: "definitely, you have other tasks, you need to try your best to influence the development of that world, if it is you, then this world will not be born again The branch line of the timeline, which will also prevent possible crises in the future."

Therefore, what Youatu meant was that when Chen Mu went to that world, he could do whatever he wanted, and the bigger the changes, the better.

In this way, it can be regarded as completely affecting that world.

That's a good thing! In that world, Chen Mu doesn't need to have any worries and can do whatever he wants.

And what Chen Mu wants to do is to make China great again.

In 1943, at this point in time, the Second World War was in full swing, but at this time, it was also the most difficult time for China.

Facing the invasion of the Japanese kingdom, the country of Hua, which was lonely in the Qing Dynasty, and facing the wolf-like Japanese army, the whole country fell into a miserable nightmare.

And if Chen Mu can reach this time, he will return to his own country without any hesitation.

Then, without any reason at all, they took out all kinds of advanced weapons to deal with Japan, a sinful country like a wolf like a tiger.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu suddenly became impatient.

He felt that one minute later, Huaguo in that world would suffer more.

"Send me there."

Chen Mu took a deep breath, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

The Marvel world he came to appeared in the 21st century. If it had appeared during World War II, he would have returned to his homeland without any hesitation, and then took up arms to defend his country.

He thought that this kind of thing would never have the chance to happen again, but the appearance of the multi-universe gave him this chance.

Now that Yuatu, as an observer, has said that he is allowed to do whatever he wants, and the bigger the better, then Chen Mu has decided that he will directly destroy that evil country.

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